Versions Compared


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Postal codes

Store and company details views (RTC-22548)

Postal code dropdown returns postal codes for all countries when country is not selected in the dropdown.

Price zone

Fix select/unselect all buttons (RTC-25277)

When editing stores selection in price zone, 'Select all' and 'Unselect all' buttons affect only stores in grid which are possible to select (does not select stores that are already part of other price zone, and does not unselect inactive stores).


Showing date and time in grids (RTC-25450)

Time (in grey font) is visible in every date column in every grid in Store Management. Filtering in these columns is at the date level.


Link in the "Name" column (RTC-25588)

Team view has link in the "Name" column instead of arrow on the right. "Name" column is not possible to hide from the grid.
