Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Coming next release 


Models and variants in the offer (RTC-19908)

If items were added to the offer on model or variant level, there is a column in the 'Manage items' grid named 'Model Name'.


Store prices in promotion on team level (RTC-22077)

When promotion is on team/price zone level and item has price in store that belongs to this store group, this price will be used in offer. When item has price set for a price zone, it is imported to offer properly.


Release 06.04.2022


No timeout for Export job (RTC-21874)

Models and variants in the offer (RTC-19908)

When exporting promotion with thousands of items to POS, "Export" job in "PromotionIntegrationPackage" does not fail because of timeout.


If items were added to the offer on model or variant level, there is a column in the 'Manage items' grid named 'Model Name'job in "PromotionIntegrationPackage" does not fail because of timeout.

Price rules

Update of Mix 27 (RTC-21634)

Mix 27 is named "Buy for X amount in ordinary price and get discount on all items". Its description is updated. Name of discount field is renamed to "Discount on all items".


Promotion history for discount items (RTC-21224)

When user changes discount item in an active promotion, this update is saved in the promotion's history. It includes clearing selection and adding a new item.

"Promotions" grid on small displays (RTC-21349)

Columns in "Promotions" grid are divided into two sections - locked and scrollable one. By default, in section on left there are "Code", "Name" and "Status" columns. These columns are always displayed. Other columns are in section on the right side of the page. When columns are too wide to be displayed, this section is scrollable horizontally. Columns can be moved by user between those two sections.

Store prices in promotion on team level (RTC-22077)

When promotion is on team/price zone level and item has price in store that belongs to this store group, this price will be used in offer. When item has price set for a price zone, it is imported to offer properly.


Release 01.04.2022 


Fix for mixes 34, 35/41, 40 (RTC-21499)

Export of offer items does not fail after the first offer group is removed from an offer. This applies to mixes in which we can add and remove offer groups: 34, 35/41, 40.

Price rules

Combine from groups and get discount per group (RTC-21896)

Name and description of mix type 35/41 is changed to 'Combine from groups and get discount per group'. Discount can be specified for all groups in the offer with this mix type.
