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Coming next release



Profiles and teams have a country value. Existing store groups have no country. This value is required for new profiles, and optional for teams. Teams marked as price zones have same country as assigned profile. Country can be selected when creating profile or team, and edited using modal in three dots menu on store group details page.

When editing store, only store groups from correct country can be selected.

If there is difference in country in existing stores and store groups, there is a warning at the top of store group details page. It is also displayed after country of store group is changed (stores remain in country of company).

Country column is added to profiles, teams grids and list of stores in store group details.

When store group is created via import of excel or through API, country of store group is the same as company country. Store groups imported from Chain Web do not have country.


Release 09.09.2022

Opening hours
