Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Coming next release

Import of cashiers


Cashiers are automatically created if the imported user has any cashier permissions.


Removing a store from team/profile (when user has team/profile role) removes the cashiers.

Manage cashier 


  • Parameter PasswordExpiryInDays defines how many days the password will be valid for the cashier. By default, it has a value of null.
  • Using a method from Shell API, you can check if the password is valid, and when it expires.
  • Using a method from the Shell API, you can change the password for the cashier.
  • The Identity.UserProfile table contains CashierPasswordLastChangedUtc column, which is updated when the password is changed.




Export users/cashiers

Export users/cashiers (RTC-20015)

User profile can be exported with all permissions and scoped permissions to JSON file (UserManagement.User.Export blob)

After manually create cashier in database, cashiers are also exported as in case of users.

All users can be exported to JSON (To do this, change the "version" value to 0 in Export.BlopType in db).

Import users

Import of users (RTC-18492)

Users are created and update with new common/scoped roles when using API with JSON contract for import.

Import of users (RTC-24804)

New cashier can be created directly from JSON contract file (having externalUserIdentifier and store role with POS permission).

Import of users RTC-26046)

When importing a user into User Management and store/team/profile doesn't exist, the user is imported and  a placeholder is created for store/team/profile.


Fix: Saving permissions on store roles (RTC-23482)

Store roles with Manage local item permission can be saved.


Job exceutions with CompletedWithNoEffected (RTC-22786)

When StagingMerger job (In IdentityServiceIntegration/Shell) executes with no effect, the status is 'Completed with no effect'.

Fix: Configuration cleared when switching between tenants (RTC-22045)

Configuration browser cache is cleared each time the user logs in. Fixes issue when switching tenants that have different configuration (user needs to log out and log in, in order to switch tenants). 

Configuration of new modules for tenants (RTC-26815)

When a tenant is not fully configured or a tenant is registered in one of the modules, but not in Cloud shell, then after a module restarts, the module will work for other tenants.

User Management

Searching for users (RTC-23440)

A user with SystemAdministator role (only) can search for users in Find User component in User Management, while creating new users.

User roles

Fix: Delete store row from user roles view (RTC-22649)

While assigning store scoped role to user it is possible to delete this role right after creation.
