Document status: RELEASED


Report sales per shift

(RTC-11322, RTC-12361,RTC-11325, RTC-12285, RTC-11058)

We have implemented a new dimension in Reporting, Shift. Making it possible to report sales per shift.

POSLog contains shiftID and Reporting will link sales to correct Shift dimension in DimShift.

We have also extended Reporting services in POS Services with new method GetBalanceForShift which is used by POS when validating balance for shifts.


To set up in Reporting add parameter to LindbakPOSReportingConfigPOSLog.dtsConfig.

Add ";ShiftUniqueness=StoreWorkstation" to varBusinessRules

Realtime stock information


To access information about realtime stock data, a new view has been created. View is based on FactStockRealTime table.

New view pub.VStockRealTime
pub.vStockRealTime Comment Type Related keys
EAN Varchar(50)
Quantity Decimal(18,8)
ReservedQuantity Decimal(18,8)
OrderedQuantity Decimal(18,8)
AdjustedQuantity Decimal(18,8)
StoreNumber Varchar(50)
StockDate Datetime
DateLoaded Datetime
DateUpdated Datetime
StockLocation Nvarchar(50)

Shift dimension in Olap


A new dimension in Olap is created. With new dimension Shift we can report on Article, Receipt and Tender measure per Shift.
Shift dimension is populated from DimShift table which is again populated from Shift start / stop receipts.

Order history data


In order to report on changes in orders by operator, we have redesigned Orderhistory. Order history is stored in new table FactOrderHistory. Data is also available in Olap.

Note: When upgrading old Orderdatahistory data must be migrated, see upgrade instructions in Jira for further details.

Store data from Cloud


We have extended store information received by StoreService. Reporting fetches store data such as:

  • City

  • Postal code

  • Country

  • Organization name and number

Requirement: Update in LIP package ReportingDataIntegration and database (Reporting DW v67)

Cashier statistics report


A new cashier statistics report is created to analyze and investigate cashier behavior. In order to create this report, the following changes are implemented in Reporting:

  • Order history is stored in new table: FactOrderHistory

  • Order history data is added to Olap.

Report details for Cashier statistic

File name


Data source

Lindbak POS Reporting cube (Olap).



Which customer group personell belongs to. Default value = 100.


Which reasoncodetype to include in Manual discount - Default LineDiscount.


Which discount type to include in Manual discount - Default Line.



Date from

Default today.

Date to

Default today.

Retail store

Default all.


Default all.

Columns - one row per operator.



Cashier number


Cashier name



Quantity of returned articles.


Amount of returned articles.

Deleted receipts


Quantity of deleted receipts.


Amount of deleted receipts.

Deleted item lines


Quantity of deleted item lines


Amount of deleted item lines

Manual discount (discounts filtered by parameter pManualDiscount and pDiscountReasonCodeType )


Quantity of manual discounts 


Amount of manual discounts

Diff settlement (difference between tender cash and balance cash)


Difference in amount.

Deleted web orders (orders with order type "WebShop Order" and order status "Deleted")


Quantity of deleted web orders.


Amount of deleted web orders.

New customer orders (orders with order type "Store Order" and status "Created")


Quantity of new customer orders


Amount of new customer orders

Offline coupons (tender coupons with coupon type = "O"


Quantity of offline coupons.


Amount of offline coupons.

Personell discount (discount with customers from customer group in parameter pCustomerGroupPersonell)


Number of receipts containing personell discount.

Import items from Chain Classic


In order to not be dependent on POS Master database for dimension data, we import items from servicebus.

Pre condition: Chain classic delivers following file types to azure blob; vare.99900 (item), farge.99900 (color), storr.99900 (size), tandem.99900 (tandem) and register.99900 (article hierarchy). This is done with LIP-job ChainToCloud.

Reporting LIP-job ReportingDataIntegration listens on servicebus topic batchtoprocess, subscription "ReportingImprot". File is downloaded to DW.staging.FlatBatch and unpacked to DW.staging.FlatBatchJson and DW.staging.Item.

New SSIS package ItemStaging (Rt-job) takes item data from DW.staging.item to DW.DimArticle and puts in request for processing.

Data for article hierarchy, color and size are stored in table register.ItemProperty and used for lookup on article hierarchy names when updating items.

NB! When enabling ItemStaging package disable following packages (to disable import from master), DimArticle, DimArtLC, NonSaleType and ArticleHierarchyMaintenance

Store data from Cloud


We have extended store information received by StoreService. Reporting fetches store data such as:

  • City

  • Postal code

  • Country

  • Organization name and number

Requirement: Update in LIP package ReportingDataIntegration and database (Reporting DW v67)





Exclude Opening Balance

In procedure GetMemberBonusPointsInPeriod we have excluded transactions with description 'Opening balance'. To include these transactions anyway, procedure can run with new parameter IncrementalImport = 0. Default value for this parameter is 1.

This change is made to correct an issue which caused Retail - and subsequently APSIS/MailChimp - to show more bonus on the member than they actually had when anonymizing old member transactions.

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