By using sub-activity, you can divide/split up a job into several activities/checkpoints. Each sub-activity can be ‘checked out’ with the statuses ‘Not applicable’, ‘Requires action’, ‘Corrected’ or ‘OK’ along with a comment. If the status is set to ‘Requires action’, this will immediately generate an action message when the action is registered on the work order. (Follow the same settings in ‘System settings’ as for action message for checklist).

Activity: The sub-activity’s activity.

Supervisor: The supervisor inserted here will automatically be inserted as the person assigned to the job, and this work order will then appear in their work orders.

Profession: The activity’s profession.

Asset: For example, the sub-activity can be linked to a ‘sub’ asset, while it is the asset of the job against which the job history will be entered.

Item: If the asset field is blank, the item field will be displayed (this assumes that the function for item management has been checked off under ‘Admin’ → 'System settings’), and it will be possible to connect an item to the sub-activity. This applies to connected items and items that are in inventory.

Operational status: The operational status of the asset that is linked to this sub-activity can be changed here.

Description: The activity’s description. Rich text editor (HTML) is available. If this is activated, you can insert links, images (can also be pasted in via the clipboard), video links, tables, formatted text, etc.

From/to date: The default is for the job’s from/to date to be used, but this can be overruled.

Please note: Sub-activities can also be created on a work description under the menu ‘System’ → 'Work Orders’. See separate description.

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