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  • This line was added.
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Mobile POS v. 1.1.4 (MPA-22-02) February 2022 release


Important highlights from this release

Payment with card

Credit card is now also an payment option in Mobile POS. 
User choses credit card as an option in finish sales view. The terminal is then contacted and the messages of the terminal mirrored in Mobile POS. 
User can also scan QR code on terminal or choose from list of avaliable terminals if there is several alternatives.  (RTM-3404)

Docking EG Mobile POS 

Users can now dock a device that is using EG Mobile POS. Some issues have been corrected, where EG Mobile POS earlier loged out user when this happened.  (RTM-3707)


Create web orders from item added to sale 

Pressing item added to receipt and opening the menu for the item another option is now added - Order from webshop including showing stock value for the item is shown. 

Pressing item and adding it to the receipt, the receipt will be split in 2. One for websale and one for normal sale. (RTM-2857)

Create web orders from item details

In item details, how ever you may open it, web orders are now an alternative. Pressing the order icon in stock details adds the item to the receipt as a web order. (RTM-2858)

Create web orders -   customer details with member

When items added to weborder is or sale is complete and user wants to finish the sales they press the green payment icon. User is then moved to a view where more information about the purchaser is added. If there is a member on the cart the information stored about the member is pree filled in in the customer form.  (RTM-3651)

Create web orders -   customer details without member

For weborders when a user presses "finish payment" the view is moved to information regarding customer information. There is several fields that needs to be filled in including a button where bisnode can be used. 
Button "add member" moves users to the view where user can search for a member and add it to the receipt. (RTM-2860)

Create web orders -  Parking and retreiving parked receipts

User can now both park and retreive parked receipts after a weborder has been created. ALthough, the flow is slightly different (the scenario below is a scenario with both normal sale and web orders on)

  1. User chooses to park the receipt
  2. User needs to choose if they want to park the normal sale or web order sale
  3. Pop-up is shown telling user to double check stock value when retreiving receipt again/ if there is an normal sale and web order on same receipts information about this
  4. The two receipts are parked and not presented as the same receipt. 
  5. When retreiving the receipts (the web order receipt) same pop-up is shown telling user to check the stock value since the value can have changed since the receipt was first created. 
  6. The receipts can not be presented as one any more. 





Web orders

Following smaller improvements are made:

  • Selecting sale/order when selecting parking sale if both order and normal sale is on the receipt
  • Split member on both receipts if added, and also free text 
  • Improvements regarding font size and deleting web orders



Improvements in translation (RTM-3923)

Mobile POS v. 1.1.3 (MPA-22-01) January 2022 release


Important highlights from this release

No important highlights, only improvements. 




Icons for discounts in scanned article row 

Now all icons for different discounts and offers are presented in Mobile POS. 
Item lines gets the icons when a discount or offer is added to the receipt on the items it regards. (RTM-1967)

Show total quantity as integer in purchase history 

A better handling of quantity in receipt summary in purchase history is added. Now the quantity is always shown as an ineger, even if the cart contains items that have units of measure (kg, meter etc).  (RTM-3637)

Mobile POS v. 1.1.2 (MPA-21-12) November and December release


Important highlights from this release

Receipt information in customer purchase history

Now cash register number also is shown in the purchase view. Previously only store number and sequence number was shown.  (RTM-3508)




Improved scanning barcodes on iOS

There has been some presentation issues with scanning barcodes on iOS. This is now improved and error "item not added" is no longer shown since problem is resolved (RTM-3293)

EAN with missing colour

If an ean  has whitespace in it and the item is scanned in search view it openes article detials. The user van now choose size/colour in the dropdown without any issues. (RTM-3477)

Move to sales view - iOS device 

When user has an iOS device and scannes an ean code in search the user is sometime moved to sales view instad of product information. This is now adjusted and made sure user is only is moved to product information. (RTM-3561)

Mobile POS v. 1.1.1 (MPA-21-10) October release 



Important highlights from this release

Reason codes for line- and total discounts


New app icon
Mobile POS has now a new icon so user can differentiate between EG Retail apps quickly.  (RTM-3091)




Improved bonus handeling

There has been some presentation issues with bonus after it has been activated on a receipt and then the receipt has been parked and retreived. This is now improved. (RTM-2620)




Important highlights from this release

Scan vertical and standing EAN-codes 


Now Mobile POS can fetch parked receipts from Consumer POS (RTM-2796)




"Incorrect login" popup on prod 

After switching from test to prod user is shown a popup with options "Log out" or "Retry". Retry triggers the same popup and bit blockes the flow in app. This is now handled for a better flow. (RTM-2379)

 "Reference store" improvements

 Reference store is not named correctly - it is now called "Home store".  (RTM-2805)

Line discount does not work with reason codes

Now line discounts can be used even if pos config has set reason codes (RTM-2075)

Bottom sheet is blocked

If Mobile POS loses focus the bottom sheet gets blocked. This is now fixed. (RTM-2992)




Important highlights from this release

Block horizontal mode 

User can not use Mobile POS in horizontal mode  (RTM-2653)


-Input for digital receipt (only close when sending receipt, or pressing the "skip" button)





Open article detials from search view

When user searches for items, the result can be presented in different ways - both depending on what view they show result in but also if the item has different variants. If the result is with a item that has a variant and for example colour is already shown and user then openes the 

When a user searches for items that is a model and then presses "i' icon on the result the article details are opened. Before when opeing article details from search first model/variant on the list was opened. Now the correct one is opened from start. 
For example: pressing "i" on a black Lucy tee it opened the first Lucy tee in the list - another colour. 

This sitation is not adjusted for the variant of sizes, since they can not be desplayed in the search result, otherwise there would be to many alternatives if an item both has size and colour.

Keyboard for open price item

When scanning an item with a open price user needs to enter price.
The keyboard for open prices items are adjusted so they only are numbers (RTM-2419)

Payment view 

  Smaller UI improvements as rounded corners on payment button and setting a cap between swish and vipps in paymentview. 
Also when a digital receipt has been pressed "skipped" when sending it, a notification is shown that no digital receipt is sent and an option to undo and move back to where you type in the email again, (RTM-2012)
Barcode formatWith limiting what barcodes can be accepted and recognized there is limitations on the risk of scanning with camera and producing wrong result. (RTM-2593)

 Image update when choosing different variants of items

Improvements are made so when user is in product information page and changes the variant of the item the images are reloaded and updated to present the correct image.  (RTM-2410)

Bonus viewIn the new bonus view a suggested amount of bonus to use is presented, but avaliable to change. In the first version this was not completely perfect and is now adjusted and shows the total bonus balance that can be used or the amount of bonus that can be used even if it is less then the bonus balance. (RTM-2529)
Camera in sales view gives black screen  In this version when user uses camera in sales view or search view camera does not show black creen anymore. (RTM-2652)




Important highlights from this release

No highligts, just improvements. 




Social security number

If company uses social security number as an alternative to identify member it is now shown, including Bisnode option if Bisnode is used.  (RTM-2379)

iOS camera 

When starting EG Mobile POS and first thing is to scan an item on iOS with camera scan or resume cart the item is added to the cart, but not shown. This is now corrected to always be shown whenever you scan an item with camera scan.  (RTM-2410)




Important highlights from this release

Solid items - version 1 

When scanning an item connected to solid insurance, the item is not added to the sale and a popup appears informing about this. 
The popup has two options, park sale or continue sale. If clicking parke sale it can be retrieved and continued from manual POS. If clicking continues the sale continues. (RTP-12409)


When finishing the refund payment it is only possible to refund using payment method of the original receipt - Swish and Vipps. It is for now not possible to purchase other items on the same receipt as the return. (RTM-1754)




Digital receipt

When a member also is a customer digital receipts are not always sent. 
This is now handled and digitial receipts are sent to the member. (RTM-2158)


Smaller spelling mistakes are corrected (RTM-2170)




Important highlights from this release

Scanning in search view

When scanning an item in search view you are now moved directly to product information and from there you can add the item to the receipt. 
Before you only got a result in the search view for the item you scanned. 
The flow is changes since user probably scan only wants information regarding the item if they scan it, and does not want to add it to the receipt directly - since then they would scan it in receipt view. (RTM-2164)




Prefix for country in phone number 

When adding a phone number on a member or creating a new member there is a country prefix that can be added. 
If first typing in phone number and then adding country prefix EG Mobile POS will now save the phone number with the prefix. 
This is for Swedish phone numbers that always stars with a 0. Now member will be saved with +46 7******** instead of +46 07******** as it was saved before. (RTM-2183)




Important highlights from this release


There are several functions not all companys use. For example stamp cards and purchase history for members. 
Before user got errors when one of these functions are called in the background. This is now adjusted so no calles are made and no error shown.  (RTM-1973)


For example if you add an item that buyer needs to have a pamphlet for, this information (if set up) is shown in the bottom sheet. User then needs to confirm the bottom sheet to ensure they have seen the information before continuing adding items to the receipt. 
If an identical item is scanned later in the receipt, no bottom sheet will appear. 





Digital receipts

When a email that will receive digital receipts is very long the view is adjusted to now show the complete email. (RTM-2157)


One of the manually discounts that is possible to give is new price on an item. When manually typing in the new price a control is made so the new price is not larger than the original price. This control is set in place to avoid manual typing errors so the customer will pay more than the original price. In case user tries a error message is shown with the original price. (RTM-2160)




Important highlights from this release

Gift receipts

If a customer wants a gift receipt on one or several items they purchase, it is now possible to choose in the option menu. 
After scanning items user opens option menu and then gift receipt. 
A view of items and check boxes is visible. User chooses all or some items and the items are then tagged in the receipt view that indicates that a gift receipt will be send. 
When sale is completed gift receipt will be sent, one email for each row, to the same email as digital receipt is send. 
If there is several items on one row, purchaser will get one email for the whole row - one gift receipt per item. (RTM-1858)


The phone field now includes a dropdown to select country and then digits to fill in. (RTM-1307)




Dark mode

When a device is set to black mode, small adjustments are done so item name and size selection now are adjusted to be seen in dark mode (RTM-1775)

Receipt view
- member

There is now added a separator between bonus amount and coupons in the receipt header if member is added to the receipt. (RTM-1774)


if a purchase total amount adds up to 0 there is no other payment needed from customer. This situation can happen if member has bonus, coupons and gets some discount. 
When trying to finish payment Swish/Vipps payment icons are not presented, instead the alternative is to "Finish payment". After pressing "Finish payment" the normal payment flow is proceeded - if email is missing this is filled in and notice that digital receipt is sent. (RTM-1717)

Open price items

When scanning items with open price the app has been crashing. 
Now this is fixed and user can add price instead. (RTP-11689)




February release

Important highlights from this release

Suspending and resuming receipts


When adding a member and opening member information there is a list of purchase history. 
An option to make a return is shown if user presses a purchase. The user then chooses if all or some items should be returned from the receipt from a list in the bottom sheet. 
Normal item sales can be done in the same receipt, both before and after performing the item returns. (RTM-148)




Bonus check

When the total amount of a bonus is added to the receipt and user tries to add it again a pop-up is shown telling user the bonus is already added and cancels the action of adding it again. (RTM-1621)

Camera scanning

When using some devices camera scanning is needed. EG Mobile POS users can now switch between using the main camera and front camera on iOS devices. 
The main camera is opened by default, but the function of being able to use both main- and front camera is done as a precaution if main camera does not work. (RTM-1465)

Sales view

If the receipt does not have any items and the amount is zero to pay the payment icon is not shown until at least on item is added to the receipt. (RTM-1374)

Member search

When searching for a member, the app automatically detect whether you are searching by SNN  or mobile number which makes the process quicker. Bisnode integration is in place, enabling user to fetch personal data based on SSN if SSN is used.  (SSN = social security number used in Sweden) (RTM-1083)


When updating a phone number in member fields a comma has been accepted as part of the phone number. Now this is fixes so only numbers are accepted as phone numbers.  (RTM-1066)


When deleting an item added to the receipt there has been a bug making next item not adjustable. Now you can handle items correctly no matter if a item has been deleted on the receipt previously or not. (RTM-1087)



Important highlights from this release

Suspending and resuming receipts


When a receipt is parked, under "option" menu, all parked receipts are presented from the store. You can show the ones parked from the POS you are using or from the whole store. 
When pressing a parked receipts more information is shown about the receipt and an option to retrieve parked receipt is possible if no sale has started.  (RTM-1324)





When updating a phone number in member fields a comma has been accepted as part of the phone number. Now this is fixes so only numbers are accepted as phone numbers.  (RTM-1066)


When deleting an item added to the receipt there has been a bug making next item not adjustable. Now you can handle items correctly no matter if a item has been deleted on the receipt previously or not. (RTM-1087)