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Report details Sales and waste

File name


Data source

Analysis services (Cube)



Date from Default today.
Date toDefault today.
Retail store Default all for HQ users.
Article areaDefault all.
Article groupDefault all. 
Reason codeDefault all. Default can be changed in parameter pReasonCode.
GroupingIf report should be grouped by article area or article group. Default is article area.
Columns - Showing one row per Article areas / Article group with drilldown to item.
Items noItem number
Item nameItem name
Sales quantityNumber of sold items within selection. 
Sales ex. VATSales ex. VAT within selection.
Breakage quantityNumber of breakages within selection.
Lost amountAverage gross profit for one item times breakage quantity.
Breakage %Share of breakage quantity in relation to sales quantity, in percentage.
Lost sales amount % 
Share of lost amount in relation to sales ex. VAT, in percentage.


BackOffice Service

Certificate problem after upgrade (RTC-20120)

When there is no cloud certificate on the server, the error about missing certificate is not logged while processing customer orders.

Customer group

New discount type, recalculation of net cost (RTC-19545)

"Cost increase %" has been added to customer group discount types. It is available for items and item groups.
The cost price of the item will be increased by "Cost increase %" multiplied with the actual sales price in POS.
The "Price reduction" label has been changed to "Price effect".

Customer order

Refund screen changes (RTC-16741)

The refund process was changed into to one step where user define reason code, treatment code and refund amount. The Amount and New price discount types from now on affect the whole amount paid for the item, no the unit price of the item. "Payment to the customer" section on the refund screen, is updated in real time after changing the discount on any Item from "Items to be refunded" section. After pressing Refund user gets warning dialog with the summary of refund. After pressing Cancel the warning popup will appear with the information that all changes will be reverted. After successfully performed refund/ cancel action the user is moved to the order lines view.

Occasionally an error occurs during the refund process, on the orders with subtotal discount, which also exists in our current solution - this issue will be fixed in a separate story.

Return screen changes (RTC-16740)

The flow of the return process has been changed. Instead of the wizard like before, the "Return Confirmation" popup with Credit note (or return summary for webshops) is displayed when the return is confirmed. After closing this popup user is moved to the order lines view. When the return is cancelled, the user is moved to the order lines view and all changes from return screen are lost.

Dispatch order

Sorting the eldest orders ascending (RTC-19295)

Default sorting in 'Dispatch orders' grid is descending by 'Created date'. Orders with items which are not available in stock (full marked red) are on the top.

'Cancelled' or 'Rejected' orders have 'Unpaid' payment status. Except when the order has actually been paid.

Automatic reassign schedule - special days (RTC-19268)

It is possible to define special working days for given dispatch rule. Special days are exceptions to standard working hours for particular days - either open (specific hours) or close store (whole day). Special dates are automatically field 1 year ahead with public holidays of store's country. 

Automatic reassign schedule - standard working hours (RTC-18962)

Standard working hours can be scheduled in 'Working Hours' section of Dispatch Rules. 'Working Hours' are used by automatic order reassign to determine when reassign is enabled. It is possible to configure working for every day of the week separately, as well as defining multiple open periods during each day.

Image Modified

POS Configuration

Editing POS Parameters Common (RTP-15880)

If a user does not have access to "edit POS Parameters Common", then "Activate", "Edit", "Search by text" buttons are not visible on the common level in POS Configuration. Moreover, the "Actions" drop-down lists contain limited options for users without common permissions (only "Export" option).


Add translations for report 0458 (RTC-19916)

Translations have been added to report 0458.

ReportViewer (RTC-19107)

Excluded groups parameter remains hidden after using Expand all/Collapse all buttons.


Access rights for periodic stocktaking (RTC-19666)

User role responsible for access rights for periodic stocktaking has been added. Only users with this role assigned are able to create periodic stocktaking.


Requirement to use this functionality:

Before upgrading Lindbak Retail database execute this script: 

Image Modified


Chain Web v. 2.10.120

Document status: 

