Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The user can only see 1 store in the configuration hierarchy and edit parameters for that store and the cash registers in that store.





Balance registration (RTC-17429)

In "new registration" and "edit a balance", pressing enter when writing total sum moves user to the next step.

Customer order

Fixes related to deleted rows strikethrough (RTC-17596)

This fix provides hiding deleted rows in order as default and fixed amounts of "Ordered" and "Delivered" in customer order dashboard.

Submit order button (RTC-16744)

When opening Customer Order of status Changed the submit order button appears on the far right of the toolbar and is marked as "orange" "primary". The submit order button disappears when status of Customer Order is Completed.

Easy to view online returns (RTC-7749)

New row was added to show quantity of returned item, there is no longer need to expand the item line to see that the item is returned. Way of showing online returns is now consistent with other returns.

Service/contract/retail changes to support order variant and order/line actions (RTC-16816)

New method ExportOrder has been created in CustomerOrderService. It's exporting CustomerOrder.Change blobs by using file service to the azure blob.
New system parameter 'OrderVariantsToExport' with namespace 'CustomerOrder' has been added, which specifies order variants that will be exported as a blob to the cloud. By default this parameter is empty, so no customer orders will be exported.
To export orders with order variant "StorePrepaidWarehouseDelivery", set value of OrderVariantsToExport parameter to StorePrepaidWarehouseDelivery.
In this parameter can be mentioned few different values separated by "," or ";" e.g. "StorePrepaidWarehouseDelivery,Unknown".
Remember to set up system parameters FileApiResourceId and FileApiBaseAddress from namespace FileApi.Integration.

Extract CustomerOrderVariant in POSLogExtractorCore (POSLog v80) (RTC-16694)

New POSlog task ExportCustomerOrder has been created. It has exactly the same data as CustomerOrder task. It is used by CustomerOrder service, to export customer order to the blob storage.
CustomerOrder and ExportCustomerOrder tasks have been extended by OrderVariant, CurrencyCode and DeliveryDetailsType fields.

Dispatch order

Dispatch Orders: Status of Delivery is not Updated when Updating from POSAPI (RTC-18231)

Customer Order delivery status is updated regardless of picking order payment status. That means, when picking order is delivered in POSLog, then picking order and customer order are updated to Delivered in Chain Web regardless of its payment status.

Persist delivery status of order (RTC-16419)

Dispatch order grid and details view load under 1s.

Automatic reassign parameters without restarting LIP

User is able to turn off automatic reassign by change of configuration alone in 'Dispatch rules' in 'Reassign Order' column - 'Assign order to a new store after' should be set to '0'.

Homepage dashboard

Auto-change comparision date

The comparision sales date was updated to automatically adjust to the main date. That means, while changing the sales date, the comparision date is being automatically changed along with the sales date to the same period last year.


EHF Invoice fee (RTC-16053)

The possibility to add separate invoice fee for customers tagged with EHF invoice in configuration view.

Fixed invoice date in Invoices view (RTC-16588)

When looking at invoice in the Invoices view, the correct date is displayed also for newly created invoices, even if a different system time zone was used.


Deleted items (RTC-17089)

When searching for items, deleted items (in Chain Classic) will not be shown.

Receipt journal

Swedish translation error in receipt journal (RTP-14996)

The word "Feilet" has been change to "Misslyckad" in the receipt view in the receipt journal in Chain Web.

Timeout when searching by sequence number (RTC-17996)

New index added in Lindbak POS Journal database. It fixed performance when searching for receipts by sequence number. Timeouts do not occur while searching by receipt's sequence number.

Wrong time on put on hold activity in receipt logs (RTC-16627)

The end receipt time is displayed in details of receipt on hold instead of start receipt time as before.

Store filter works with configuration group access (RTC-18050)

User that selected configuration group level access, is now able to filter receipts by the stores related to that group.


Wrong calculation of total items (RTC-16778)

In sale statistic section of member analysis report we have corrected value for items / customer. Also minor improvements in header.

Changed report: 0519_LoyaltyStatistics_std.

Improvements Reporting (RTC-16258)

In order to have a better understanding of results in report we have made some changes to a couple of reports.

 - Minor translation changes
 - Changed how Diff % column is showing value.

  • Shows selected price channel in header.


  • Minor translation changes.
  • Changed sorting on area or group numerical
  • Shows selected price channel in header.

Fixed changing password (RTC-16616)

User is able to change password of the cashier in "cashiers" and in "users". Changing ManageUsersAndCashiersIndependently setting has no impact.

User Management

Alphanumeric sorting of roles list in User Management (RTC-16889)

Lists of user and cashier roles are sorted in alphanumeric order, in Role lists and Roles views. 


Chain Web v. 2.10.93

Document status: 






StoreNumber is used instead of Id in all cashier balance (RTP-13797)

When creating summary for all cashiers the storeId is saved properly in database.                         

Chain management Management 

Fix: Team view page shows linked stores (RTC-16495)

All linked stores are displayed properly in Teams, Profiles and Configuration groups views.


Filtering of projects (RTC-11534)

Using filters in invoices tab in Projects does not trigger a redirection to address tab anymore. When settings a date in sales tab filters clean X button is displayed properly and only one scroll is visible.

Customer order

Hide or show deleted order lines (RTC-14223)

User in Customer Order view has possibility to show and hide deleted lines from order. Deleted lines are struck through, so the user can know the difference.

Receipt reference to online returns (RTC-14526)

The receiptID of the receipt that contains online returns, is displayed in order line details in "Online returns" area.


Invoices with deposit items (RTC-15522)

The total amount on credit sales/invoices with deposit is showed properly. Deposit is included in total amount.

Crediting invoice that contains gift cards (RTC-11534)

A proper message is displayed when doing correction on credit sale with gift card or crediting invoice which contains gift card.

Receipt journal

Sorting of stores (RTC-16888)

The stores are sorted in ascending order by store number. 


Week number in date picker (RTC-16527)

When setting report parameters the user is able to see week numbers in date picker.

Timeout when downloading a report (RTC-9934)

A user-friendly message why the error has occurred is displayed to user when a timeout occurred during downloading a report.

Report search with supplier item number (RTC-942)

Report 0152_FreeItemsFromStampcard has been extended with parameter 'Supplier item number list'.

Tokheim integration

Configuration of Tokheim POS (RTP-12206)

Configuration and activation of Tokheim POS has been refactored and it now works in combination with EG POS Configuration.


 Activating configuration for Tokheim POS will also activate EG POS configuration. (For example when activating changes on the common level). 

Export of Configuration for Tokheim POSRTC-13361)

The folder, filename prefix and format of the files with configuration for Tokheim POS can be configured in the following system parameters:

  • TokheimExportOutputFolder
  • TokheimExportFilenamePrefix
  • TokheimExportUseUnicode

User managementManagement

Fix for permissions (RTC-15672)

When parameter UsersCanOnlyAssignRolesTheyAreAssignedTo is active and some user is editing the other one, the added/removed are changed only for that user (not for the user that are editing as well).





Chain management Management 

Fix: Team view page shows linked stores (RTC-16495)

All linked stores are displayed properly in Teams, Profiles and Configuration groups views.





Store number is used instead of Id in all cashier balance (RTP-13797)

When creating summary for all cashiers the storeId is saved properly in database.

User managementManagement

Fix for permissions (RTC-16293)

When parameter UsersCanOnlyAssignRolesTheyAreAssignedTo is active and some user is editing the other one, the added/removed are changed only for that user (not for the user that are editing as well).



NB! The the search technology saves the whole card number including 'x' as this is interpreted as a word, and the search uses 'starts with' to find the searching words in the index. The character '-' is removed, and also leading zeros are removed, so the user cannot in above example search for 6409-05, only for 6409.





Balance summary (RTC-9741)

After registering all balances for selected day, user will see a summary for all cashiers. This summary is available from Financials menu section called Balances summary.


Maximum credit limit when updating customers through ARTS Customer import (RTC-15225)

The default credit limit on credit customers in Chain Web is set in the system parameter DefaultCustomerCreditLimit. When updating or creating customers through ARTSCustomerImport the maximum credit limit must be less than three times the DefaultCustomerLimit or the update will be rejected. If the system parameter is blank, the default value of 50 000,- is used and the maximum credit limit when updating is 99 999,-.

Import of customer with invalid mobile number (RTC-9100)

If customer's phone/mobile number is invalid (contains illegal characters) then customer is exported with empty phone number.

BackOffice batch generator 1.5.3

Customer order

Search for offers (RTC-14959)

In Offers' view there is a simple search option. User can narrow and customize results by entering key word in the simple search window.

Search for orders in Package deliveries (RTC-14960)

In Package Deliveries view there is a simple search option. User can narrow and customize results by entering key word in the simple search window.

Fix for refund (RTC-7054)

The refunded lines are properly displayed in the Refund summary/ Credit Note.


Search for invoices (RTC-13704)

In Invoices' view there is a simple search option. User can narrow and customize results by entering key word in the simple search window (the search result is improved in this version).

Receipt journal

POS unit filtering (RTC-9114)

Fixed a problem where POS unit filter field were not removed as it should.

Fix for timeout when searching in large receipt journals (RTC-15143)

After entering Receipts Journal view receipts are properly displayed and no timeouts occur. User is able to customize and narrow the shown results by using filters.

Filter for stock adjustment transactions (RTP-13122)

In receipt journal the user can filter displayed results only to stock adjustment type of receipt. This type is in group of types named item transactions, so if user filters on all item transactions, receipts for stock adjustments are also shown.

Open drawer transactions (RTP-11413)

Open drawer transactions are displayed under System transactions and Other.

Search for old receipts (RTC-7875)

When searching for old receipts it is not possible to use all the standard filters. When 'date from' is older than defined in system parameter R_ceiptJournalOldReceiptsDate,_ a simplified filter is displayed. Please note that this system parameter is default blank.

Image Modified


Store users of report 0010 (RTC-14884)

If user has store level access, report 0010 shows only results for the user's store.

New reports, with interactive sorting (RTC-14253)

We have made to new reports (0455, 0456). They are the same as 0110 and 0453, but now they have interactive sorting in all columns.

Changes in report 0450_StoreSettlementPerOperator (RTC-14255)

New row "Klarna" in 1701_subCurrency section. The row shows payments done with Klarna.

New hidden parameter pKlarna - needs to be set to Klarna payment card number.

Changes in report 0750_WetStock (RTC-14762)

Now the report fits on A4 format when exported to PDF.

Font was changed from 10pt -> 8pt. Width and Hight of cells were changed.

Following column names was reorganized and changed:

  • Water measure in tank -> Water
  • Daily Variance, Daily Variance% -> Daily on two cells merged above and below: Variance and Variance%
  • 5 Days Cumulative Variance,5 Days Cumulative Variance%,5 Days Cumulative Sales -> 5 Days Cumulative on three cells merged above and below: Variance, Variance% and Sales
  • 31 Days Cumulative Variance,31 Days Cumulative Variance%,31 Days Cumulative Sales -> 31 Days Cumulative on three cells merged above and below: Variance, Variance% and Sales

Minor improvements in user interface (RTC-14104)

Sticky columns have been added in Overview tab andNo active stocktaking header has been made more visible.

Counted by column in Overview and Count Lists tabs has been upgraded. The change for Counted By is done in POSLogProcessingWorker. New Count Lists from POSLogs have userId set to "operatorId - operatorName", for old records the value isn't changed.

Cleanup of old count groups (RTC-13902)

There is a job named CountingGroupsCleanupJob which cleans old count groups for an inventory control. User is able to set number of days after which the count group should be removed.  Default values is 90 days. If count group was used in already archived stocktaking and is old enough, CountingGroupsCleanupJob deletes it.

Cleanup of old counting groups (http://RTC-15659)

Delete Counting Groups and dependencies will be done in batches. Batch size is configurable by 'Delete batch size' job parameter. Default value is 50, but it could be increased to 1000.

Exclude items with specific assortment codes when creating stocktaking (RTC-11066)

System parameter AssortmentCodesToExcludeInStocktaking defines list of assortment codes, that will be excluded from the stocktaking basis.

Created date in the count groups view (RTC-15733)

Bugfix: All dates in the count groups' grid are displayed properly.

Filter on supplier and brand when creating count groups (RTC-12666)

User is able to select "Supplier" and "Brand" as an attribute in item filter when creating or editing count group.


Cashier permissions through cashier roles with system roles (RTC-12125)

A predefined set of system roles for cashiers can be added to a cashier role (not directly to the cashier/user). When creating a new cashier or editing an existing one, System Roles are not displayed in dropwdown list. If user has a system role granted from previously, it is displayed only in Cashier roles window. After removing it, user isn't able to add System Role to the cashier again.


Chain Web v. 2.10.70

New Report based on EOD


Report details Sales per item
Data sourceLindbak POS Reporting DW database
Retail storeStore, default first store in list
YearDefault current year
EOD Date fromDefault last available EOD
EOD Date toDefault last available EOD
Include nonsaleIf nonsale is included in sale. Default true
Article groupDefault All
Relevant hidden parameters:
pIncludeNonsaleIf Include nonsale should be default true or false
Columns - One row per item. Group by Item group / VAT
ItemArticle text
QuantityQuantity sold
VAT classShows 4 if VAT% is 8, Shows 3 if VAT% is 15, shows 2 if VAT% is 25, shows 1 on all other values
VAT%VAT percentage
Ex. VATShows sales excluding VAT
VATShows VAT amount
Sales w/VATShows sales including VAT




User management Management

Fix for permissions (RTC-15672)

When parameter UsersCanOnlyAssignRolesTheyAreAssignedTo is active and some user is editing the other one, the added/removed are changed only for that user (not for the user that are editing as well).





Shifts receipts in Receipt Journal (RTP-11724)

New shift and end shift receipts are displayed in Receipt Journal in the same way as in printed receipt


Import of item list in customer group discount (RTC-13360)

A loading indicator is displayed when importing item list or item group list to a customer group (for discounts). When the import has finished, a green notification is displayed to inform that the import was successful, or an orange notifications to inform that an exception occured.

Dispatch rules 

Automatic Reassign: Issue with Delivery Method Configuration (RTC-11608)

It is possible to configure automatic reassign for delivery methods defined in CustomerOrderDeliveryMethods system parameter. That means delivery methods for reassign order are expanded to include all delivery methods available in CustomerOrderDeliveryMethod system parameter and are possible to be set in Dispatch Rules -> Reassigning Order as an option for automatic reassign. Additionally, Reassign Order Delivery Methods are no longer dependent on Delivery methods selected in Delivery Methods section.



Date when adding payment of invoice (RTC-13609)

When adding payment to the invoice, payment date from date picker is displayed and processed in correct format, according to user settings. When for example the user has Norge as region, the date is displayed in Norwegian date format.

Gift card

Resend digital gift card (RTC-8266)

There is a DigitalGiftcardEnabled in System Parameters. It decides which button to show in Gift cards view. If this parameter is set to true, user has the possibility to resend gift card. If this parameter is set to false, user has possibility to remind PIN.
These options work for gift cards with or without email address/phone number assigned. If both a mobile number and an email address are assigned to the gift card, then information automatically will be sent only to the email.

Order dispatch

Handle lack of delivery suggestions from DispatchService (RTC-13806)

Dispatch orders are processed correctly even if there are no suggestions available from DispatchService.

Issue deleting order lines with unsupported characters (RTC-10215)

Order line in a dispatch order can be successfully removed even if it contains special characters like: '()",

Fix validation of dispatch rules (RTC-12099)

Dispatch rules correctly displayed and can be saved with default values. Error messages are displayed correctly when invalid values are entered fields. This is done to increase user friendliness of the dispatch solution, as previously the user would get no indication as to why they were unable to save the dispatch rules.


Deleted receipts in Store settlement report (RTC-12984)

Previously, we did not show data for cashier if they only had deleted receipt and no sale.
This is corrected and cashiers with only deleted receipts will also appear in the report.

Changed report: 0450_StoreSettlementPerOperator.

Report sales per profile (RTC-13527)

In order to report sales per profile, Profile parameter is added to the following reports:


Shift balance

Fix for inbound amount (RTC-13861)

The amount "Submitted to bank" for shift balances is calculated properly. The Inbound amount is not replacing drawer money when registering balance for shift.

Balance date is set to "End Shift" date (RTC-14353)

When balance is configured to use shift, the balance date in shift balances is equal to the date of End Shift.


Item synchronization performance (RTC-10344)

A new database index is added to improve general performance when synchronizing (deactivated/deleted) items from Chain Classic to Chain Web. 

User managementManagement

Create AD users (RTC-12968)

We fixed a bug related to changes in AAD integration that broke the functionality in User Management for creating normal AD users.

All AD users created during the period that the bug was present will have to be deleted.



Support for hiding homepage dashboard (RTC-8234)

System parameter KpisEnabled is correctly handled and kpis's on home page are hidden when parameter is set to false.

Required Configuration

System parameter KpisEnabled = true  kpis are visible on home dashboard

System parameter KpisEnabled = false kpis are not visible on home dashboard. Only reports and favorites should be visible.

User managementManagement

Create AD users (RTC-12968)

We fixed a bug related to changes in AAD integration that broke the functionality in User Management for creating normal AD users.

All AD users created during the period that the bug was present will have to be deleted.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


POS Configuration

Configuration group - stores without PrivateStoreGroup triggers errors (RTP-11908)

Correct stores are properly returned and can be added in the store group configuration section without errors/ warnings. The stores which doesn't contain PrivateStoreGroup will not be available in this view, and will be unlinked from the configuration group after save of it.

Gift cards

Synchronizing gift cards to cloud (RTC-13372)

Gift cards are exported to the cloud also when there are committed transactions with amount =0.

Fix for regive of gift cards (RTC-12236)

When regive operation is done, ownerClaimType is set if it previously was empty.


Giftcards Integration package 1.4.0.


Chain Web v. 2.10.31

Document status:





Account Receivable

Validation of payment date (RTC-10893)

When adding payment to invoice, payment date cannot be earlier than invoice creation date.


Add support for new file types (RTM-236)

Added support in ChainToCloudJob to support new file types which are sent to cloud. New supported file types: budsjett (budget), vareliste (item list), stock.


ChainToCloudIntegration package version 1.6.


Importing item list to customer group (RTC-9646)

When an item does not have a price in selected store during import of item list to customer group, an error message is displayed to inform the user of what the problem is.

Import of customers with SSN (RTC-11762)

When creating or updating customer by using import of customers in ARTS XML format, Social Security Number is updated properly on customer in Lindbak Retail database.

Default invoice by email to customers with email address (RTC-9742)

When customers (private and credit) are created with email address in POS, the customer will default be updated with the flag checked for 'Invoice by email'.

Inactive customer groups are default hidden (RTC-10439)

When opening Customer Groups, inactive groups are default hidden. In order to see hidden groups, user needs to change filters in Inactive column. User can also narrow and customize search results by using filters in columns.

Customer order

Bugfix: Calculation of gross profit (RTC-11944)

When adding new items to customer order and changing the unit price and net cost, gross profit is calculated according to the new values.

Offer expiration date (RTC-9887)

When creating new offer, "Valid to" field is set by default to the expiration date (14 days from today's date). User can change it by date picker. It is also possible to change the default value under the "DefaultOfferExpirationDays" parameter in Chain Web system parameters. When viewing already created offer, "Date" and "Valid to"  fields are set according to the offer's creation date and expiration date.

Disable the order locking functionality by default (RTC-11511)

The Customer Order locking feature is disabled by default, the user need to change the value of Chain Web system parameter "CustomerOrderLockingEnabled" to True, to enable it.

Parameter description: 

If set to True Customer Orders will be blocked from being handled in POS and Chain Web at the same time.

Customers blocked for credit (RTC-11586)

When opening a Customer Order with status Draft, Changed or Active, or when creating a new order directly from customer view, a message is shown to user when the customer is blocked for credit.

Preventing simultaneously changes to a customer order (RTC-908)

When a customer order is being changed from POS, it will be locked for simultaneously changes from both POS and Chain Web to prevent loss of data. Information is shown in the order details view when the order is locked. Any update/change of the order is not allowed when the order is locked. Users that want to edit the order must wait and try again later.

Additional technical information:

Order locking feature will work with versions EG POS or newer.
For more information about changes in POS, please read release notes related to "Don't allow editing the same order in POS and Chain Web".

Homepage dashboard

Refresh data automatically when changing store (RTL-133)

Data in Homepage dashboard is refreshed automatically when the store is changed to another one.
Additionally, when 'View for all stores' is checked, the data in Homepage dashboard is refreshed automatically.

Wrong Mapping For Sales Per Hour (RTC-3144)

The mapping for sales per hour was corrected and presents correct values for customers per hour and sales per hour. Both comparison and main date are correctly loaded and return correct results. Furthermore, setting the comparison date greater than the main date and main date lower than the comparison date is impossible, and dates are automatically changed into the greatest or the lowest one possible. When setting the comparison date greater than the main date, it is automatically changed into the greatest one possible equal to the main date. The same happens when setting the main date lower than the comparison date.


Summation per receipt (RTC-9721)

When the invoice contains multiple receipts, there is an additional line with summation per receipt of total excluding VAT and total including VAT.


Performance improvement in Item grid (RTC-10402)

When opening Items grid, list of items is displayed. User can narrow and customize results by using filters in columns or write key word in simple search window to find a specific item.

Order dispatch

Partially delivered dispatch orders (RTC-10302)

When dispatch order is partially delivered, after removing the item line from the not-delivered order, the freight item is reassigned to the delivered line with correct quantity delivered amount (should be 1). This previously did not work as intended and has now been corrected.

Update picking order with shipment number when delivered from AutoStore (RTC-7709)

The picking order's ShipmentNumber is updated by Chain Web based on ShipmentTrackingNumber from POSLog provided by AutoStore. This gives the ability for the tracking link to be included in the email sent to the customer.

Order managementManagement

Rejected order lines (RTC-10838)

In order to display number of rejected order lines, Reporting imports this status from Retail database.

This is done by existing package FactOrderRetail.

This package require Retail database version or higher because of new procedures.

Note: There are some limitations to this functionality: To get rejected status we need to fetch changes in Retail db and changes in POSLog. In some cases this can result in incorrect status for Order lines.

  • Case1: We update changes in Retail database in one Rt-job, but not changes from POSLog. Status for order line will be ONLY Rejected. Before we update POSLog we will not have assign status for new store.

  • Case2: We update changes in POSLog in one Rt-job, but not changes from Retail db. In this case Rejected lines will have status "Reassigned" before we update correct status from Retail db.

  • Case3: We create order, reject it in Chain Web. If we update changes from Retail db before all POSLogs, we will only have reassigned status in Reporting.


Swedish translations (RTC-12047)

Swedish translation corrected for "Subvendor" in reports 0013, 0110, 0452.


View and filter stocktaking's (RTC-12540)

User can edit and view all types of stocktaking's. Additionally, when viewing selected stocktaking, it's possible to filter results in Out Of Scope column.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left




Customer order

Customers blocked for credit (RTC-11586)

When opening a Customer Order with status Draft, Changed or Active, or when creating a new order directly from customer view, a message is shown to user when the customer is blocked for credit.

Order dispatch

Partially delivered dispatch orders (RTC-10302)

When dispatch order is partially delivered, after removing the item line from the not-delivered order, the freight item is reassigned to the delivered line with correct quantity delivered amount (should be 1). This previously did not work as intended and has now been corrected.


Chain Web v. 2.10.22

Document status:



The picking order's ShipmentNumber is updated by Chain Web based on ShipmentTrackingNumber from POSLog provided by AutoStore. That gives the ability for the tracking link to be included in the email sent to the customer.




Customer order

Disable the order locking functionality by default (RTC-11511)

The Customer Order locking feature is disabled by default, the user need to change the value of Chain Web system parameter "CustomerOrderLockingEnabled" to True, to enable it.

Parameter description: 

If set to True Customer Orders will be blocked from being handled in POS and Chain Web at the same time.

Preventing simultaneously changes to a customer order (RTC-908)

When a customer order is being changed from POS, it will be locked for simultaneously changes from both POS and Chain Web to prevent loss of data. Information is shown in the order details view when the order is locked. Any update/change of the order is not allowed when the order is locked. Users that want to edit the order must wait and try again later.

Additional technical information:

Order locking feature will work with versions EG POS or newer.
For more information about changes in POS, please read release notes related to "Don't allow editing the same order in POS and Chain Web".




Rejected order lines (RTC-10838)

In order to display number of rejected order lines, Reporting imports this status from Retail database.

This is done by existing package FactOrderRetail.

This package require Retail database version because of new procedures.

Note: There are some limitations to this functionality: To get rejected status we need to fetch changes in Retail db and changes in POSLog. In some cases this can result in incorrect status for Order lines.

  • Case1: We update changes in Retail database in one Rt-job, but not changes from POSLog. Status for order line will be ONLY Rejected. Before we update POSLog we will not have assign status for new store.

  • Case2: We update changes in POSLog in one Rt-job, but not changes from Retail db. In this case Rejected lines will have status "Reassigned" before we update correct status from Retail db.

  • Case3: We create order, reject it in Chain Web. If we update changes from Retail db before all POSLogs, we will only have reassigned status in Reporting.


Upload RIGAL files to Cloud (RTC-849)

DirectoryListnerJob job in FileListener Integration package can upload any files to FileService based on a list of predefined content type or a list of Regex'es. 

The job can be configured to upload Chain/POS files (butikk, vpi, pris and so on), RIGAL files (V, K, M, Varetran and so on) or custom files types based on Regex. 

Detailed documentation on how the job works and how to set it up can be found in the documentation tab in Integration Platform Management App.


Chain Web v. 2.10.20

Document status:



Report details for Sales by product area / Sales by product group

File name


Data source

Analysis services (Cube)



Report type

If report should be based on article area or article group - Default area.

Date from

Default today.

Date to

Default today.

Comparable date from

Default same day in same week last year.

Date to comparable

Default same day in same week last year.

Article area

Default all (does not show if report type is Group).

Article group

Default all (does not show if report type is Area).

Retail store

Default all.

Columns - one row per article area / article group

Item area

Item area number and name

Date 1, based on sales between Date from and Date to


Sales Incl. VAT

Sales including VAT for Date 1.

Sales ex. VAT

Sales excluding VAT for Date 1.



Number of sold items for Date 1.

Price pr. Art

Average price per article for Date 1.

Gross profit


Gross profit amount for Date 1.


Gross profit percentage for Date 1

Date 2, Based on sales between Comparable date from and Date to comparable.

Compare incl. VAT

Sales incl. VAT

Sales including VAT for Date 2.


Difference in sales amount (including VAT) for Date 1 and Date 2.

Diff %

Difference in sales between Date 1 and Date 2 in percentage.





Remove reference text demand from local EHF (RTC-9743)

When the customer is marked to "Save electronic invoice locally" , the checkbox "Reference number required" is editable. When "Reference number required" is set to False, reference number and reference text are not required when creating credit sales and customer orders. This feature makes the sales process more efficient when invoicing is done in a 3rd party system.

Customer order

Customer with credit blocked (RTC-9880)

When creating customer order and adding customer with credit blocked, a warning message is displayed. Order can be saved but it is not possible to pay it by credit. For such customers credit sales cannot be created.

Autosave for customer orders that are not submitted (RTC-3503)

The integration job OrderSubmitter, included in the BackOfficeIntegrationSubscriber package, is responsible for submitting orders with statuses Draft and Changed which have not been submitted within a defined number of minutes. By default the job is executed every hour.


Invoice text "Foretaksregisteret" (RTC-10601)

Field name on top of the invoice was changed in English and Norwegian version to "Foretaksregisteret" to align with legal requirements. Text in Swedish is previously defined according to Swedish legal requirements.


Translations in Report (RTC-10828)

The Swedish translations of the price channel names in the dropdown list of parameter pPriceChannels (used in reports 0705/0706 and others) are updated with the following Swedish translations:

  • Chain Web

  • Manuell kassa

  • InStore App

  • Självscanning (SU)

  • Mobilsjälvscanning

  • Självbetjäning (SCO)

Additionally, parameter pWorkstationType two values has new translations (“ITAB” is now changed to “ISA” and “SU” is now changed to “SCO”).
Furthermore, pWorkstationType has two new items in the list (Web shop and Other).

Translations (RTC-10894)

The Swedish and Norwegian translation of the workstation type name "Other" in the dropdown list of parameter pWorkstationType (used in reports 0705/0706 and others) is updated with the following values:

  • Swedish: Övriga

  • Norwegian: Andre

  • Additionally, the text "Web shop" is changed to “Webshop”, according to requirements.

Translations (

The Swedish translations of two price channel names in the dropdown list of parameter pPriceChannels (used in reports 0705/0706 and others) are updated with the following:

  • ShopAndGoCheckOut - Självbetjäning (SCO)

  • ShopAndGoCheckTerminal - Självscanning (SU)


Count group status (RTC-10659)

When logging into Chain Web as a store user and navigating to the Count groups, only count groups available in the grid will be count groups that should be counted in the given store. The column "#items in stock" will display the number of items in the count group that the given store is expected to count.

Improved transparency in count group grid (RTC-10793)

When the counting of a count group has not yet started (including when counting was cancelled), the following fields will be blank: counted at, counted by and modified by. This was previously not the case and was confusing for the user. A modified date will be added for the count group with status "Not started", when the counting was cancelled, in order to show the user when it was cancelled.

Show items added outside the count group (RTC-948)

Added column “Out of scope” to the Count list view to show items that is added outside of Count group in InStore App.


Chain Web v. 2.10.14

Document status:



Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Accounts receivable


Rounding in EHF files (RTC-9092)

The PayableAmountRounding field is saved in EHF files only when there is a rounding amount (different than 0).

Rounding of credit sale (RTC-7089)

In some instances, the rounding of items was wrongly calculated when creating a credit sale, causing a subtotal rounding of 0,01. This issue has been resolved.


Chain Web v. 2.9.285

Document status:



Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Don't allow creating new stocktaking if last stocktaking is not updated in Chain Classic (TFS: 189347)

Now the user will not be able to create a new stocktaking in Chain Web (also with the refreshed stock level for the assigned count lists) inside the same store, until the last POSLog related to previous stocktaking (previous stock results) will be processed/ updated in Chain Classic.

Related Chain Classic PBI with the requirements: Product Backlog Item 190077: 2.1.1: Sport1: Stocktaking: New proxy for checking that last stocktaking is finished


Chain Web v. 2.9.284

Document status:



Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer order

Search for active orders shows both active and cancelled orders (TFS: 186790)

The flag IsCancelled has been added to the response of the GetCustomerOrders3 method in CustomerOrder service. It shows if an order is cancelled or not.


POS Services 7.76.03703


Chain Web v. 2.9.283

Document status:

