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Price rules

Fix for mix 21/22 (RTC-21930)

It is no longer required to always update 'Min. receipt amount of other items' field when editing price rule with Mix 21/22.

Promotion type

Activate and edit row in register (RTC-22014)

After activation/deactivation of a row in the register and editing some values without closing the modal, grid is refreshed.

Release 21.04.2022

Items in promotion




Segmentation on variant and model level (RTC-20639)

Items can be added to the offer using item segmentation on item, model or variant level. After selecting item segmentation and clicking 'add to the offer' button, there is a modal window which asks on what level user wants to add segmentation. The default selected value is item level.

After adding items, variants or models to the offer, in the 'Manage items' view, there is a message above the table about what level is used in the item segmentation. Columns in this view match selected level.

Export to blob:

  • Items are exported with 'gtin', 'externalItemNo', 'sku' fields in the 'itemIdentifier' section.
  • Models are exported with 'modelNo' field in 'modelIdentifier' section.
  • Variants are exported with 'variantIdentifier' section which contains 'colorText' field and 'modelIdentifier' section.

Price rules

Define discount type in price rule, and discount rate in offer (RTC-19795)

Discount rate and discount type are specified separately on price rule level. It is possible to create price rule with defined discount type, but discount rate editable in offer.

Promotion report

View item sales (RTC-20115)

In each of the sections in 'Report tab', there is a 'View item sales' button. It opens grid with sales of items within promotion/offer. By default, it contains columns: GTIN, Item text, Quantity sold, Sales amount, Gross profit total and Brand. Grid is sorted by Sales amount by default. Other columns that can be added to grid are: SKU, Color, Size and Item group no/text.

  • When promotion/offer consists of less than 5000 items, all of them are displayed in grid, including never sold ones.
  • When promotion/offer has more than 5000 items, only 5000 items with highest number of sold amount are shown.
  • When offer applies to all items, only sold items are in the grid.
  • Report received from Reporting API is cached for one hour. It makes data load faster when re-opening page, but also means that new sales statistics may not be visible until hour passes.
  • Offers on model and variant level are not yet supported.

Item search for offers on model/variant level (RTC-21646)

When offer is created on model/variant level, it is possible to search for an item from this model/variant in the item search in promotion report.

Deleted offers sections (RTC-21305)

Activate and edit row in register (RTC-22014)

Section for the offer deleted from an active promotion is displayed on report tab, so it is possible to see sales statistics for all offers that were active in the past.

Promotion type

After activation/deactivation of a row in the register and editing some values without closing the modal, grid is refreshed.


Labels for items in promotion on variant level (RTC-21265)

After creating a promotion on variant level, all items from this variant are imported with prices to the table [Promotion].[OfferGroupItem]. Also these items get labels with the promotion price. Labels are always taken from the offer where price for specific item is the smallest.
