Release 04.07.2023
Area | Description |
Export | Fix: Offer item export after update of item color (RTC-32915) When an item is added to a promotion and then in the user changes the items color (In Item Management), the changes are correctly saved in the promotion database. The re-addition of the item in the Promotion module results in the correct export of the PromotionOfferItem (with same offerItemNo). |
Import | Performance of promotion update (RTC-32353) Improved performance of 'Valid From/To' dates update through import on promotions with thousands on items in them. |
System | Improve formatting of ItemSelectionItemImport job logs (RTC-32283) 'ItemSelectionItemImport' job logs in Integration Platform Management are displayed only for groups that were processed 10 seconds or longer. Aggregated log on job completion indicating which offer groups were processed correctly and which were failed. Excel validation errors are logged as information. |
Release 29.06.2023
Area | Description |
Export | Customer groups (RTC-29010) Export of promotion and offer items includes CustomerGroupCode. Please see Promotion API Swagger for definition of export format. |
Import | Integration job is not aborted after import timeout (RTC-32359) Database request timeout in StagingMerger job result in 'Faulted' job execution status instead of 'Aborted'. That means import will be retried properly in next job execution. |
Offer | Remember selection level when using segmentation (RTC-31990) When the user is editing a segmentation in an offer, current level of offer group (item, variant, model) is properly preselected in modal when clicking 'Add to offer' button. |
Release 19.06.2023
Area | Description |
Export | Customer group code in export (RTC-31630) Export contract for offers and offer items to POS is extended with 'customerGroupCode' field. Data is not yet exported. |
Offers | Customer groups (RTC-29009) When creating or editing an offer, the user can select a 'Customer group offer' checkbox. A drop-down menu then appears. Only active customer group are visible and can be assigned to the offer. |
System | No notification for offers updated by 3rd party import (RTC-32072) When offer items are updated by 3rd party import, notification request to Shell is not done. Database maintenance job (RTC-32287) There is a 'PromotionServiceJanitor' job in PromotionIntegrationPackage package. By default, in runs once every night. If there were any changes in database, it rebuilds index on tables in Promotion database. This results in a reduction of the database size and improves performance of external data processing. Integration job cancellation (RTC-32247) Integration package has a handling for cancellation of job (e.g. during package restart). |