List view of work orders with various sort, filter and search options, as well as the option to export to Excel.
Search field for free text includes search for work order number, short description, description and comments as well as object name.
Inactive: Lists all work orders that are disabled. A disabled work order can be deleted.
Description: Shows any description that is on the work orders.
Comments: Shows any comments that are on the work orders. Indicated with red text.
Display exec. WO's: Also shows work orders with workflow status of ‘Executed’ in the list. NB! Completed jobs must be approved before the job can go into history and any new recurring jobs are generated.
RCA: Lists work orders marked with root cause analysis. This must be activated under the menu 'Admin' → 'System settings' 16.1.0 System Settings
w/o assignment: Provides a list of work orders with no assigned personnel. From this list, using the dedicated button, the user can easily move a job to ‘My work orders’, i.e. connect themselves as assigned personnel.
Shutdown: Filters out any jobs that require shutdown.
Breakdown: Provides a list of work orders connected to equipment for which shutdown has been registered in the event log. (Requires event log to be activated). Work permit: Provides a list of work orders that require work permits. (Work permit function must be activated under the menu ‘Admin’ → 'System settings'
SJA: Work orders that have registered an SJA (risk assessment) can be filtered out by activating this.
From/to date field: Also note that estimated due date of meter-based jobs are included in these date fields. (To calculate the estimated due date, ‘Production/Week’ must be set in the equipment/asset card.). Note Fromdato includes jobs that are within the job's time window (from/to). E.g.: A search for jobs from/to 15.01 will include jobs that start before 15.01 and end after 15.01.
Asset search field: Search for asset number and asset name. Shows work orders connected to selected asset/structure.
Search Selected Tree Only: Gives only hits for objects in the selected structure when searching in the free text search field.
Employees: Work order list can be filtered on the brand queue for employees, so you can easily list jobs related to the selected employees. NOTE: This check box will only appear when you first select employees under the ‘Employees’ menu.
WO for this asset: Only shows work orders that are directly linked to selected asset.
Favourites: If favourite assets are set up, this will be displayed, and if you check this off, all work orders for these favourites will show in the list.
: Export to grid solution that allows advanced filtering, searching , sorting option in all columns. The column order can be changed with drag&drop of the columns. Own column selector where you can deselect columns in the view using drag&drop. The list/selection can be exported to pdf or to Excel. To return to the normal list view click .
Mass update: Select one or more work orders in the work order list, click on the button to save the selected orders and the button for ‘Mass update’ will be shown – if you (the logged-on user) have access/rights to perform a mass update on work orders. This function has a range of ways to make the same change on several work orders in one operation.
For example, you can shadow-handle work orders, see also separate description regarding shadow handling.
Shadow Reference: Insert a separate reference number, or click on the button to generate a reference.
Shadow Buffer: Insert +/-% number so that the work order will be suppressed, provided that all new due categories fall within this shadow buffer.
Search no: Central search function for WO number can be found at the bottom of the work order list. If the searched number is in the history, the display changes to the history list.
Approve: If one or more work order is selected in the list, these can be approved in one operation via this button. (NB: This must be activated for the user under ‘User profiles’ → ‘Mass update’). Only allows you to set the same completion date on all work orders. For other details regarding approval, see separate description.
View Planner: Displays work orders in a separate planning window (Planner), allowing you to perform operations such as drag & drop, etc. For details, see separate description.
Export to Excel: Select one or more work orders for export to Excel. If none are selected, all of the work orders in the selection will be exported. Note that the selection of columns to be exported is also controlled by what the user has checked off in their user profile. The Excel sheet also allows you to perform a range of update imports via the import studio.
Icons shown in workorder list (for details see also 3.1.1 Add work orders):
Indicates 1. priority work orders
Indicates that the job has been printed (print date set)
Indicates that the job has been set up with requirements for SJA (risk assessment)
Indicates that a work permit is required before the job is carried out
Indicates that the job requires a shutdown
If work order 'w/o assignment' is activated, this button will be available on every work order in the list. By clicking on this, you will be set as the executor (assigned personnel) of the work order, and the job will be moved to 'My work list'.
The job is set up with a fixed frequency
The job is set up with floating frequency I
The job is set up with floating frequency II
The job is set with frequency type 'As required'
Re. also 19.2.0 My Work Orders for info regarding setting up 'My Work Orders' etc.