Document status: RELEASED





POS Reporting DW

POS Reporting Staging

POS Master

POS JournalService



Import of stamps

(TFS: 168533)

To keep track of stamp card campaigns we now import stamp cards from Chain Web.

Stamps are imported by RT-job with the following two packages, these must be enabled first:

DimStampCard - Imports stamp card headers.

FactStampCard- Contains latest transactiondate and stamp card balance per member and campaign.

Two new views related to stamp card:

pub.vStampCards - One row per member and campaign.

  •   CampaignReference - Campaign reference from DimCampaign.

  •   MemberNumber - Member number

  •   StampCardKey - Id for stamp card in Chain Web.

  •   StampCardBalance - Current balance for stamp cards.

  •   TransactionDate - Timestamp for latest stamp card transaction.

pub.vStampCardLines - One row per member, campaign and stamp card transaction.

  •   CampaignReference - Campaign reference from DimCampaign.

  •   MemberNumber - Member number

  •   StampCardKey - Id for stamp card in Chain Web.

  •   TransactionDate - Timestamp for stamp card transacton

  •   StampCardTransactionTypeName - Type of stamp card transaction.

  •   Value - Number of stamps used in transaction.

  •   InstanceNumber - Which instance. E.g. Every 5. item for free. First 5 items had instance 1, next 5 items has instance 2.

  •   ReceiptID - Receipt id from cash register, if available.

  •   Comment - Comment on transaction, if available.

Coupon information from Chain Web

(TFS: 168541)

When fetching coupon information from Chain Web we now also include TransactionID from used coupons when available.

New view is created to see all coupons:

pub.vCoupon - One row per coupon.

  •    CouponNumber - Coupon number

  •    ValidFrom - Campaign valid from date

  •    ValidTo - Campaign valid to date

  •    MemberID - Member number

  •    Used - If coupon is used (1 = Used, 0 = Not used).

  •    TransactionID - Receipt number where coupon is used.

  •    CampaignReference - Campaign reference

  •    OfferNumber - Offer number.

Note: Upgrade script will delete all existing coupons, they will be imported again next time N-job runs.

Campaign detail

(TFS: 169114)

To show more detail from campaigns, we now fetch price rules and offer details from Chain Web.

 New package must be enabled: Offerdetails.

New views are created for this data: 

pub.vPriceRule with following columns:

  • PriceRuleKey - Price rule key

  • PriceRuleName - Price rule name

  • ItemId - EAN / item group number

  • ItemType - If price rule is for Article (item), ItemGroup (item group), Model eller Color (color).

  • DiscountGroupItemType - Type discount group (Condition, Effect, Exept).

  • CampaignReference - Campaign reference

  • OfferNumber - Offer number.

New view to show offer details, pub.vCampaignOffer:

  • CampaignReference - Campaign reference

  • OfferNumber - Offer number

  • Name - Offer name

  • OfferStart - Start date on offer

  • OfferStop - Stop date on offer

New view for member sales data

(TFS: 171445)

3rd party is able to use this view to fetch data on members who have recently made a purchase in a store and can use this data to conduct a customer survey.

Description of view pub.vMemberSurveyFollowUp, one row per member / receipt

  • StoreNumber - Store where receipt is created.

  • ReceipID - Receipt number

  • TransactionDateTime - Timestamp from receipt.

  • ReceiptAmountIncVAT - Sum of receipt with VAT, except excluded items.

  • ReceiptNumberOfItems - Quantity of items in receipt, except excluded items.

  • MemberReceiptLastYear - Number of receipt for this member last year.

  • MemberNumber - Member number

  • MemberFirstName - Member first name

  • MemberLastName - Member last name

  • Email - Members e-mail

  • Mobile - Member mobile number

  • AllowContactOnMobile - If member has agreed to be contacted on mobile.

  • AllowContactOnEmail - If member has agreed to be contacted on e-mail.

  • AllowContactByOrdinaryMail - If member has agreed to be contacted on regular mail.

  • Sex - Sex of member

  • YearOfBirth - Which year member is born.

  • PostalNo - Postal number for member.

  • CashierFirstName - First name of cashier for this receipt

  • CashierLastName - Last name of cashier for this receipt.

  • OperatorKey - Cashier number for this receipt.

To create comma separated list of items which should be excluded from Sum and quantity of items. Alter view and edit this line: 

  AND da.EAN NOT IN ('EAN1','EAN2','EAN3') -- List of EANs for plastic bags to be excluded from amount/qty

Extended RIGAL export to Cash Settlement for Collector payments

(Work ID: 167681)

Export of RIGAL files to Cash Settlement has been extended to include amount per currency for Collector Bank payments. This makes it possible to see amount paid in different currencies in Cash Settlement.

New codes:

  • NC1 - Sum of payments in NOK.

  • NC2 - Main currency value of payments in NOK

  • SC1 - Sum of payments in SEK.

  • SC2 - Main currency value of payments in SEK

  • EC1 - Sum of payments in EUR

  • EC2 - Main currency value of payments in EUR

  • DC1 - Sum payments in other currencies

  • DC2 - Main currency value of payments in other currencies

Reporting v. 58 is required. 

POS Services worker configuration


Must be set to the same value as POS Configuration parameter "CollectorCardIssuerId". 

Items sold with open price

(TFS: 167573)

The cube is extended with a counter for items sold with open price.

In addition, there are new columns in FactRetailTransactionArticle for displaying if an item is sold with open price (isOpenPrice) or overridden price (isOverriddenPrice).





Lookup member from POSLog (TFS: 158811)

We have made improvements when doing lookup on members from POSLog. If LoyaltyNumber is available we always use this for lookup before checking identificators.


Import of coupons (TFS: 164210)

The performance of importing coupons from Chain Web has been significantly improved.


POSLog without salesperson (TFS: 169137)

It is now possible to update POSLog without salesperson on item line. In such cases we use operatorID from POSLog.

Earlier these POSLogs would be rejected.


Invoices created from internal transfer (TFS: 170320)

When transfering invoices from Chain Web we now include invoices created from internal transfer. These invoices will have its own documenttype "Transfer".


Ordinary price on item (TFS: 170220)

Reporting will now read normal price from POSLog and save this in FactRetailTransactionArticle table, column OrdinaryPrice.

NB! Customer running temporary solution created in Product Backlog Item 167521: Fetch ordinary price from POS Master (temp solution), must disable this after Reporting is upgraded and cash registers are using poslog version 74.

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