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Standard report


Report allows to comapare sales between two selected stores.


  • Date from: Default today
  • Date to: Default today
  • Retail store ref: Reference store; default first from store list
  • Retail store comp: Store to compare; default first from store list
  • Statistics: Expands drill down to selected level; possible selections:
    • Item: expands to area level
    • Model: (as in print screen, expands to lowest level - item). It also changes column No from EAN to ModelKey
    • Group: expands to group level
    • Area: expands to area level
    • Department: expands to department level
  • Department: Default all
  • Article area: Default all
  • Article group: Default all
  • Article subgroup: Default all


Sales statistics per all item ierarchy levels (department, area, group, subgroup, item) expanded as selected in Statiscitcs parameter.

Report is devoded in 3 sections:

    •  per 1. store
    •  per 2. store
    •  difference between selected stores


  • No: EAN (or Model key if Model was selected for Statistics parameter)
  • Name: Article name (or Model name if Model was selected for Statistics parameter)
  • Cost: blank (should be Net cost)
  • Sales amount: Sales amount inc. VAT
  • Gr. prof.: Gross profit
  • Gr. prof %: Share of Gross profit in Net Amount


  • No sorting


  • In difference section columns are caltulated as simple subtruction on columns from store 1 minus store 2


  • Lindbak POS Reporting cube (OLAP)



Standard report

Image Added


Report gives detailed sales statistics with campaign information.


  • Date from: Default today
  • Date to: Default today
  • Retail store: Multivalue; default all
  • Profile: Multivalue; default all
  • Department: Multivalue; default all
  • Article area: Multivalue; default all
  • Article group: Multivalue; default all
  • Article subgroup: Multivalue; default all
  • Article identifier: Possible to select Item ID or Model (ModelKey). 
  • Price channels: Multivalue; default all


Sale statistics for all items with not null sale amount narrowed down only by selections. One row per item.

Totals in the begining of new hierarchy level for:

    • Store
    • Department
    • Item area
    • Item group
    • Subgroup


  • EAN
  • Model/ItemID: Article identifier (Item ID or ModelKey)
  • Item name: Item name (will change to Article Long Name if pUseLongItemText was switched true)
  • Quantity sold Total
  • Quantity sold Campaign: Sold quantity for campaigns with discount keys: CampaignPrice, Group, MemberPrice
  • Turnover with tax Total
  • Turnover with tax Share: Share of sales amount inc. VAT for given item (group, area, ...) in all sales for given store.
  • Campaign sale Total: Sale amount inc. VAT for campaigns with discount keys: CampaignPrice, Group, MemberPrice
  • Campaign sale %: on item level it is share of campain sales for given item in all sales for the item (Campaign sale / Turnover with tax Total). On totals level: sum of Campaign sale % from item level which doesn't sum up to 100%
  • Gross profit Total
  • Gross profit Total %: Share of Gross profit in Net Amount
  • Gross profit % exc. campaign:
  • Gross profit Campaign:
  • Gross profit Campaign %:


  • No sorting

Hidden parameters:

  • pAllowedPriceChannelsKeys: Default all. If changed it will narrow down possible Price channel selection
  • pUseLongItemText: Default false. If set to true Item name will be changed to Article Long Name


  • Lindbak POS Reporting cube (OLAP)

