Accounting is used in connection with Bundles (transactions - appendices and postings). Accounting rules/connections are set up between article groups, VAT code and account. 

Accounting can be set up for: 

  • [0] Invoice [Out]

  • [1] Invoice/PO [In] (not in use)

  • [2] Consumption [Out] (not in use)

  • [3] Consumption [In] (not in use)

  • [4] Transactions 

It is bundled in either Inventory Warehouse or Consignment Warehouse.

  • Transactions of the type Inventory order, Work order, History, Count list (inventory only) are retrieved.

  • For Consignment Warehouse only withdrawal transactions are retrieved.

  • If only invoice approved are selected with consignment inventory retrieves only transactions that are connected to the automatically created PO lines, that are set to Invoice checkDone = 1 (FakturakontrollUtfort=1).

  • A debit and a credit line are created as posting per. transaction line

  • Debit account is retrieved from voucher setup type 4 [Transactions], managed by the article's article group.

  • Credit account is controlled by the warehouse where the transaction is entered against.

Rules for bundling

  • Inventory updating is not performed when goods are received on consignment warehouse (Deposit must be done manually using ‘Inventory order’).

  • Transactions connected to PO (input/reversal) are not included in the bundle file.

Transactions are included in bundling according to the following rules:

Transactiontypes:          Inventory warehouse        Consignment warehouse

Withdrawal                          x                              x 

Deposit                               x (Inventory orders)                                  

Adjust                                  x                                 


Ordretypes: Inventory warehouse       Consignment warehouse

1 Inventory order                 x                              x    

2 Purchase order                                                   

7 Work order                        x                              x       

10 Counting list                   x                                     

For more information, please contact our Support department. 

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