Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Collapse/Expand: The Numpad will remain in selected mode until next logout/login.
  • Enter quantity using NumPad and click item in convenience board or scan item to sell desired number of items.
  • Enter quantity using NumPad and click quantity button on item already in receipt to change quantity.
  • Enter PLU/EAN and click OK to sell item.
POS Configuration


Configures if the NumPad is default minimized/collapsed or Maximized/Expanded when cashier logs in.

Support for automatic line note and risk text on same item



When EG POS is running in SelfServiceOnCustomerScreen, with self-service on the customer screen, the cashier can now approve some of the alerts on the cashier screen in stead instead of going round around to the customer screen to do the approval. When a customer scan a scans an age restricted item or search searches for a customer order, the warningswarning/alerts alert will also appear on the cashier screen and they can be approved there without the cashier needing to log in. The approval dialogue is the same as previously shown on the customer screen.

Self-service on customer screen

Image Added

Approval on cashier screen

Image Added

POS Configuration

New parameter:

SngHybridApproveOnCashierScreen - default False - if activated, enables the approval of alerts on the cashier screen. The parameter is only relevant when running SelfServiceOnCustomerScreen.


When exporting data to store settlement, POS Services uses absolute values for counted amount and quantity. It is now possible to allow negative values. This must be done by adding RIGAL code to new parameter in POS Services config.

POS Services worker config

New parameter in POS Services worker config with example to two codes added (if parameter doesn't exists it must be copied from template file):

<add key="StoreSettlementNegativeCountedValueCodes" value="BKO,ISB" />


If sending mail with digital receipt fails due to e.g. downtime on services, the mail details will be saved in a new table in POS Local database and a job will retry sending the mail until it succeeds. When the sending is successful, the row will be deleted from the table. When the job tries to send unsent mails, it will write the number of unsent rows/mails to the POS logfile.

POS Configuration


'MailBackupSenderJobCronSchedule' - set how often job should run. Default value is every 30 minutes (0 0/30 * * * ?)

Improvements POS

Module Description


Improvement for changing item quantity in convenience mode (RTP-20035)

Changing item quantity in convenience mode is now improved. Previous when changing item quantity in convenience mode, it was required to take on extra touch for the item dialog to be activated. 

Closing item search in Convenience mode (RTP-19627)

After pressing "Back" in the item search in convenience mode, POS will return to convenience mode and not to standard cashier mode. 

Inline buttons when scrollbar is added (RTP-19299)

An improvement to the alignment has been implemented so all buttons are fully visible in convenience sales when scroll bar is added.

Customer logo disappearing when switching mode (RTP-18973)

Customer logo no longer disappears in Convenience mode when swapping between convenience and regular mode.

Text on buttons with sub menus (RTP-14406)

The text placement and size has been improved on buttons for submenus in Convenience mode. Previously the text could be placed too low when using an image on the button.

Improved touch screen in POS convenience mode (RTP-20187)

There has been done improvements to touch screen in Convenience mode. Previous there was experienced some issue with touch in combination with the new numpad in convenience mode. 


Coupons in sales view (RTP-19730)

'ShowCouponLastInSale' parameter has effect in POS 4.0 now, coupons are displayed on the bottom of the sale when the parameter is activated.

Customer order 

Specific line note on customer order item line that led to error situation (RTP-19689)

A customer order containing an item line with a line note without text, only a line break, may now be fetched in EG POS without leading to an error situation. 


Improved focus handling in POS (RTP-18720)

There has been done a fix for improved focus handling in POS. Previous the main window of POS some times took unnecessary focus away from certain dialogs and input-fields.  This could e.g. result in having difficulties to confirm a dialog, or exit a dialog. 

Error on startup when receiving corrupt data from Vensafe (RTP-20183)

When EG POS receives updated product list from Vensafe automat and one or more items are corrupt, e.g. invalid value in EAN field, EG POS will continue to work without problems. These corrupts items will be removed from the auto generated  PLU lists for Vensafe items, hence customer can't choose from screen an item which in any case can't be sold.

Item search

Unhandled error after closing item search (RTP-19947)

A bug that could cause an unhandled error message no longer occurs after closing item search.


Approving member terms on customer display (RTP-19213)

A bug was fixed, so the customer display shows the correct member information when creating a new member and approving terms. 

Receipt history button in member details view (RTP-18924)

Button for receipt history is shown in member details view making more member functionality available in one view. 


Member sales (RTL-4968)

To improve communication with members, GetMemberLastSalesDates method has been extended to include which store a member last bought something in.


DisptchRuleID field in POSLog (RTP-19320)

The DispatchRuleID field value (taken from DispatchServiceRule parameter) has been added to POSLog when creating web orders of variant StorePrepaidDispatchDelivery. 

Online check of picking status in InStore App (RTP-17641)

When trying to start picking in EG POS, the picking status is verified and updated against InStore App (Chain Web). If picking is already started by another user, the current picking status is updated in the store central database and the user interface is refreshed to reflect the current status.

Improvements for Click and collect pick list view (RTP-17647)

The following improvements to the grid showing the list of click and collect orders has been introduced:

  • 'External app' label is shown in the 'Picked by' column when the order is picked in the Instore App.
  • The grid is automatically refreshed when POS receives a new order. 
  • Orders are sorted by the numerical order number value.

Improved error message when starting picking without selecting an order (RTP-4598)

"Start picking" and "Register picking" functions show the same error message when no order was selected in order picking.

PLU List

Search within selected PLU List page (RTP-19469)

When preforming a text search in the new PLU List, the search will be global (in all pages if the search is done from the top menu or search menu. If the search is performed from a specific PLU List page, only items in that page will be included.

Search in PLU List in both full text and short-text fields (RTP-19468)

PLU List in Self service is searched using both full text and short-text fields.


Improved messages regarding printer error (RTP-14712)

Messages shown to user regarding printer error and printer cover opened are improved, making them more informative.


Keep search text when switching search type (RTP-19946)

A change has been implemented so we keep the search text when switching search type from for example item search to customer/member/order search. This is practical if the user selected the wrong search type. Now the user does not need to enter the search text again after switching.


Opening of ExitFlow gate in self-service checkout area (RTP-19403)

When activated integration with ExitFlow for validation of receipt barcodes regarding opening gate or not for customer, EG POS now sends a leading zero in barcode content to ExitFlow, if also activated use of full format barcode. This makes a total of 36 digits sent, which is identical to content of the printed barcode that ExitFlow will have to compare with.

Relevant existing parameter UseExitFlow (default 'False') - if activated, ExitFlow will validate receipt barcode regarding opening the gate or not.

Running self-service on customer screen (RTP-19304)

When self-service mode is running on customer screen the information message shown on main screen, to remind cashier about this mode is running, is yet again shown at all time, until mode is aborted by cashier by clearing the message. Picture: 

Highlighted items in search (RTP-16872)

When configured showing highlighted items in self service mode, whenever customer clicks the 'Search' field on the screen, such configuration will now work regardless of the word 'Search' is written with only upper or lower case letters, or any combination.

User interface

Finished sale dialog (RTP-19951)

The finished sale summary dialog has been improved by making the last line more visible  with larger font size and bold text. 

Updated texts for item line buttons in sales view (RTP-19573)

Inline buttons' texts for selected rows in sales view have been changed so they are shorted. This saves space and makes room for more buttons.
