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A new report has been created to follow up on mixmatch sales and make better decisions about new campaigns. The report shows key data for mixmatch sales.

Report details Mix coupons

File name


Data source

Lindbak POS Reporting Cube (OLAP)



Date from Default today.
Date toDefault today.
ProfileDefault all.
TeamDefault all.
StoreDefault all.
MixDefault all.
Output: Report shows extended mixmatch sales statistics. For one page per store there is a list grouped by mix. Report has a total summary at the end of table.
MixMix number and mix name


Item name


Item area

Item group

% of total sales

Percentage of total turnover excluding VAT.

Items sold 

Number of items sold in mix.

% items sold 

Percentage of item sold in mix.

Discount ex. VAT

Receipts with mix

Share mix receipts 

Share of mix receipts

Amount in mix receipts ex. VAT

Amount in mix receipts excluding VAT.

Avg. sales customer

Average sales customer.

Gr. prof. % mix

Gross profit percentage mix

Gr. prof. % total

Gross profit percentage total

Gross profit

Clarifications: Report has a star explanation for a few columns. It means that summary values for particular mix are calculated including all transactions in store. As an example '% Items sold' is calculating by taking quantity and dividing it by whole store quantity. For whole mix it will be store quantity of all items in store. For particular article in that mix '% Items sold', quantity of that product in mix will be divided by all articles in that mix. Summary for mix (grey grouped row) takes whole statistics about store, even if it is not mix.

Complete documentation about report can be found in Confluence: List of reports - EG Retail Chain - Confluence EG A/S.


Area Description
Member campaigns

Target and control groups (RTC-32542)

The procedure reporting.usp_GetMemberGroups that imports member group data into Reporting has been altered to correctly fetch all member groups from Retail database.

POS Configuration

Client side error for store names with apostrophe (') (RTP-23002)

Choosing stores with names that contain apostrophe (') in POS Configuration no longer causes a client side error to appear.

"Fetch last X receipts for receipt copy" in Convenience sales (RTP-22040)

It is now possible to configure a button with function "Fetch last X receipts for receipt copy" in Convenience sales.

Reporting integration

Customer data (RTC-32071)

The import of customer data from Retail database has been extended with Organization Number. The view pub.vDimCustomer is also extended with this information.


Item synchronization error handling (RTL-5829)

Processing of item update events with use cache type "memory" is improved, the job should not throw errors/ should not be locked, when adding to cache record with already existing key.


Set system parameters back to blank (RTC-29801)

User is able to set system parameters to blank value.


Chain Web v. 2.10.242

Document status: 

