For ordinary users, this view is easy to manage. It gives the user an easier user interface than in edit mode. Click on the work order number in the work order list.

PDF: Standard pdf printout of the job card with qr-code for easy retrieval of the work order on the mobile.

Workflow buttons: The job is moved up in the workflow that has been set up for the job. There is also a dedicated button for moving the job status back. All status changes are logged to the user.

+SJA: New safe job elements can be inserted on the job by the person who will be performing it, regardless of whether an SJA requirement has been set for the job. Must be activated in the system settings.

Comments field: Comments can be inserted at any time while a job is being performed. Dedicated save button. The initials of the logged-on user and date/time will automatically be inserted above the comments thread on saving.

+Document: New documents can be uploaded to the job.

+PO: If articles/parts for the job have already been added, this button will display. This takes you into the menu/view ‘Article’ → ‘Planned consumption’ filtered in the work order. Purchase orders for the planned parts can be created here. In the article list or parts list on the work order, there will be references to the order number and status of the order. For further details, see separate description under 'Article’ → ‘Planned consumption’.

+Hours: Details of the working hours spent on the job are inserted here.

Upload file: A total of 3 can be uploaded. pictures against the work order.

Work permit: If one or more work permits have been defined on the work order, the person responsible for the work permit will be able to sign it/these here, with a separate signature button. However, there is no requirement for a signature. When the person in charge has signed, the person(s) who is performing the job will also have the opportunity to sign.

Sub Activity: If one or more sub-activities have been defined, these can be handled here. Separate function (button) to set all the sub-activities to the status 'OK' when executing the work order (only changes the status of sub-activities that did not have a status before).

Add articles: Articles/parts to be used on the job can be selected from the article register, as well as from the separate list ‘Articles attached to asset’: the asset’s parts list / bill of materials. There is also a fast-search field for articles. There will be no hits if the article number is not inserted exactly. Note: If the user does not have EW (edit work order) in the authorization setup, this button will not be available unless the user is listed as responsible or performing personnel on the work order.

Add personnel: Assigned personnel and/or suppliers/contacts on the job. Note: If the user does not have EW (edit work order) in the authorization setup, this button will not be available unless the user is listed as responsible or performing personnel on the work order.

Add additional costs: Miscellaneous additional costs associated with the job. Note: If the user does not have EW (edit work order) in the authorization setup, this button will not be available unless the user is listed as responsible or performing personnel on the work order.

Copy: To copy a job to an asset, with the option to check off which information you want to copy. There is also an option to copy the same job to several assets in the same operation. For details regarding copying, see separate description.

Calendar: Download the job as an .ics file to open/insert the job in a separate calendar

Map view: A separate section that shows the location of the object if the map references (latitude/longitude) have been entered on the object.

Related messages: A separate section that shows all related messages to the work order except for those messages that are sent automatically (sender 'AUT').

Existing WO: A separate section that shows all planned work orders on the object.

Workflow status: A separate section that shows all workflow status changes on the work order with information about time and user.

Audit trail: If this is activated in the user's 'Edit profile', a separate section is displayed with a log of various changes made to the work order.

Regarding Items and display in work order lists.

Work orders for items will appear in work order lists filtered by object if the item is linked to an object in the selected structure. The job does not need an object link for it to appear in the list.

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