Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Report details Sale statistics

File name


Data source

Lindbak POS Reporting cube (Olap)




Default today

Hour from Default 0:00
Hour to Default 24:00
Retail store Default all
Department Default all
Article area Default all
Article group Default all
Include VAT Default on

Columns (one row per department with drilldown to item area, item group and item). Buttons for expanding and collapsing all drilldowns.


EAN code

Item name

Article name

TotalQuantity sold
Turnover inc. VAT or Turnover ex. VATTurnover inc. VAT or Turnover ex. VAT depending on selection.
TotalAmount sold. Inc. or ex. VAT depending on selection
ShareShare of this department / area / group / item related to total sale.
Cost priceCost price 
Gross profit
TotalGross profit amount
Total %Gross profit percentage





StoreNumber is used instead of Id in all cashier balance (RTP-13797)

When creating summary for all cashiers the storeId is saved properly in database.                         

Chain Management 

Fix: Team view page shows linked stores (RTC-16495)

All linked stores are displayed properly in Teams, Profiles and Configuration groups views.


Filtering of projects (RTC-11534)

Using filters in invoices tab in Projects does not trigger a redirection to address tab anymore. When settings a date in sales tab filters clean X button is displayed properly and only one scroll is visible.

Customer order

Hide or show deleted order lines (RTC-14223)

User in Customer Order view has possibility to show and hide deleted lines from order. Deleted lines are struck through, so the user can know the difference.

Receipt reference to online returns (RTC-14526)

The receiptID of the receipt that contains online returns, is displayed in order line details in "Online returns" area.

Image Modified


Invoices with deposit items (RTC-15522)

The total amount on credit sales/invoices with deposit is showed properly. Deposit is included in total amount.

Crediting invoice that contains gift cards (RTC-11534)

A proper message is displayed when doing correction on credit sale with gift card or crediting invoice which contains gift card.

Receipt journal

Sorting of stores (RTC-16888)

The stores are sorted in ascending order by store number. 


Week number in date picker (RTC-16527)

When setting report parameters the user is able to see week numbers in date picker.

Timeout when downloading a report (RTC-9934)

A user-friendly message why the error has occurred is displayed to user when a timeout occurred during downloading a report.

Report search with supplier item number (RTC-942)

Report 0152_FreeItemsFromStampcard has been extended with parameter 'Supplier item number list'.

Image Modified

Tokheim integration

Configuration of Tokheim POS (RTP-12206)

Configuration and activation of Tokheim POS has been refactored and it now works in combination with EG POS Configuration.


 Activating configuration for Tokheim POS will also activate EG POS configuration. (For example when activating changes on the common level). 

Export of Configuration for Tokheim POSRTC-13361)

The folder, filename prefix and format of the files with configuration for Tokheim POS can be configured in the following system parameters:

  • TokheimExportOutputFolder
  • TokheimExportFilenamePrefix
  • TokheimExportUseUnicode

User Management

Fix for permissions (RTC-15672)

When parameter UsersCanOnlyAssignRolesTheyAreAssignedTo is active and some user is editing the other one, the added/removed are changed only for that user (not for the user that are editing as well).

Chain  Web v. 2.10.88

Document status:



Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Crediting invoice that contains gift cards (RTC-11534)

A proper message is displayed when doing correction on credit sale with gift card or crediting invoice which contains gift card.


Timeout when downloading a report (RTC-9934)

A user-friendly message why the error has occurred is displayed to user when a timeout occurred during downloading a report.


Chain Web v. 2.10.84

Document status: 



In order to report on bonus points we have created Bonus per store report. This report allows the user to see monthly bonus usage per store for last 12 months.

Report details Bonus per store

File name


Data source

Reporting Data Warehouse



Retail store

Default none, multiselection possible 

Columns - Report is grouped per store, showing one row per month.


End of month

Earned bonus

Earned bonus

Used bonus points Used bonus points
Expired bonus pointsExpired bonus points

Automatic logoff in Chain Web



NB! The the search technology saves the whole card number including 'x' as this is interpreted as a word, and the search uses 'starts with' to find the searching words in the index. The character '-' is removed, and also leading zeros are removed, so the user cannot in above example search for 6409-05, only for 6409.





Balance summary (RTC-9741)

After registering all balances for selected day, user will see a summary for all cashiers. This summary is available from Financials menu section called Balances summary.


Maximum credit limit when updating customers through ARTS Customer import (RTC-15225)

The default credit limit on credit customers in Chain Web is set in the system parameter DefaultCustomerCreditLimit. When updating or creating customers through ARTSCustomerImport the maximum credit limit must be less than three times the DefaultCustomerLimit or the update will be rejected. If the system parameter is blank, the default value of 50 000,- is used and the maximum credit limit when updating is 99 999,-.

Import of customer with invalid mobile number (RTC-9100)

If customer's phone/mobile number is invalid (contains illegal characters) then customer is exported with empty phone number.

BackOffice batch generator 1.5.3

Customer order

Search for offers (RTC-14959)

In Offers' view there is a simple search option. User can narrow and customize results by entering key word in the simple search window.

Search for orders in Package deliveries (RTC-14960)

In Package Deliveries view there is a simple search option. User can narrow and customize results by entering key word in the simple search window.

Fix for refund (RTC-7054)

The refunded lines are properly displayed in the Refund summary/ Credit Note.


Search for invoices (RTC-13704)

In Invoices' view there is a simple search option. User can narrow and customize results by entering key word in the simple search window (the search result is improved in this version).

Receipt journal

POS unit filtering (RTC-9114)

Fixed a problem where POS unit filter field were not removed as it should.

Fix for timeout when searching in large receipt journals (RTC-15143)

After entering Receipts Journal view receipts are properly displayed and no timeouts occur. User is able to customize and narrow the shown results by using filters.

Filter for stock adjustment transactions (RTP-13122)

In receipt journal the user can filter displayed results only to stock adjustment type of receipt. This type is in group of types named item transactions, so if user filters on all item transactions, receipts for stock adjustments are also shown.

Open drawer transactions (RTP-11413)

Open drawer transactions are displayed under System transactions and Other.

Search for old receipts (RTC-7875)

When searching for old receipts it is not possible to use all the standard filters. When 'date from' is older than defined in system parameter R_ceiptJournalOldReceiptsDate,_ a simplified filter is displayed. Please note that this system parameter is default blank.

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Store users of report 0010 (RTC-14884)

If user has store level access, report 0010 shows only results for the user's store.

New reports, with interactive sorting (RTC-14253)

We have made to new reports (0455, 0456). They are the same as 0110 and 0453, but now they have interactive sorting in all columns.

Changes in report 0450_StoreSettlementPerOperator (RTC-14255)

New row "Klarna" in 1701_subCurrency section. The row shows payments done with Klarna.

New hidden parameter pKlarna - needs to be set to Klarna payment card number.

Changes in report 0750_WetStock (RTC-14762)

Now the report fits on A4 format when exported to PDF.

Font was changed from 10pt -> 8pt. Width and Hight of cells were changed.

Following column names was reorganized and changed:

  • Water measure in tank -> Water
  • Daily Variance, Daily Variance% -> Daily on two cells merged above and below: Variance and Variance%
  • 5 Days Cumulative Variance,5 Days Cumulative Variance%,5 Days Cumulative Sales -> 5 Days Cumulative on three cells merged above and below: Variance, Variance% and Sales
  • 31 Days Cumulative Variance,31 Days Cumulative Variance%,31 Days Cumulative Sales -> 31 Days Cumulative on three cells merged above and below: Variance, Variance% and Sales

Minor improvements in user interface (RTC-14104)

Sticky columns have been added in Overview tab andNo active stocktaking header has been made more visible.

Counted by column in Overview and Count Lists tabs has been upgraded. The change for Counted By is done in POSLogProcessingWorker. New Count Lists from POSLogs have userId set to "operatorId - operatorName", for old records the value isn't changed.

Cleanup of old count groups (RTC-13902)

There is a job named CountingGroupsCleanupJob which cleans old count groups for an inventory control. User is able to set number of days after which the count group should be removed.  Default values is 90 days. If count group was used in already archived stocktaking and is old enough, CountingGroupsCleanupJob deletes it.

Cleanup of old counting groups (http://RTC-15659)

Delete Counting Groups and dependencies will be done in batches. Batch size is configurable by 'Delete batch size' job parameter. Default value is 50, but it could be increased to 1000.

Exclude items with specific assortment codes when creating stocktaking (RTC-11066)

System parameter AssortmentCodesToExcludeInStocktaking defines list of assortment codes, that will be excluded from the stocktaking basis.

Created date in the count groups view (RTC-15733)

Bugfix: All dates in the count groups' grid are displayed properly.

Filter on supplier and brand when creating count groups (RTC-12666)

User is able to select "Supplier" and "Brand" as an attribute in item filter when creating or editing count group.

User Management

Cashier permissions through cashier roles with system roles (RTC-12125)

A predefined set of system roles for cashiers can be added to a cashier role (not directly to the cashier/user). When creating a new cashier or editing an existing one, System Roles are not displayed in dropwdown list. If user has a system role granted from previously, it is displayed only in Cashier roles window. After removing it, user isn't able to add System Role to the cashier again.


Chain Web v. 2.10.70

New Report based on EOD
