CO: 156791. Based on report 0709.
Description: Report allows to follow up store settlement: on first page settlement for all selected cashiers (if all cashiers are selected it equals whole store settlement) and settlement per each cashier on following pages. Report is divided in 9 subreports which will be descriped separatly below. Selections (applies to all subreports): - Date from - Default today
- Date to - Default today
- Store - Default all
- Operator -Default all
Subreports: Expand |
Columns: - Tender type - payment method
- Received - Sales amount inc. VAT received in given tender type
- Balance - Money amount registered in the end of the day (sum for selected operators who made balance and selected days)
- Difference - Balance - Received
- Qunatity - Number of items sold in given tender type
Output: One row per one tender type Clarifications: - Balance and Difference make sense only for cash since only cash it's kept in cash register.
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Columns: - Currency
- Balance (Beholdning): Sales amount inc. VAT in main currency
- Balance local value: Sales amount inc. VAT in received currency
- Balance (Oppgjør): Money amount registered in the end of the day in given currency (sum for selected operators who made balance and selected days)
- Difference: Balance (Oppgjør) - Balance (Beholdning)
- Diff. local value: Balance (Money amount registered in the end of the day) in main currency - Balance local value
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title | 1423_subCurrencyRate |
Description: Average currency rate (rigidly set to SEK/NOK) for given period.
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Description: This subreport shows sum sales amount inc. VAT and sales sum quantity for EAN set in hidden parameter: pValueCouponEAN (default: 926)
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Description: Sum of all transactions subtotal rounding (for given period, store and operators) |
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Coumns: - Gross: Sales amount inc. VAT
- Net: Sales net amount
Output: One row per sum one type of VAT. Vaules are summed for given store, date period and operators
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title | 1405_subDepositRefound |
Columns: - Amount: Sales amount inc. VAT
- Qunatity: Number of receipts.
OutputRows: - Received manuall deposit refund: Sales Amount for returns, etc. (direction in; only received; not including returns etc.) per item group set in hidden parameter: pArtGrpManualDepositRefundIn (default: 502)
- Deposit refund received: Sales Amount for returns, etc. (direction in; only received; not including returns etc.) per item group set in hidden parameter: pArtGrpDepositRefundIn (default: 501)
- Deposit refund sold: Sales (direction out) per item group set in hidden parameter: pArtGrpDepositRefundSold (default: 500)
- Deposit refund balance: sum of 3 values above
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Coulmns: - Amount: Discount amount
- Quantity: Number of receipts with discount
Rows: - Customer disc.: discount with discount key: CustomerGroup
- Personnel discount: discount for employees with discount key: Subtotal
- General discount: discount with key: Line
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| Image Added Columns: - Amount: Sales amount inc. VAT (valid only for Repurchase and Price change)
- Qunatity: Number of receipts for Cancelled receipts and Repurchase; number of items for Deleted items and Price change
Rows: - Cancelled receipts: Number of deleted/cancelled receipts
- Repurchase: All returns except those for item groups set in hidden parameters: pArtGrpManualDepositRefundIn (default 502) and pArtGrpDepositRefundIn (default 501)
- Deleted items: Items from Cancelled receipts
- Price change: Number of items sold with changed price
| Expand |
| Image Removed |
Source: - Lindbak POS Reporting cube (OLAP)