Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes


Chain Web 2.9.180

  • Standard campaigns with control groups allows our customers to further analyze the success of member campaigns.

  • Rewarding members with bonus based on their activity, such as filling in their email address provides another tool to retain loyal customers,

  • To better target members' sale activities, members are now tagged with the store which they use the most. It is possible to segment and target campaigns based on this value.

Standard Campaign with Control group

(TFS: 160163, 160164)

It is now possible to add a control group when creating a standard member campaign. A control group is essentially a percentage of the total target group that will not be a part of the campaign. The members in the control group will not receive any distribution or coupons as part of the campaign. The purpose of the control group is to analyse whether or not the campaign was successful. Either while the campaign is ongoing or after the campaign period is over, the control group can be used as a comparison to see whether the members in the target group generated more profit than the members in the control group.

Note: The members in the control group are randomly selected from the target group. The option to customize the members in the control group is planned for later versions.

  1. Create a standard campaign.

  2. When defining the target group the user can choose to either add a control group (number of members or percentage of target group) or compare with members with sales the last year (this option is the same as how standard campaigns works today)

  3. Finish adding the offer, validity of campaign and coupon and set up distribution as normal.

  4. Activate campaign

  5. Re-enter the campaign. The analyze tab has been extended significantly to be able to provide users with increased transparency and overview of the campaign’s results (See “Analyzing standard campaigns”)

To ensure backward compatibility with earlier versions of Reporting a new parameter: “WithControlGroup” is added:

  • For control group functionality to work this parameter must be set to True.

  • For environments that are not upgraded to Reporting v.56 this parameter must be set to False for member campaign functionality to work as intended.


Reporting v. 56 or newer

System parameter: “WithControlGroup” must be set to “True”.









Analyzing standard campaigns

(TFS: 160212, 162659)

As part of the new feature control groups a new analyze-tab is implemented. The new analyze tab will offer a significant improvement to users looking to analyze the effectiveness and profitability of the member campaigns. In addition to more KPIs and improved UI, the following data in the KPIs are updated in real-time (RT-job in Reporting):

  • Response data from 3rd party such as APSIS and MailChimp (opened e-mail, soft bounce, hard bounce etc.).

  • Sales data

This will also have a positive effect on event-driven campaigns. E.g. If a split criteria is added for “opened e-mail”, members will move to “yes” or “no” in real-time instead of overnight.

Note: Coupon data is still updated overnight (N-job in Reporting)


LoyaltyCampaign 2.0.0 or newer

Reporting v. 56 or newer

Event-driven campaign: Reward members for filling in e-mail or mobile

(TFS: 150745)

New segmentation filters and selection criteria has been implemented. In Event-driven campaigns, it is now possible to filter on members who have added mobile number or e-mail address. The same segmentation filter is also added to standard member segmentation. This means that users are able to reward the members for filling in e-mail or mobile number on their profile. 


LoyaltyCampaign 2.0.0 or newer.

Event-driven campaigns: Target members who have used their coupon

(TFS: 133608)

A new segmentation option has been added in split criteria called: "Members that used coupon from previous distribution". It allows the user to reward members who use their coupon and/or remind members who have not yet used the coupon from the initial distribution.

Tag members with most frequently used store

(TFS: 160718)

A new job called "MemberTagMostUsedStore" in the ReportingIntegration package has been implemented in Integration Platform. This job is responsible for automatically creating a tag on members displaying the store in which they most frequently shops. The tag changes dynamically based on the member's purchases. The job is set to run once per day by default. This means the tag will not be visible in "member tags" menu in Chain Web.

This provides an enhanced user experience by being able to segment on where members shops most frequently. The home store on a member is picked by the member when registrating and does not always accurately reflect where the member shops. This provides the ability to further target members based on their shopping preferences.

Note: Currently, the value of the tag only displays the store number and not the full store name. This will be changed in later versions.


ReportingIntegration package 1.9.0 or newer and configuration of the job: “MemberTagMostUsedStore”.



Event-driven Campaigns: Reward members with bonus

(TFS: 162352)

When creating an event driven campaign it is possible to reward members with bonus points or a bonus check. This type of reward is typically used in accordance with rewarding members activities, such as filling in e-mail or mobile number.
Note: A bonus reward does not generate a coupon.


LoyaltyCampaign package 2.0.0 or newer

Ask member for mobile number or e-mail address

(TFS: 164256, 164255, 164260)

New functionality has been implemented to allow users to add information on member profiles to indicate to the cashier if they can ask a member about their mobile number or e-mail address. These fields only occur in the event that the member has not got an e-mail address or mobile number filled. This data is stored in the columns AskForEmail, AskForMobile in the Loyalty database. If these fields have NULL value, cashier will see 'Ask member for mobile number' or 'Ask member for e-mail address' as checked. It is possible to segment on these values in order to target members and encourage them to add an e-mail or mobile number. In addition to this, a new column has been added to the "new members" report (0531_NewMembers_std) which displays whether or not the member should be asked by the cashier to add an e-mail or/and mobile number.


Reporting v.56 or newer

MemberService 3.9.4 or newer

Fetching of E-mail templates from MailChimp

(TFS: 164266)

Previously in Member Campaigns, e-mail templates from MailChimp were fetched from the "templates" section of MailChimp. A new system parameter has been added, called: "FetchMailChimpCampaignsAsTemplates". The parameter can either be set to True or False.

  • If parameter is set to True, the e-mail templates fetched will be located under "Campaigns" and have status draft in MailChimp

  • If parameter is set to False, the e-mail templates will be fetched same as today, from "templates" tab in MailChimp

This change will allow for less clutter in MailChimp and an easier way for the user to organize their e-mails. It is required that the e-mail created in MailChimp has a title for it to appear in the dropdown in Chain Web.

Note: This change only applies to standard and stampcard campaigns. MailChimp does not support this behaviour for event driven campaigns. However, in event driven campaigns a new mailing list is created for new member entering the campaign, and in order to make it less cluttered, an event driven campaign will create a folder in MailChimp where all mailing lists will be added.


LoyaltyCampaign package 2.0.1 or newer

MailChimpIntegration package 2.4.6 or newer





Layouts changes between searches (TFS: 133856)

When user is using a customized column layout when searching for a specific member that results in directly opening the member profile, the customized column is still visible after going back to the "Members" menu. 


Protected Social Security Number (TFS: 161781)

When a member is set to Protected = 1, Social Security Number (SSN) is blocked and it is not possible to change it - it is possible only to delete the SSN. If the member have not filled the SSN and the member is set to Protected = 1, the SSN field is blocked as well. 

3rd party Integrations

Bonus exported to APSIS (TFS: 163334)

An error that caused an incorrect of bonus points to be export to APSIS is corrected. The bonus points displayed in APSIS are now identical to the actual bonus balance of the member.


Lindbak POS Reporting v.56

ReportingIntegration package 1.8.2


Export of member segments to MailChimp (TFS: 163986)

Previously, members with invalid e-mails would cause the export of member segments to MailChimp to fail. This has been corrected so that members with invalid  e-mail addresses are omitted and will not be exported to Mailchimp.


MailChimpIntegration package 2.4.5


Extension of stampcard view in Retail database (TFS: 164259)

New columns are added to StampCardsView in Lindbak Retail, allowing customers to fetch more detailed data regarding stamp card campaigns.

  • Campaign name

  • Stamp card type (Frequency or Turnover)

  • Required stamps

  • Required amount

NB: This view will impact server performance if data is retrieved frequently or a large volume of data is retrieved. It is advised to only fetch data from this view when serverload is low. This view will be moved from Retail to Reporting in later versions to solve this problem.

  • No labels