Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Food saver


To help stores sell weight items with reduced quality, these can be discounted by selling them via Food saver bags with printed barcodes triggering the desired discount.

1. Customer picks one specific type of weight item and puts it in the Food saver bag.

2. Bag contains a barcode which has a filter to open specific PLU List top menus, discount in percentage and reason code.

3. Customer / cashier scans barcode and get a reminder to put the bag on the scale. After confirmation PLU list top menus from filter is shown. Customer picks the correct item which is then added to receipt with a discount and reason code.

No parameters needed in POS but solution only works with Self service PLU lists (in cashier or self-service mode).



titleConfiguration and barcode formatting
Barcode formatting example:


First four digits is prefix telling POS that this is Food saver.

Next 13 digits is filter set up in Chain Web. The same number must be configured on the desired PLU list top menus.

Next two digits is discount in percentage.

Last two digits is reason code.

To set filter in Chain Web, edit top menu on PLU list.

Image Added

You can have same filter on multiple PLU lists, but one PLU list can only have one filter.

When searching for items it only searches inside PLU lists from filter.

New report for Store Settlement


  • In PLU board preview, the board size now looks similar to how it would look like in POS.




Anonymization of customers (RTP-20782)

Social security number is removed when doing anonymization of customer.

Customer groups

Item groups (RTP-21923)

Problem with alphanumeric item group searching and adding discounts for alphanumeric item group.  Searching for all item group and adding discounts for all item groups is now working correctly.

Customer order

Refund/Return process (RTP-19382)

The order should not be blocked for further refunds/ returns, if the process will fail on e.g. timeout, or payment. The returned/ refunded lines will be removed from order, or set as deleted and the started transaction will be cancelled - removed.

Refund/Return process (RTP-18663)

The order should not be blocked for further refunds/ returns, if the process will fail on e.g. timeout, or payment. The returned/ refunded lines will be removed from order, or set as deleted and the started transaction will be cancelled - removed.

Dispatch order

Picking orders export job (RTC-29897)

  • PickingOrder job in BackOfficeBatchGenerator package exports PickingOrder blob's containing one or more picking order id's.
  • The job only exports picking orders assigned to store numbers configured in the system parameter PickingOrderExport.

Picking orders export configuration (RTC-28986)

System parameter PickingOrderExport allows to configure stores, for which picking orders will be exported using batch integration. By defauly no stores are exported. Modify JSON to add new stores.

Example of filled JSON:

{ "storeNumbers": [ 222, 333, 444 ] }

OrderMessage: support multiple tenants (RTC-30262)

It is possible to choose template style for emails.

Image Modified

POS Configuration

Editing rights on POS configuration parameters (RTC-30037)

Users with 1-level/restricted access can no longer edit POS configuration parameters in Chain Web on common or "s-lag" level.

Comments on POS Configuration parameters (RTC-26752)

Adding comments on parameters in Chain web works correctly now: the POS Configuration page is refreshed correctly and the "Activate" button on configuration set does not appear.

Support tandem items in convenience mode (RTP-20795)

In POS Configuration PLU Button properties, when the "Sell article with EAN" function is selected, EAN of the item to be sold can be entered and this will be available for selling in POS convenience mode.

Receipt Journal

Configurable name of "External Loyalty Number" (RTC-29525)

After adding new system parameter "ExternalLoyaltyNumberFilterOptions" it is now possible to configure name of the "External Member Number" field in sales filters in Receipts Journal.

Reporting integration

Store Info (RTC-30351)

To improve report information, GlobalLocalizationNumber was added to our store information. GLN is imported from both POS Master and Store Service and updated in Reporting DW / OLAP and Azure DW.


Segmentation on favorite item (RTL-4355)

It is possible to create segmentation on brand, department, item, and item group based on a Favorited item for the Web Activities category.


Chain Web v. 2.10.230

Document status: 

