Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Coming next release 


Export companies to Excel (RTC-27807)
There is a button 'Export to Excel' in the 'Companies' view. It exports companies from register to the Excel file. User can narrow results by applying filters in columns in the grid. Exported fields are:

  • Company code
  • Company name
  • Country
  • Organization no.
  • Ext. company no.
  • VAT no.
  • Is active
  • Company address line
  • Company address line 2
  • Company postal code
  • Company city
  • Invoice address line
  • Invoice address line 2
  • Invoice postal code
  • Invoice city


Release 15.12.2022


Store groups country (RTC-27849)

Country of store group is exported as CountryCode for each store group assigned to store. Store groups without country are exported with null value. Re-export of stores is triggered when country of assigned store group is edited.


Release 22.11.2022

Opening hours

Special dates (RTC-25596)

There is a 'Special days' section in the 'Opening hours' page. It shows all days from the current year when store is not open as defined in standard opening hours. After pressing 'edit special days' button, another page is opened, where special days can be set. New special day can be added by a panel at the top of the page and existing special days are visible in the grid below. Future days from the grid can be edited by clicking a pencil button in the row. Then 'edit' modal shows up where changes can be entered. Future days can be also removed by clicking a bin button in the row. Then 'delete' modal shows up where confirmation of deleting is needed. If selected day has breaks, there is a question in the modal whether remove all breaks from this day or only currently selected break. Working special day can contain maximum 4 time breaks and must contain date, open time and close time. If special day is set as not working day, there is no possibility to set time or breaks.

In order to view and edit special dates following common roles are needed:

  • View opening hours and special days: required to view 'Opening hours' page.
  • Edit opening hours and special days: required to create, edit and remove special days. This role cannot be selected without view permission.

Assign store to opening hours register (RTC-25784)

On store details page there is a section for 'Opening hours', which contains 'Use opening hours schedule' checkbox. By default, stores are not using any opening hours register. Once checkbox is checked, dropdown appears, where user can choose one of active opening hours schedules from the register. When a schedule is selected, its data is displayed below dropdown: opening hours for each weekday and special dates in current year (same as in opening hours register details page).
Opening hours and special dates in register and store details are displayed in user region format. Dates from current year are displayed in ascending order.
