Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Coming next release


Non-model items system parameter (RTC-15637)

When non-model items are in use (system parameter value):

  • Model number, Color, Size and Supplier model number columns are removed from 'Manage items' grid (offer group).
  • Color and Size are removed from price panel.
  • Model number, Model name, Color, Size, Selection level are removed from 'Items in promotions' grid.
  • Model and Variant offer level is not available when adding item list or segmentation to offer and when importing offer items from Excel file.

Parameter must be set to same value both in Item Management and Promotion.


Release 05.01.2023

Excel export and import

Promotion supplier net price (RTC-28029)

Offer items/models/variants are exported to the Excel file with the 'Promotion supplier net price' value. It contains values from price panel which is 'Ordinary net price' with 'Kickback supplier' applied.
Values can be imported from Excel file. When the file does not contain this column, Kickback supplier is applied. When 'Promotion supplier net price' is lower than 'Ordinary net price' of item, it is applied and kickback is properly calculated. When value is higher than 'Ordinary price', ItemSelectionItemImport job has a warning and 'Kickback supplier' is applied.
'Promotion supplier net price' can be imported from API and is exported to blob as 'supplierNetCost' field.


Export of deleted items (RTC-27351)

All items from the offer are exported after deleting an offer group or offer from an active promotion. Items which are  not in this promotion anymore, are exported with 'deleted' status.


Promotion price in bundle (RTC-27955)

'Promotion price' offers can be marked as 'Bundle offers' using 'Bundle offer' checkbox when editing offer/creating it from item list. Flag cannot be set for any other mix types. Flag value can be imported from 3rd party and is exported to POS as 'soldInBundle' on offer level (supported only in promotion price). Existing promotion price offers have this flag set to 'False', same for offers added when creating promotion, or when value is not specified in import.
When flags on offer are set to 'True', proper message is displayed in offer details: 'Offer is reserved for members', 'Offer is applied for coupons from 3rd party' and 'Offer is applied for items sold in bundles'.


Decimal values input (RTC-28003)

Price and weight input fields in price rules and offers are numeric (as in price panel). It is not possible to enter signs other than numerals, comma as decimal separator and 2 decimals in price or 3 decimals in weight fields (mix 5).
Result of that change is properly working decimal inputs on browsers in Norwegian and Swedish languages.
