1. Log in with email

Use your AzureAD to log in.
After that, select store you wish to sell in if you have several stores available.
When successfully logged in you will see the receipt view.


2. Menus

All menus in EG Mobile POS are placed for simple usage and designed to access with minimal clicks. These are also adjusted to create a user-friendly flow for staff in stores.

 2.1 Bottom menu in receipt view

In the bottom menu you find four smaller action menus:

1. Alternative If you just logged in and not started a sale you can choose to retrieve parked receipts.If a sale has started you can park your receipt, create receipt line, give discount for whole receipt or cancel receipt.
2. Scan
This function opens the camera on the device to scan items. Use this if device does not have builtin scanner or camera scanner is preferred by some reason.
3. Member.
Search for a member and add to the receipt or create new member that is added on the receipt. If member already is added to the receipt member icon shows:

  • Move to member information
  • Useable bonus
  • Useable coupons
  • Delete member from receipt

4. Search
Search for items. Either through manual typing in search field or by scanning barcode.

2.2 Menu to the left

Menu to the left handle's larger functions. In version one of EG Mobile POS there is no larger functions presented in this view, only information regarding store, sales staff and the possibility to log off. Se image on page 5.

2.3 Receipt view

Expanded view. Shows more details about items Image view. Shows more details and images of items Chose receipt view*Minimized* view. Shows few details regarding items in receipt. Throughout EG Mobile POS there is the different views you can chose, depending on how you would lite items to be presented. These are made so you can adjust your window after wished overview on receipt or search result.

2.4 Menu for a certain article

By clicking on the preferred article added to the receipt you open a menu that handles just this item. The item you open the menu for is marked. If you have several of a certain item on one row all the items are handled if you change something.

The row of the chosen article is marked

Change quantity on the item instead of scanning more of the same item.
Add or change free text (also called line note) on the article line
Set new price for item or give discount to this item
Delete row. If several items are registered on one row, all will be deleted. Open article information about the item.


3. Functions

All available functions will be described in this part of the manual. Both functions and short cuts for the functions will be described to create an overview of how to navigate in EG Mobile POS.

3.1 Change quantity

1. Scan an item/add item to receipt
2. Open article menu
3. Choose "Change quantity"
4. Fill in preferred quantity
5. Choose "Go" to change quantity on receipt.

3.2 Free text for row and total receipt

3.2.1 Free text for row

This function creates a free text related to a certain item.
1. Scan or add item to receipt
2. Click on the item to open the article menu
3. Choose "free text"

4. Write text you wish to be presented on item
5. Press "Go" to add text to receipt.
To update or delete free text open function again. Observe that it a row has several items registered on the same row the free text will still be related to that row. If you delete an item with a free text, the text also will be deleted.

3.2.2 Free text for receipt

1. Open "Alternative" menu in bottom menu.
2. Choose "Free text for receipt"
3. Add text and confirm.
4. Text will be added to the header of receipt
To delete text, open free text for receipt again and delete text.

3.3 Article information

In article information a lot of information is presented regarded to the item. Observe that what is presented can shift depending on underlying integrations and what type of information is available to the system. Scroll in the view to see all information.

3.3.1 Article information – what is shown and how you open article information

Here you will find:

  • Variant of the item you opened (If there are several different variants there is drop down menus for these)
  • Image of item
  • Stock value for this and other stores
  • Product information

You can open article information in two ways: Trough scanning item/adding item to receipt
1. Scan item/add it to the receipt
2. Press the item to open article menu for this item
3. Choose "Article information"
Through search (Se image of this in part of document called "Handle search results")
1. Open "Search" function that is placed in the bottom menu in receipt view.
2. Search for an item manually or scan barcode.
3. Press the icon "i" to open article information.
Go back to receipt view

3.3.2 Article information – update receipt or add new variant of item on receipt.

When you have opened article information you can change variant of item if there are more variants (size, colour). If you change variant you will open article information about the newly selected variant. For example, stockwill be updated for this variant.
If you wish not to act on the new variant you can press the icon "" (see image) to go back to receipt view, or change back to original chosen variant.

When you have changed variant, you will have two alternatives; "Add to receipt" or "Update receipt". If you choose "Update receipt" the original scanned item will be updated in the receipt to the new chosen variant. Observe if there are several items on one row all variants will be updated. If you chose "Add to receipt" the original scanned item will still be on the receipt and the new chosen variant will alsobe added to the receipt - as if you scanned another item.

3.4 Delete scanned item from receipt

There is two ways of deleting scanned item from receipt. 1. Swipe on the item, depending on what device (Android or iOS) you use swiping is left or right.
2. Click on the item to open article menu and choose "delete item".
If you wish to delete the whole receipt se instructions under functions "Cancel sale" and confirm pop up asking if you are sure.

3.5 Search after article

When you press "Search" icon placed in the bottom menu of the receipt view you will be moved to search. You can manually type what you are looking for or scan a barcode to make a search. What the search results will be depends on the integration EG Mobile POS has with the underlying system. For example, you can search for name, EAN code, article id and so on.
If you wish to scan an item with camera press icon. If you have a device with built in scanner you can just scan an item in this view.

Here you fill in what you are searching for

Here you can change view if you wish your search result to be presented in a different way

3.6 Handle search result

By clicking on your search result you will add the item to the receipt. If there are different variants on the article you will first choose variant. For example, if you chose a certain colour or your search result you will after choose size of the article before it is added to the receipt. By pressing "i" on the search result you will be moved to the article information about the item.
Press "i" to open article information about the item. You can also add item to receipt from the article information.


3.7 Create new member

1. Press "Member" icon in receipt view.
2. Press "Create Member"
3. Fill in information. Observe that some fields are mandatory, and member will not be created until these fields are filled out.
4. Press "Create member". Member will then be created and added to the receipt.

3.8 Search and add existing members on the receipt

1. Press on the "member" icon on the bottom menu in receipt view.
2. Search by typing social security number, phone number or scanning member card. You must type the whole number to get a result.
3. Press on the row of the result to add member to receipt.

3.9 Show member information and update member

When a member is added to a receipt you will see the members name at the top of the receipts. If the member has bonus checks or coupons these will also be presented next to the name. If you want to check information, or update information, about the member you can do this in two ways.
1. By pressing on "Member" icon after member is added to the receipt. In that menu there is an option to open member information.
2. By pressing on the name of the member at the top of the receipt you open member information directly. In member information you can see purchase history of the member as well as information about it. The purchase history can be used to sell more items relevant to the customer by recommendations. There is both a list over last purchased items and a list of all receipts that can be opened to show more information about the purchase. To update a member press "Edit" and after making your changes - save.


3.10 Use Bonus and coupons

When a member is added to the receipt and they have bonus checks or coupons they are presented next to the name of the customer. To use the check/coupons press the icon next to the customer name and the bonus dialog/ coupons dialog will be open. Check the box of the bonus/coupon and press "Activate". Deactivation on a bonus check is for now not available. Please cancel receipt if you wish not to use the check.

3.11 Park and retrieve parked receipt

Under "Alternative" menu in the bottom of receipt there are functions as park receipt and retrieve parked receipts. If a sale is started, you can only park the ongoing receipt. If you have not started a receipt you can retrieve parked receipt.

3.12 Discount – row and total

You can give discounts both on a row for a certain article (and several identical if they are added on the same row) and for the total receipt. To add a discount on the whole receipt open "Options" menu and chose "Discount". Chose what type of discount you would like to give and enter amount or type of discount (sum, %, new price). Confirm and the discount will be given on the whole receipt.
To add a discount on a specific row, press the item to open Article menu. There discount is an option, press it. Now you will choose what type of discount you would like to give (sum, % or new price) and fill in the amount to give. Confirm and the discount will be given to the row. If you delete the row, the discount will be deleted.

Types of discount the icon on the receipt represents

When adding a discount an icon is added to the row the discount is given. The icon indicates what type of discount is given.
When opening menu for the item by pressing the row, there is now added information regarding the discount that has been given and the amount. The total discount on the whole receipt is also presented in the payment icon on the receipt.

3.13 Cancel sale

To cancel sale in a receipt open "Alternative" menu to cancel a sale. You will after get a pop up to confirm that you want to cancel sale. No cancelled sales can be retrieved. If you instead wish to pause a sale, park it.

3.14 Gift receipt

You can send gift receipts in EG Mobile POS. Under "Options" you have the menu for adding gift receipts.
1. Open "Option" menu
2. Choose the items you wish to add gift receipt too
3. Icon is now presented on the item row.
4. When finishing the payment, a digital receipt and a gift receipt is sent to the same email, but will be sent in separate emails. One gift receipt is created per item, and one email will be sent per gift receipt.

3.15 Payment


1. Press the green payment icon when you wish to finish a sale.
2. Check the summary over the receipt to check everything is okay. Here all items are presented that has been added to the receipt and a summary of the amount and quantity.
3. Chose payment method.
4. Confirm amount.
5. If a member is added to the receipt that has a phone number a push notice will be sent to the customers phone in the payment app. If not, a QR code is shown and customer will need to scan this, or you can choose to enter phone number for a push notice to the customers phone.
6. Await customer confirmation is Swish/Vipps app.
7. If member has email digital receipt will be sent to this, otherwise you will be asked to fill in email

3.16 Payment

3.16.1 Swish

When pressing payment method Swish QR code will be shown if:

  • No member is added to receipt
  • Phone number is not aligned with Swish

Customer scan the QR code in their Swish app or cashier presses "Use phone number instead" to manually fill in customers phone number. When payment has been approved digital receipt will be sent to customers email/cashier will be asked to fill in email for digital receipt if this is missing. If member is added to receipt and the phone number is aligned with Swish, Mobile POS will automatically send payment approval to customers phone and the customer needs to approve it. If testing Swish in demo environment – payment will always be approved, since there is no proper test environment.

3.16.2 Vipps

If testing Vipps: – download the test app so you can approve payment in Vipps app. Otherwise you cannot test with Vipps. Instructions for download and use Vipps test app: https://github.com/vippsas/vipps-developers/blob/master/vipps-test-environment.md#vipps-test-apps

When choosing Vipps as payment, if no phone number is available you will be asked to enter phone number. Use examples above. If one of the above phone numbers are registered on the member – Mobile POS will automatically send payment approval to customers phone and the customer needs to approve it. 1. Send payment to Vipps app
View from Vipps app. Open Vipps app and approve payment
3. Move back to EG Mobile POS and follow through purchase (add email if no email is available)

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