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Stores can be created and updated by 3rd party using JSON file import via File Service. Required format of data is documented in Swagger. File content is validated before saving it (same rules as in user interface). Stores must have store number or external store number. These two are also used when updating existing store (store number has higher priority than external store number). When store is created with only external number, its number will be set to lowest available number.
When file does not contain profile identifier, store will be assigned to default profile. If such profile does not exist, new one is created and marked as default.
When imported store has identifier of store group that does not exist in Store Service, new store group is created with name in format "<store group type> # <store group number>".
External store number is a unique value. Existing duplicates are updated with "-Duplicate" suffix. Field uniqueness is validated when editing store in user interface and in Excel import.


API documentation

Store Service API documentation (RTC-24234)

Swagger documentation for import has been added.

Export to Excel

Inactive stores filter in Excel (RTC-24696)

Filter on 'Inactive' column in Stores grid is applied properly to 'Is active' column in exported Excel file.


Store number validation (RTC-24720)

Store number must be a positive, whole number. Value is validated properly when creating new store through user interface, Excel import and blob import.


Fix for filter of column with date (RTC-24356)

When filter is applied on date column, after opening row and coming back to grid (using breadcrumbs or back button), date filter applied to grid is displayed properly.

Re-export of updated stores (RTC-24111)

Re-export of updated stores is triggered in database in the same way as in other modules. When updating store group, correct user name is displayed in store audit columns.


Release 22.07.2022


Hide inactive stores by default (RTC-23778)

Stores grid has a default filter on 'Inactive' column, which shows only active stores.


Filtering store selection by a profile (RTC-22913)

There is a possibility to filter stores by a selected profile when adding stores to the team. New, multi-select field named 'Profile' has been added to the view. "Select all" and "Unselect all" buttons allow selection of all stores currently filtered by profiles. Store search works only for stores filtered by profiles. Also, new column with profile assigned to store has been added to the grid.
If team is a price zone, selection of profiles is disabled and profile's value is set permanently to the profile of the price zone.
