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Company details

VAT number (RTC-19762)

When creating or editing company, there is a 'VAT number' field. When selected 'Country' is Norway, VAT number is generated in format "NO<Organization number>MVA". In Sweden, VAT number is "SE<Organization number>01". When other country is selected, user can enter VAT number manually. It is a text field with maximum length of 50 signs.
'Country' dropdown list in company details is contains countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Austria, Estonia, Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium.


Inventory flag (RTC-18146)

There is a section in store details named 'Inventory' which contains checkbox field 'Inventory management in use'. Status of this field is exported from cloud to blob. It can also be imported from Chain Web OnPrem On-Prem to Store Management.


Release 08.02.2022


The Add panel required for adding new store groups of teams, profiles and regions type has been implemented and is available at the top of each store groups grid.
That means, it is possible to add new store group of particular type (teams, region, profile) . The notification after adding one group is displayed at the bottom of a screen and informs about successfully performed action. What is more, newly added store groups are visible within dedicated store group grid. Swedish and Norwegian translations are provided correctly.


The UI for editing store groups has been implemented. It is possible to manage store groups for Teams, Profiles and Region, edit its basic details, display stores that belong to particular store group as well as activate and deactivate them. What is more, correct Norwegian and Swedish translations have been provided.


The export of store data from StoreService is extended. StoreExport job includes following store attributes: 

  • address Address - city, post code and country code (the same as company country code).
  • company Company -  organization name, organization number and country code.

Store Details


When clicking on a store in the store grid, the user can find the store information. From this view it is possible to activate, deactivate and edit the store details. The requirements needed for creating stores are marked by an asterisk.