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Coming next release


Company details (RTC-20488)

  • 'Country' field is required when updating or creating a company.
  • When 'Organization number' is not unique within the country, proper validation message is displayed after trying to save a new company or update an existing one.


Release 17.02.2022

Company details

VAT number (RTC-19762)

When creating or editing company, there is a 'VAT number' field. When selected 'Country' is Norway, VAT number is generated in format "NO<Organization number>MVA". In Sweden, VAT number is "SE<Organization number>01". When other country is selected, user can enter VAT number manually. It is a text field with maximum length of 50 signs.
'Country' dropdown list in company details is contains countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Austria, Estonia, Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium.


Inventory flag (RTC-18146)

There is a section in store details named 'Inventory' which contains checkbox field 'Inventory management in use'. Status of this field is exported from cloud to blob. It can also be imported from Chain Web OnPrem to Store Management.
