Designation: The designation usually reflects the company name, and displays on the log-in screen and other places.
Time zone: Set up time zone. Cannot be changed as this is controlled by the system clock in the Microsoft Azure environment.
WEB address: State the hostname for the system. The address is used to generate QR codes and for cURL (PDF generation).
Work Hours: Normal working hours can be set so that downtime (Event log) is only calculated in this time window (eg: 7-15). Valid only for Monday - Friday.
Date Format: Default setup with DD.MM.YYYY
Time format: Default setup with 24h
First Day of Week: Default setup with Monday
Log_errors: For use for Ørn Software AS
Strong password: One lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number and minimum 8 characters.
2FA: Two-factor authorisation: If this is activated, every user must confirm their contact information (mobile number or email) and install the authentication app the next time they log in. More info:
Single sign-on: SSO must be configured in VMWebAppConfig.ini. For assistance, contact our Support.
Physical path for uploading: Default folder for uploading documents and pictures.
Use path from document type: If this is activated, the path from the document types is used for uploading. Please note: Only valid for customers who do not use our cloud solution (Azure).
Max file size: Indicates the maximum size for uploading documents and pictures. Note: Upload max_filesize that is set in php.ini, see ‘System information’ and PHP info
Default Document type: If a document type is selected, this will be suggested as the default when creating a new document.
Messaging settings
SMTP server: This does not apply to customers who use our cloud system.
gate: This does not apply to customers who use our cloud system.
From Address: The address that is inserted here will be used as the From Address for all emails that the system sends out.
From: This is shown as the name on emails and SMSs that are sent out from the system.
SMTP Secure E-mail (this does not apply to anyone using our cloud system)
User and password: States the sender’s email address and password
Encryption: Select SSL or TLS
Only recipients selectable: If this is activated, only recipients are displayed when selecting the recipient to receive a message. This is set up under ‘System’ → ‘Messages’.
Edit messages before they are read by the recipient: If this is activated, the user can edit their sent messages until the recipient has read the message.
Automatic notification for readings outside the limits: If this is activated, a notification of measures will automatically be sent to the person set as the supervisor for a checklist if the reading indicated is outside the lower or upper alarm limit. Note: For checkpoint set up with the type ‘Calibration’, regardless of whether this is activated or not, an action message is sent when the ‘Calibrated’ value is outside the limit values.
One message per measure: If this is activated, a notification of measures per measure will automatically be sent when the checkpoint is saved or set to complete. If this is not activated, the notification of measures will not be sent until the applicable checklist is approved. All the measures are grouped by asset.
When this is activated, a notification of measures will immediately be sent for the sub-activity on the work order when a measure on the work order is registered.
Hide WO Notification: If this is activated, it will not be possible to switch on a notification of the number of days or hours before ‘From date’ or ‘From hours’ on a WO, or before ‘From date’ on a checklist. Note that if this is not activated, there is an option to hide notifications on WO for a specific user in 'Edit profile' on the user's profile, this can only be activated by the administrator.
Signature (Sender): If this is activated, the sender/logged-in user (name) will be inserted in the message.
Geolocation: If this is activated, geolocation can be activated/ inserted in a message and in the asset in mobile layout. If it is created, e.g. a work order on a message on which geolocation has been set, the map view (driving route) can be brought up via the work order.
Simplified Registering (messaging): If this is activated, a simplified registering screen will display. Note that this only applies to users who have been set up with the log-in type ‘Messaging’.
Hide assets (Simplified registering): If this is activated, assets cannot be linked to the message. Note that this only applies to users who have been set up with the log-in type ‘Messaging’.
Only recipients selectable (Simplified registering): If this is activated, only recipients are displayed (set up under ‘System’ → ‘Messages’) when selecting the recipient to receive a message. Note that this only applies to users who have been set up with the log-in type ‘Messaging’.
E-mail notification from Eventlog: If this is activated, there will be an email copy from the event log post.
Email copy to recipient: If this is activated, there will be an email copy of the message.
E-mail notification upon completion: If this is activated, there will be an email copy of the WO completion.
Email copy of measure: If this is activated, there will be an email copy of the measure from checkpoint and WO sub-activity.
Email notification to customers [Default No / Yes]: If this is activated and ‘Yes’ is activated, an email with a PDF file of the historical job will automatically be sent to the email address that is on the customer card when the job is approved. If this is set to ‘No’, you must manually check off ‘Send Notification’ in the completion screen if you want an email to be sent.
Info WO: Description, Work Description and Comments: These control what will accompany an email copy of the customer’s PDF file (historical job), i.e. whether there will be the description field, the work description or/and the comment field that should be included in the pdf report.
Attachment (email): If this is activated, pictures will be attached to the email.
Send message to the requsitioner (Default): If this is activated, a message is automatically sent to the person who submitted the message when the job is approved. Can be turned off in the completion screen.
External registration (customer-specific web address registration form)
When using an external registration address, a reference to the object (ID=) and to a specific registration address (REG=) can be entered in the link, so that these two fields are pre-filled when the registration form is opened. (For example …../reg_mel_dash.php?ID=223®=3). Please contact our support if there is a need for it.
Hide assets: If this is activated, the option to link to an asset on the external registration form is hidden. For deviation messages, this applies irrespective of whether the deviation was created from within the system or via the URL for deviation registration.
Hide Mailinglist: If this is activated, the option to link to a mailing list on the external registration form is hidden.
Hide Cost Carriers: If this is activated, the checkbox for ‘Details’ is hidden on the message, where there is the option to link to cost carriers and other message details on external registration form.
Deviation management (customer-specific web address of registration form for deviations)
Deviation registration requires login: If this is activated, you must be logged on in View to create a deviation message.
Close deviation when WO is approved: If this is activated, the deviation closes when all the connected work orders (tasks) are approved.
Copy text to WO: If this is activated, the text/description that is in the deviation is included in the work order (task).
Simplified Registering: If this is activated, a more simplified deviation registration screen displays. Among other things, it will not be possible to link an asset or a project to the deviation.
Miscellaneous system settings
Please wait until WO/Asset etc. is saved: If this is activated, you remain in e.g. the work order screen, or you get to the work order list after saving.
SJA: Can now be made available on all work orders, regardless of whether the jobs have an ‘SJA’ requirement.
RCA: Indicator on WO for RCA (Root cause analysis) with filter in AO/History.
Workpermit: Functionality for registering and signing work permits at WO. If this is activated, a special checkbox appears on the work order, as well as a special filter function in the work order list.
Exhange rate: This function is only displayed when 'NOK' is set as the default currency in the system. If this function is activated, the latest exchange rate is retrieved automatically from Norges Bank's API, and updates the exchange rates contained within the system 15.7.11 Currency. If this is not activated, there will be a separate button inside the currency register to update the exchange rates from the API of Norges Bank.
Profession group from responsible [WO]: The WO can be set up to inherit the profession group from the person who is set as responsible on the work order. If this is set here, the profession group can still be changed on the work order, and it will also change automatically if the responsible changes.
Description [asset] - - > WO: If this is activated, the description that is in the asset’s description field is automatically included in the work order’s description field when a new work order is created.
Approve own WO: If this is activated, users that do not have ‘AP1’ (Approval Work Order) are given permission in access control to approve the work orders that they themselves have created.
Completed = Executed date: If this is activated, the date the job was set to status 'Executed' is set as a suggested completion date when approving the job. If this is not activated, today's date is suggested as the completion date.
Hour calculation locked: If this is activated the field From/To time displays in the function for detailed time registration '+Hours', and the work hours are locked to prevent change in the time registration.
Description - -> Invoice: If this is activated, the description on the work order is included on the invoice (Service management).
Comments - - > Invoice: If this is activated, the comments on the work order are included on the invoice (Service management).
Invoiced Hours [on]: If this is activated, logged hours are transferred as standard to the field 'To be invoiced' in detailed time registration '+Hours'. (Service management).
Activity group ↔︎ Activity: If this is activated, only activities that are linked to the selected activity group will be selected when selecting an activity. Link between activity group and activities is made here 15.2.2 Activity.
Simplified time registration: If this is activated, you see a simplified screen for posting hours in the function for detailed time registration '+Hours', in which there is no field for From/To time.
Unique asset no.: If this is activated, you must insert a unique asset number. This is not effective retroactively if it is turned on afterwards.
Multi device: If this is activated, you can be logged into the system on both your mobile/tablet and desktop computer at the same time, if the user also has this activated in their user profile.
Expand lists to 500 records (Classic): If you want to have access to list expansion (500 rows) in all lists, this function must be activated.
Require WO when taking parts: If this is activated, it will not be possible to withdraw a part without a work order number.
Items [Assets]: If this is activated, you are authorised to manage assets as items, with separate item numbers, which makes it possible to connect items in/out to the asset, with associated item log. See separate description under ‘Assets’.
Notification [Meter reading]: Validation that the registered counter count is higher than the last registered. When this is active, it will not be possible to enter a counter level lower than the previous registration.
Only assigned can scan PMI: If this is activated, it is only the person who has been set as assigned to the checklist that can scan the QR codes on the checkpoints. In other words, it is only this person who will see these points and can set them to completed.
Open Shadow handling: If this is activated, the same shadow reference is permitted for different assets.
Show all [SELECT Project]: If this is activated, inactive projects are also shown on select lists.
Lock [Measures PMI]: If this is activated, you cannot create a new ‘Requires action' on a checkpoint if an active 'Requires action’ is already on the checkpoint. The prerequisite for this to work is that the checkpoint is not set to 'Completed' when the point is set/activated with 'Requires Action'. This functionality will also not work if the round is set up with 'Generate not completed [ Checkpoints]'.
Lock [Transactions Articles]: If this is activated, it is not possible to run transactions on articles.
Lock [Edit Purchase Order Lines]: If this is activated, the purchase order line is locked after receipt has been carried out on the order line.
System Language: Default system language is set here, i.e. Norwegian, Swedish, English, German or Polish. Every web user can also set their system language via ‘Edit profile’.
Reactive maintenance: Activity group for reactive maintenance is set here. Typically this is ‘reactive’ here (corrective maintenance unplanned). This will be used in the KPI indicator on ‘My page’.
Excel format: By default set to Excel 2007 (.xlsx). Used during import/export.
Memory Limit [PHP]: By default set to 128 MB. Used during import.
Do not allow negative stock: If this is activated, it will not be possible to make negative withdrawals from inventory.
Reduce stock [WO/Checklists]: If this is activated, by default, on approval, ‘Reduce stock’ will be checked on the approval screen. Note that this setting does not affect the automatic stock draw when approving a checklist where the unit at the lubrication point has the same unit as the article connected to the lubrication point. Here, it is deducted from the storage regardless of whether it is activated or not.
Supervisor -- > Assigned personnel [WO]: If this is activated, the person who has been set as the supervisor on a work order will also be inserted as the assigned personnel on the job.
Electronic signature [WO/Checklists]: If this is activated, it will not be possible to approve a WO or checklist without inserting the username and password on approval.
Priority [WO]: Fixed or floating. Fixed = 1, 2 or 3. Floating = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.
Default priority: If this is set as blank, the priority on the jobs will automatically be set on the basis of the asset’s criticality, i.e. A=1, B=2, C=3 and D=3.
Automatic parts list [Asset]: If this is activated, parts that are used on the work order are automatically added to the parts list of the asset, if the part is not already there.
Autogenerate article numbers: If this is activated, an article number is taken out in accordance with the selected/allocated meter under the menu point ‘System’ → 'Miscellaneous system settings’.
Structure [SELECT Storage]: If this is activated, the storage structure is displayed in the selections where stock is selected. For example. under ‘Articles’. Activate, for better viewing, if you have a deep storage structure.
Articles [For approval]: The system can be set up to require approval of new registered articles before they are put into use. Access to approval of new articles is set on the employee's user profile 17.0 Edit profile.
Default unit: By default is set to pcs and whatever is used on articles. Can be overridden within the article.
Reservation of articles: This is where you set the number of weeks ahead that articles/parts that are planned for work orders should be reserved.
Transaction Cost: This is where you set which parts cost should be used on withdrawal transactions against work orders. 0 = uses the parts cost that is set for the part on the work order. 1 = uses the cost price that is set for the article in the article register. 2 = uses the cost price that is set for the article in the article register, and also updates this price on the work order.
Location treatment: This is where the default location treatment of the inventory directory is set (can be overridden within the individual inventory directory). Fixed - the article can only be placed in one location in the same inventory. Floating - the article can be placed in several locations in the same inventory. Note: only the default inventory directory is shown in the article list. Last = will always use the last location used, and here the article can also be placed in several locations in the same inventory.
Additional costs [Materials]: Various articles (Additional costs). Used in connection with invoicing jobs (Service Management) and in connection with the invoicing of rented equipment (the lending/renting functionality).
Additional costs [Work]: Various articles hours/work. Used in connection with invoicing jobs (Service Management).
WO → Invoice [History]: If this is activated, invoices can be created for historical jobs (Service management).
CostCarriers [Invoice/Hours]: Retrieving carriers on invoice lines and department on time registrations.
0 = Department from WO, Account from WO, Carrier from WO and Objective from WO.
1 = Department from employee, account from WO, Carrier from WO and objective from WO.
2 = Department from employee, account from Inventory, Carrier from WO and objective from WO.
3 = Department from employee, account from Accounting (Appendix set-up), Carrier from WO and Objective from WO.
4 = Department from WO, Account from Inventory, Carrier from WO and Objective from WO.
CostCarriers [Asset --> WO]: Cost carriers that are set up on an asset are inherited on work orders and history in accordance with whatever has been checked/activated in Department, Account, Carrier and Objective.
Invoice [Purchasing]: Default invoice address is taken from this addressee in the purchase order.
Delivery [Purchasing]: Default delivery address is taken from this addressee in the purchase order.
Email [PO Approved]: If an email address is inserted here, this address will receive an email notification (incl. purchase order attached as pdf) when a purchase order has been set to approved.
Refresh/update Cost Price [Articles]: This is where you set how the cost price of the article will be updated when goods receipt is performed. Among other things, the cost price forms the basis for calculating the inventory value.
None = no update of applicable cost price
Previous = the cost price is updated with the previous price
Average = an average calculation is performed of that which is in the inventory and that which is coming into the inventory.
Window of Time [WO]: Work orders are hidden forward in time here.
Window of Time [History]: History is hidden backward in time here.
Within the history and work order lists, the months that are set here will be shown at the top left corner. As an example in the work order list: Period: 12 mths --> 31.10.2022
See also ‘Time window [Work order]’ in ‘Edit profile’ 17.0 Edit profile .
Due Status WO:
Week = light bulb changes from green to yellow on the Monday in the week of From Date, and light bulb changes from yellow to red on the Monday in the week after To Date.
Date = light bulb changes on date.
Due Status Checklist:
Date = light bulb changes on From/To Date.
Checkpoint status = light bulb on checklist head is controlled by the due status light bulbs on the checkpoints. For example, if there are red checkpoints on the checklist, the light bulb status on the checklist head will also be red.
Copy parts to new WO: if this is activated, it will be set by default on the job upon approval, and the parts will be included in the next occurrence of the recurring job. The checkmark can be removed within the job while approving.
Copy sub-activities to new WO: if this is activated, it will be set by default on the job upon approval, and the sub-activities will be included in the next occurrence of the recurring job. The checkmark can be removed within the job while approving.
Copy documents and pictures to new WO: if this is activated, it will be set by default on the job upon approval, and the documents and pictures will be included in the next occurrence of the recurring job. The checkmark can be removed within the job while approving.
Copy personnell to new WO: if this is activated, it will be set by default on the job upon approval, and the assigned personnel will be included in the next occurrence of the recurring job. The checkmark can be removed within the job while approving.
Copy comments to new WO: If this is activated, it will be set by default on the job upon approval, and the comments will be included in the next occurrence of the recurring job. The checkmark can be removed within the job while approving.
Status: This is where you set the default workflow status of the new recurring job that is created on approval.
Include - from the job that is being approved over to a new job.
New [Work description] – use the description that is in the connected work description.
Setup regarding invoice status (Saved or Executed) that the invoice should have in the system before transfer to Visma. You can have different setups when creating invoices from WO and from Rental.
Setup for integration with the R2 booking system.
To be used when generating bundle files 9.9.0 Bundle [List view] . Only those that are activated will join the bundle with dimension (order) that is set here. If [Account Production] is activated, this account, which is an account on the asset, will override (if there is an account on the asset) the account in the accounting settings for the article group.
Note also that if 'Department' is activated, a requirement is set to fill in the department for input, withdrawal and adjustment transactions, regardless of whether accounting settings 15.5.6 Accounting are set up or not. For withdrawal transactions via WO/history, it is assumed that a department exists at the WO/history job.
OpenStreetMaps is integrated, and this is the default unless another option is selected here. Google Maps may result in a licence being required by Google if it is used frequently. We therefore recommend not activating this. For more information, contact our Support department.
Setup for setting colours and themes in the system. In addition, every user can select/set colour/theme in their user profile.
For use by Ørn Software AS.
This is where the performance activators that are shown on ‘My page’ are activated/selected. For further details about these, see the description here: 19.1.0 My Page.
Main page: Here you can insert a link to a web address or other info that will be reached via the menu point ‘Help’.
Message [External]: In the same way as above, you can insert a link or other info that will be reached via the menu point ‘Help’ in the external registration form.
Field for inserting a specific bulletin that is displayed in the system when it is locked (checkbox to the right).
Via ‘Choose File’, you can upload your own company logo. The logo will display in the system and on all default PDF printouts.