Versions Compared


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Report shows all items which were not counted during inventory since given date.


  • Not counted since - Shows items that are not counted since this date. Default same date last month.
  • Retail store - Only available for HQ users. Default first available store.
  • Supplier - Filter result on supplier. Default all
  • Item group - Filter result on item group. Default all
  • Brand - Filter result on brand. Default all
  • Show total only - If selected it will only show total, not any items. Default not selected.


All items which don't appear on last stocktaking. First row is total where under EAN there is a number of all items not counted.


  • Supplier - Supplier name
  • EAN - EAN number
  • Item number - Item number
  • Item text - Item text
  • Quntity - Last number in stock -Shows quantity from last stocktaking
  • Net cost - Last Net cost - Shows total netcost for item from last stocktaking


  • Lindbak Retail database
