Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Customer order

Refund/Return process (RTP-19382)

The order should not be blocked for further refunds/ returns, if the process will fail on e.g. timeout, or payment. The returned/ refunded lines will be removed from order, or set as deleted and the started transaction will be cancelled - removed.

Refund/Return process (RTC-29996)

The same amount will be refunded to the customer as displayed during refund/ return process -  as the total amount of the "Refund for customer" and as "Invoice total amount" of the credit invoice created during refund or return of items process.

Locking customer orders (RTC-28319)

Fixes were implemented to eliminate locking order without proper reason with false message "The order cannot be changed since it is edited by another user".

Refund (RTC-24163)

Prices on a customer order lines will be frozen at the time of customer order creation. Order lines will not be affected by any other discount than line, during the refund process. Only line discount will be added on the order after refund process.

Refund of order with loyalty discount (RTC-24100)

During edition of order line with loyalty discount, only the difference between loyalty discount value and current value will be applied as line discount. This applies to all discount effects. 

Refund/Return summary (RTC-23737)

The total amount of the "Refund for customer" will have the same value as "Invoice total amount" of the credit invoice created during refund or return of items.

Return/Refund: show payment types (RTC-20626)

User of return and refund views in Chain Web is displayed with the summary of payments returned on Gift Card or Klarna.


Chain Web v. 2.10.148

Document status: 

