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Table of Contents


Monitor suspicious scanner activity in self-service


Visual control may now be configured to trigger automatically based on suspicious scanning activity done by customer. If performed more than configured number of scanning's of either unknown items, or of barcode types like e.g. member cards or Norsk Tipping player cards, a message is sent to monitorsurveillance.

Image Added

A message about random control is also shown to customer at the POS, making him have to await assistance.


Messages shown to customer: 

Image Removed

Messages shown in POS monitor: 

Image Removed

when going to payment:

Image Added

POS Configuration

New parameters:

SngScannerAbuseCount (default '0', not in use)

If activated (number > 0) according number of scanning's of unknown items / relevant barcodes triggers visual control.

SnGScannerAbuseRegEx (default empty)

Configurable bar code types like e.g. member card or player card, to be monitored.


Improved dialogs when selling age restricted items


There have been done some simplifications of text dialogs when selling age-restricted items to make them easier to read for employeesAnd also added a new parameter that can be configured so that date dialog only appears for alcohol

A parameter configures whether the dialog to enter birthdate is only shown for alcohol or all age-restricted items. 

POS Configuration

New parameter: AskForBirthdayOnlyAlcohol - Default False 

If this parameter is set to True, date dialog only appears for alcohol items. 

The simplified messages work both if existing parameter DelayItemRequirementUnitllPayment is set to True or False

Existing parameter AskForBirthday needs to be configured False for the new changes to run correctly.


Out-of-order message in Self-service


A configured image may be shown in self-service POS to explain to customers that it the POS is out-of-order / not available. While the image is shown, the scanner will be deactivated. Staff may put POS back to operational mode when problem is solved by scanning enabled the POS again by touching the screen and then scanning a cashier card.

Image Added

POS Configuration

New parameter: SnGOutOfOrderImage (default empty)

Image that will be shown in POS when new function 'Show out of order image' is run. 

Function 'Show out of order image' may be configured on a button via ButtonConfig:

Function, as it exists in POS: 


Extended price


calculation for receipts with many mix'es




POS can be configured to perform a price calculation with a longer timeout if the receipt contains many items included in mix'es and the normal price calculation times out when selling items.

The longer price calculation will be performed when going to the Handling of possible price calculation timeouts in POS is improved. If prices can not be calculated within the fixed time, due to e.g. too many possible mixmatch combinations, POS may perform an extra price calculation when switching to payment view.

POS Configuration

New parameter: PrematureAbortExtraCalculationSeconds - default 0 (= deactivated).

If activated, price calculation time is automatically increased by the number of configured seconds, if price calculation timeout occurs.


Note: This is not an absolute value. Depending on POS hardware, and of number of items / mixes in the receipt, calculation may take a bit longer time than the configured number of seconds.


Opt-out from linking payment card


to club member


New checkbox "Don't ask for payment card link" can be configured to appear in edit member view. When this is set, the customer will not be asked to link the payment card to the loyalty account.

POS Configuration


New option "DontAskPaymentCardLink" can be configured in this parameter.



Missing CardIssuer when doing reversal in VIM pay terminal (RTP-16121)

We have improved the integration with VIM pay terminal solution to secure that the type of payment card reused for the last payment also is used and saved to receipt if this transaction is later reversed / cancelled afterwards.   

New version of Paylink pay terminal solution integration (RTP-16049)

Version of BPTI.DLL for Paylink pay terminal solution is tested OK in existing versions of EG POS, both at EG and at customers. This version of this third party DLL will be a part of The new version has been added to the EG POS install/upgrade package.

Version 1.1.4 of VIM integration (RTP-15309)

For VIM pay terminals we have implemented version 1.1.4 of the integration from Verifone in EG POS. Closing of VIM when terminating POS is now better secured. Printed pay terminal text lines are formatted with either narrow (24 cpl) or wide (40 cpl) layout in 1 column, or in 2 columns with text printed in paper's total width. This is depending on number of characters per line configured for the receipt printer.

Support for version of Baxi.Net pay terminal solution from Nets (RTP-15308)

No adaptions have been made in EG POS in order to support Nets' version of their pay terminal solution Baxi.Net. No change in configuration is necessary for this version compared to previous approved version


Fix for fetching new Fetching coupons/stamp cards from liquid when tandem EANs are used (RTP-16363)

There has been done a fix for fetching new coupons/stamp cards when tandem numbers are used from Liquid.  There was also a problem with committing coupons when tandem numbers was used. So with some small changes in logic, this now work as expected. For each time a item is added to receipt, we now query Liquid for a new coupon, if the coupon is defined for multiple use.

Customer screen

Improvement for negative subtotal (RTP-15851)

When the subtotal is negative, then label "To pay" and currency codes are displayed on footer with negative subtotal in customer screen.

Deposit refund

Close connection to deposit refund fileshare when receipt is finished (RTP-16025)

Connection from a POS to deposit refund fileshare will now be closed every time a receipt is finished. By reopening connection from each POS only when necessary, in stead of connections being constantly open, problems regarding limitation of simultaneous connections should be more likely to not occur.

Export from Reporting

Store settlement export (RTP-16307)

When exporting data from Reporting to RIGAL we now sum control transactions for payed in and payed out in IIN and IUT codes. If splitting these transactions per reason code is needed, use existing parameter StoreSettlementPaidInOutReasonCodes.


Improvement for customer search through IPER (RTP-15589)

There is done some improvements for customer search through IPER .  Previous the search would fail sometimes, and error message was presented in POS.  With better handling the search functionality is now improved and no error message presented. wrongly to avoid sporadic failed searches. 

Gift card

Improvements for handling EG Cloud gift card integration (RTP-13692)

There has have been done general improvements for handling of EG Cloud gift cardcards.

  1. Check for GLN is now removed - Store number should always be used when using CloudGiftcardServiceCloud GiftcardService.
  2. Expiry date is now added to exception dialog for expired gift cards.
  3. Gift card balance dialog now only is shown once when forcing gift card payment on a expired gift card - previous . Previously, this dialog was shown twice if both parameters ScripCheckBalanceBeforePayment and ForcePaymentGiftCardOnExpired = True.

Using gift cards in POS when store GLN number is set (RTP-4512)

Setting the GLN for a store will no longer lead to sending GLN instead of store number to EG gift card service. Previously this could lead to "unknown" issuing store on gift cards.

Goods Receival and Item Ordering  in InStore App

Improved handling of bundle items containing non-piece items (RTM-3592)

Transactions on bundle items containing other units of measure than piece (e.g. kilograms) are properly handled.


Note: Bundle items with different kinds of units of measure within the same bundle is not supported.


Return may cause duplicate refunds when request to Klarna fails (RTP-16490)

Changes are done to make sure that when refund fails and is retried, Klarna order should only be updated once.


For POS/InStore App POS Services 7.80.04505 or later is required for this to work.

Missing information in Klarna payment payment (RTP-16028)

Missing fields for B2B are added in the Klarna Checkout payment.


Removal of expired coupons in POS API (RTP-16439)

When calling SetLoyaltyInCart method multiple times, it will remove expired coupons from previous calls.


Negative amount for normal purchaseshown "to pay" in payment view (RTP-16096)

In the payment view proper , the text and amount are displayed now for normal sale and for return as well.has been fixed for both sales and returns/refunds.  

PLU List

Adding selected articles to receipt (RTP-14496)All marked articles

for sale in PLU List are being added to receipt nowMultiple items can be added to the receipt simultaneously by selecting multiple items in the cashier PLU List.

Price calculation

Manual discount on top of coupon discount (RTP-15840)There is now possible to combine both manual discount and coupon discount. Earlier this was not possible

If existing parameter ManualDiscountMode is set to "OnTopOfCampaigns", both the line discount and the coupon discount will be given.


Improved signature based payments with VIM pay terminal in self-service POS (RTP-16559)

In situations where VIM pay terminal in self-service POS triggers signature control, due to an offline situation or the payment card demands it, the behavior is now improved. POS will be blocked, with information to customer that assistance is needed. Any dialogue that needs interaction from staff will trigger after staff has arrived and cashier card is scanned. This secures that no dialogues that wasn't meant for the customer triggers too early.

Improvement for user interface in self-service (RTP-15989)

There has been done some improvements for the user interface in self-service:

  1. Text color on "highlighted items" in PLU-list now follow PrimaryTextColor in 'SnGOverriddenColors'. 
  2. All texts in customer view follow the language given in the Culture configuration
  3. When searching for orders in self-service, the text presented in dialog no longer crash with cancel button on the bottom.
