Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Error when using "Simple Search" in Balances summary (RTC-29049)

"Simple Search" field has been removed from Balances summary view.

Customer groups

Exporting customer groups from Chain Web to POS (RTC-28657)

Export of customer groups from Chain Web to POS was not including brand-discounts. After implementing changes, every type of discounts is exported correctly from Chain Web to POS.

Customer Groups filtering (RTC-30021)

After changes, one can now filter by "store" in Customer group grid and use "Mark all" button, which allows user to mark all lines meeting the filter conditions. If a user has appropriate rights to change selected rows or delete them he can do this. HQ user can modify and delete only common discounts and store users only discounts for their specific store.

Customer order

Locking customer orders (RTC-28319)

Fixes were implemented to eliminate locking order without proper reason with false message "The order cannot be changed since it is edited by another user".


CustomerService Integration with Chain Web On-Premise (RTC-28862 

Chain Web is now fetching data from "CustomerService" in cloud. Updating and making customer data available from Chain Web. This integration applies to business customers and customer groups from "CustomerService" only. 

Dispatch orders

Order reassign fails with database error (RTC-27838)

It is possible to automatic reassign order with split from dummy store to physical stores, were picking order already exists.

Email on split orders (RTC-25645)

Email communication has been extended with new split order and Pay & Collect confirmation messages. New implemented email are:

  • Split order message - User receive email with confirmation of order splitting. The email contains a summary for all stores that the order has been split into
  • Split order shipping confirmation - Confirmation of delivery from a given store where picking order is picked
  • Pay & Collect message - Confirmation of delivery from the store where the Pay & Collect order has been picked

Email send out depends on communication channel defined in POSLog.


Breadcrumbs missing in Chain Web - Favorites (RTC-27740)

Breadcrumbs are displayed correctly in each view.


Invoice improvement of color/size-row background color (RTC-16886)

After changes, color/size-row has the same background color as the corresponding item row.

Add support for invoice payment interest % "Dröjmålränta" (RTC-27449)

Implemented changes added functionality of setting and displaying "Interest with delayed payment", "Dröjmålränta" in the invoice template "Standard V3".

Receipts Journal

"X" is now centered (RTC-27736)

Correction of placement for "X" in the exit icon for XML preview and for other views in Chain Web. Changes to center placement. 


Store Settlement reports (RTC-28749)

To show balance data correctly, new hidden parameters are added to sub report 1010_subSettlement:

  • pGiftCardSoldOn - Use gift card sold amount and quantity as gift card out. Instead of returning only gift cards out, parameter will return gift card sold amount and its quantity,
  • pSkipAmount - Set Balance amount = amount. Balance amount will be the same as amount and difference will be zero,
  • pAbsCredit - Set absolute value of credit note.

Translations to Finnish language (RTP-20121)

Providing the possibility to change user language to Finnish in User Management or during user profile edition. Information and notifications in Chain Web are translated except from invoices, vat formatting, postcodes etc. 


Chain Web v. 2.10.228

Document status: 



Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Use bonus checks from BonusService.


When set up and adding member to receipt. POS will check BonusService for available bonus checks. If available it will be possible to use it as a tender or subtotal discount.

When doing online return redeemed bonus checks will be refunded.


Requires minimum Chain Web version 2.10.228!

POS Configuration

BonusServiceUrl - Url to BonusService.

CloudBonusWithdrawType - If bonus checks should be added as subtotal discount or tender. Default SubtotalDiscount.

Required existing parameters:

VoyadoGatewayServiceUrl - Must be blank.

CloudAccessServiceUrl - Must be set.


Chain Web v. 2.10.226

Document status: 



Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


POS Configuration

Comments on POS Configuration parameters (RTC-26752)

Adding comments on parameters in Chain web works correctly now: the POS Configuration page is refreshed correctly and the "Activate" button on configuration set does not appear.


Chain Web v. 2.10.192

Document status: 

