Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes

Batch Synchronize members to Retail

(TFS: 164228)

New package BackOfficeImport has been added with 2 jobs - “GenericImport” and “LpMemberMerger”. These jobs are responsible for handling member updates. Additionally, a new configuration has been added to memberExportJob which allows user to turn on change tracking. Change tracking must be turned on to use the new member update flow. Change tracking is enabled by running these scripts manually in Loyalty database (this will be done automatically in next version of the job):


  • Member_Households: ALTER TABLE Member_Households ENABLE CHANGE_TRACKING

New member update flow: 

Memberexport job (from loyaltyDbIntegrationPackage) reads Loyalty database and creates a batch with changes since last job run (change tracking). Then the batch of member updates is picked up by GenericImport job, which imports the member updates to staging in Retail. Then the LpMemberMerger processes the changes from staging into Retail database. Ultimately, this flow of jobs replaces MemberManagementRequestsBackofficejob. Additionally, this refactoring of member updates will also mean there is no more need for MemberImportJob. 

When the new jobs are enabled, MemberManagementRequestsBackofficeJob should be disabled.


New package: BackOfficeImport 1.0.0.

Provide used coupons

(TFS: 181684)

Campaign Service provides POS with additional data about used coupons, which means that when a member has any used coupons, the Issued date, Campaign/coupon name, "used in store" and Used date will be sent to POS. 




Member campaign

Unlimited use of a coupon (TFS: 170046)

When creating a member campaign with an offer, it is possible to select "use coupon unlimited number of times". This means the coupon can reused indefinitely for as long as the offer or campaign is active.

Creating stamps from old transactions (TFS: 173038)

The TransactionCollectorJob , which is responsible for creating stamps, will no longer have a problem with creating stamps based on transactions older than 7 days.


StampCardCampaign Integration package in version 2.2.3.

Removing Old VariantCampaigns (TFS: 175730)

'CampaignCleanupJob' supports deletion of AB testing campaigns, with the following criteria:

  • Older than two months

  • Have no related offers and coupons

Job is ended with 'Completed' status and logs appropriate information which informs of the number of removed 'VariantCampaigns'. These campaigns are also removed from database and Chain Web's Member Campaign dashboard. 


The LoyaltyCampaign package in version 2.3.6 (at least).

Campaign offer procedures for Reporting Integration (TFS: 180557)

Stored procedures for campaign offers are updated in order to support planned campaigns in Reporting.

Event-driven campaign: Bug related to control group value (TFS: 182607)

Updating customer journey preferences in event-driven campaigns works as intended. Previously, when updating the preferences, the change was not applied correctly.

Member segmentation

Filtering on "Received campaign" (TFS: 180113)

'Campaign - Received Campaign' selection criteria in Member Segmentation filters out members from control group and as a consequence only members that are a part of the campaign's target group are included in the member segment.


Concurrency exception while saving distribution (TFS: 157624)

An error message was produced when saving campaign distribution, which served no purpose, as the job worked as it should. This error message has been removed to improve surveillance.

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