Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Loyalty v. 2.10.201

Document status: 



Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Campaign offer

Mix 28 - reuse on same receipt marked required

Reuse on same receipt - Defined number is required when setting offer type. The customer is not allowed to set up the campaign and the status is "Incomplete" until the value is set.

  • Reuse on same receipt -  Defined number is marked as required in mix 28.
  • The border of the "Defined number" field turns red when you try to save without a value entered.


Loyalty v. 2.10.200

Document status: 



Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Apsis integration

MemberExport fails due to database timeout (RTL-4677)

Apsis MemberExport does not timeout on normal export running every 20 minutes.

Reduce Batch Size in each request from 1999 to 1500 (RTL-4631)

The batch size of data export to APSIS using the Member Export logic were reduced from 1999 to 1500.

Bonus Voucher distribution

Member has not received Welcome Voucher (RTL-3826)

  • WelcomeVoucherJob is retried when member is not found in Retail DB.
  • WelcomeVoucherJob is retried 10 times.
  • Time between WelcomeVoucherJob retries is 1 minute.
Event-driven campaign 

Distribution priority change (RTL-4706)

When changing the distribution priority and confirming the changes the new value is correctly displayed in the user interface. 

MailChimp integration

MailChimp settings (RTL-4788)

Initialization of MalChimp settings have been improved.

Member campaign

Visibility of offers in member dashboard after completing the campaign (RTL-4569)

Offers are visible in the member dashboard if members have valid coupons for that offer.

Standard campaign -  Coupons are not available even when expire coupons is not checked (RTL-4568)

When the new option for expiring coupons is not checked the coupons are available for use until the expiration date configured in the campaign. 

Appropriate error message when member segmentation permission is missing (RTL-4436)

A descriptive  error message is shown if a user tries to open Campaign details when missing the necessary role 

Error message content:

  • EN: Missing user role: Access to member segments view is required.
  • NO: Manglende brukerroller: Tilgang til skjermbildet medlemssegment er påkrevd.
  • SE: Saknad användarroll: Det krävs tillåtelse för att visa medlemssegment.


Loyalty v. 2.10.190

Document status: 



Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Event-driven Campaign 

Distribution priority change (RTL-4706)

When changing the distribution priority and confirming the changes the new value is correctly displayed in the user interface.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Event driven campaign

Navigation between steps in an event-driven campaign (RTL-3392)

1. It is possible to navigate between existing distribution and split steps in the customer journey tab using keyboard arrows:

  • Click left/right arrows keys to switch between steps previous/next step and up/down arrows to switch between yes/no splits.
  • If no step is available to the right, then keyboard navigation just closes the step.
  • It is possible to go back to the split step from yes/no step by using left arrow.

2. It is possible to close step by clicking on the background or by opening another step.

3. If changes were made to a given step and navigation occurs then an unsaved changes warning is displayed.

Open/close steps - input navigation (RTL-3856)

  • It is possible to navigate using keyboard arrows between existing distributions and split steps in the customer journey tab.
  • It is possible to close a step by clicking on the background or by opening another step.

When editing a step while selecting or editing an option, the keyboard arrows allow you to navigate between the selections. To navigate between steps, click anywhere in an empty space in the step editing window.

Member segmentation

Use ColorCode from Sale in Member Segmentation (RTL-3791)

It is possible to create a member campaign with member segmentation on sales using color codes as a target group. The color code is also displayed in the filter in order to distinguish between colors within the same color name.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Member Campaign

New members in all member campaign (RTL-3783)

  • New members are added to the campaign if created while the campaign is still active.
  • The user interface in the target group tab shows the checked "All members" radio button.
  • For a campaign which target group is 'All members', all coupons are generated immediately after creating the campaign. 
  • Coupons are created for all members that exist during campaign activation. Coupons for new members created after activation are generated upon identification of member in POS.


It is possible to segment members based on the Bonus Rollout they were part of using the Bonus Rollout distribution date or Bonus Rollout name.


Module Description

Support bonus amount for discounted items (RTL-3640)

Bonus configuration is correctly updated with new flag allowing to give bonus amount for discounted items.
Updated bonus configuration is correctly returned by bonus endpoint in BackOffice Service.

Campaign offer

Styling of offer details (RTL-3619)

Inscriptions are positioned correctly:

  • Radio buttons are aligned with their labels and the "Offer Period" label.
  • The campaign name/link is aligned with the "Campaign" label.

It is possible to add same item multiple times to item grid (RTL-3038)

It is not possible to add same item multiple times to item grid.

Event-driven campaign

Pre-selected campaign type (RTL-3395)

When clicking "new campaign" in the campaign overview, based on the tab that has been selected, the type of campaign is automatically selected in the create campaign wizard.

Processing a campaign with bonus points reward (RTL-2650)

Event-driven campaign containing bonus reward is processed fully when no members should get the reward.

Canceling edition of decision step (RTL-2342)

When editing split criteria, after clearing the criteria and canceling the edit, the changes are not saved.

First criteria box user interface (RTL-2945)

  • The segment description visible in the first criteria box is deleted after clearing the criteria.
  • After clearing the criteria and adding a new segment, the edit view is present when clicking on the first criteria box.
Member Campaign 

It is possible to add multiply offers to the campaign (RTL-3624)

It is not possible to add more than one offer to the campaign. The 'Add new Offer' button is blocked immediately after refreshing the page and thus does not allow for adding another offer.


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.




Member Campaigns

Extend campaign edit mode (RTL-3747)

It is possible to edit listed properties of member campaigns and offers for active and planned status:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Distributions
    • Email template - for Apsis
    • Email template, subject and text - for MailChimp
    • SMS message and description
    • Distribution time 
  • Layout
  • Short description
  • Long description 


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.




Member Campaign

New members in all member campaign (RTL-3783)

  • New members are added to the campaign if created while the campaign is still active.
  • The user interface in the target group tab shows the checked "All members" radio button.
  • For a campaign which target group is 'All members', all coupons are generated immediately after creating the campaign. 
  • Coupons are created for all members that exist during campaign activation. Coupons for new members created after activation are generated upon identification of member in POS.


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.





Support bonus amount for discounted items (RTL-3640)

Bonus configuration is correctly updated with new flag allowing to give bonus amount for discounted items.
Updated bonus configuration is correctly returned by bonus endpoint in BackOffice Service.


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.


External Campaign 

Defined number of coupons in Member campaign does not work (RTL-4449)

Max use count, which determines the maximum allowed uses of coupon, is imported when the offer is created. 


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.



Return ExternalCouponNumber with coupons (RTL-3890)

External coupon number is returned with coupon from BackOfficeService.


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.


Stamp card

Validate Loyalty Program when Fetching Stamp cards (RTL-2767)

Stamp cards are displayed correctly in POS. That means that stamp cards returned to POS are always validated based on loyalty program of store, so there is no possibility to display them among those members that do not belong to loyalty program or store outside of campaign.


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.


Member segments

Fix filter Member-Association-Blank

We have removed the 'isBlank' operator for segmentation filter for configuration Members - Association is no longer possible.


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.


Campaign offer

Mix 44 is not validated correctly

It is now possible to active standard member campaign with campaign offer using mix 44.


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.


Campaign offer

Define Offer Period is not Visible in Offer Details (RTL-2626)

Offer Period dates are now visible in offer details view when "Define Offer Period" option is selected in offer details.

Change of offer period should default to Date time correctly (RTL-2634)

Change of from date that it is after to date default to date time to 23:59:59.
Change of to date that it is before from date default from date time to 00:00:00


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.





Subscriptions are automatically ticked (RTL-1047)

When editing or adding an email address, mobile number or postal address on a member, the corresponding subscription was ticked automatically in the user interface. This could cause members to get distributions, even though they had not agreed to it. This is corrected. It can easily be avoided if it is noticed by the user and unchecked manually.


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes




Member Campaigns

Secondary channel type disappears (TFS: 187406)

Secondary channel disappeared when opening the details of an event driven campaign. This no longer occurs.


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.





Subscriptions are automatically ticked (RTL-1047)

When editing or adding an email address, mobile number or postal address on a member, the corresponding subscription was ticked automatically in the user interface. This could cause members to get distributions, even though they had not agreed to it. This is corrected. It can easily be avoided if it is noticed by the user and unchecked manually.


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes




Member Campaigns

Secondary channel type disappears (TFS: 187406)

Secondary channel disappeared when opening the details of an event driven campaign. This no longer occurs.


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes




Member Campaigns

Offers that are used should not be shown as active offers on member (TFS: 189182)

The coupon grid in the campaign offer menu includes a column called "used". This column will allow the user to see which of the coupons have been used or not.


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes




Member campaign

Invalid coupons fetched by POS (TFS: 190092)

An issue which caused coupons that had either expired or been used to be fetched by POS has been corrected. This caused a significant amount of requests to be made and impacted the performance in POS.
