Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Coming next release


Filtering store selection by a profile (RTC-22913)

There is a possibility to filter stores by a selected profile when adding stores to the team. New, multi-select field named 'Profile' has been added to the view. "Select all" and "Unselect all" buttons allow selection of all stores currently filtered by profiles. Store search works only for stores filtered by profiles. Also, new column with profile assigned to store has been added to the grid.
If team is a price zone, selection of profiles is disabled and profile's value is set permanently to the profile of the price zone.

Release 22.07.2022

Import of offer items from API


Offer items can be added, updated and removed by 3rd party using JSON file import via File Service. Promotion and offer are identified by external numbers. Item can be imported by SKU, GTIN or Item number (items and prices must exist in Item Service). Details of file content are documented in EG Cloud Swagger. Items are validated with same rules as in Excel import. Validation errors are logged in database. Items can be added only to 'Promotion price' offers on item level.



Fix: Scheduled update of promotion offer (RTC-24602)

During scheduled update of segmentation in Promotion Management, there is no issue in communication between Item Service and Segmentation Service.

Voyado integration

Use offer id as coupon value (RTC-24501)

When Voyado integration is enabled, and offer is marked as coupon offer, offer id is used as coupon (without 'Promotion-' prefix). This value is sent to Voyado as external promotion code (POS external offer redemption channel value) and to blob as externalCouponId.


Release 14.07.2022


Use current prices if promotion valid from past - item segmentation (RTC-24480)

When 'valid from' date of promotion is in past and using item segmentation in offer, items prices in offer are updated with values active today. It means newly created items that match segmentation are added properly to old, existing offer. When 'valid from' is in future, correct future price is used as before.
