
1. Go to the control panel and click User Groups.

2. Click Create new group

3. Enter a name of the group, select whether this a permissions group and/or notification group and click Save.

Tip: Describe in the Notes field for the group what the purpose of the group is.

Notification group

Notifications are sent from the emergency preparedness module.

Permissions group

4. Click the Permissions tab to set up permissions for the group.

5. Click the module for which you want to define permissions.

All modules marked with a green check mark are available to define own permissions. You cannot define own permissions for modules marked in white. These modules have separate system groups that grants permissions.

The illustration above does not necessarily correspond to the current list as the system is being developed and new options are being made available.

6. To set up permissions, click Enable permissions for this group.

7. Edit the permissions by checking and unchecking the boxes in the matrix. Click Save when done.

Description of selection:

To module overview

Navigates back to the module overview

Select module

Quick selector for the module for which you want to view/define permissions

Copy permissions from another group

You can work on the basis of another group's permissions when setting up your own


Saves changes you have made


Resets changes to the previous save

Remove all rights

The module's permissions are disabled

Create, Configure, Access to the module

Create: permissions to create new records

Access to module: the users does not have access to the module if this is not checked

Note: These selections may vary from module to module.

8. When you have set up the permissions, you can edit who is a member by clicking on the Members tab.

Changes made to permissions take effect immediately.

Note: When adding or removing members from groups, users affected must log out and back in again for the new permissions to take effect.