Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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Chain Web can be configured to fetching data from CustomerService. This import package will update and make customer data available in Chain Web with further export to POS. This extension of the integration applies to private customers. Previously we have released support for business customers.



Display of selected invoice method in customer's view (RTC-30248)

After changing setup of invoicing in customer's details by selecting electronic invoicing, consolidated invoice column in customers view is now updated correctly.

Customer order

Refund/Return process (RTP-22025)

The order should not be blocked for further refunds/ returns, if the process will fail on e.g. timeout, or payment. The returned/ refunded lines will be removed from order, or set as deleted and the started transaction will be cancelled - removed.

Refund/ Return - fix for Not Paid status in dashboard (RTC-31261)

The issue was only related to displaying Not Paid for completed orders on dashboard for the Orders where prices from order lines sum up to sum value with more than 2 decimals after comma. E.g. Total on order was 211,00 while lines sum up to 211,0002.

Dispatch order

Extend POSLog processing with shipment details (RTC-22515)

It is possible to create an order with defined shipment details.

Support OrderSourceID 'Store' for Dispatch Orders Grid (RTC-31650)

All dispatch orders are visible in the dispatch orders grid, including both orders from the webshop and physical stores.

Reporting reports

Settlement reports (RTC-31644)

Two new version of settlement reports for operator and workstation. Both reports are based on existing versions of reports. 


Name: Store settlement

Report allows to follow up store settlement per cashier. The first page show statistics for all selected cashiers (if all cashiers are selected, the values equal to the totals for given store). The individual cashiers are shown on the following pages. Report is divided into following sub-reports: settlement, statistics, sales per hour, tender type, discounts and item sales.


  • Date from: Default today
  • Date to: Default today
  • Store: Multivalue; default all
  • Operator: Multivalue; default all (filtered by selected stores)
  • Price channel: Multivalue; default all.


Name: Store settlement

Report allows to follow up store settlement. The first page show statistics for all selected cash registers (if all cash registers are selected, the values equal to the totals for given store). The individual cash registers are shown on the following pages. Report is divided into following


sub-reports: settlement, statistics, sales per hour, tender type, discounts and item sales.


  • Date from: Default today
  • Date to: Default today
  • Store: Multivalue; default all
  • Workstation: Multivalue; default all (filtered by store)

Simple search in count groups view (RTC-30733)

Pasting number/name of the item to simple search field in count groups edit view works correctly after fixes.


Chain Web v. 2.10.241

Document status: 





Accounts receivable

Roundings in EHF files (RTC-9092)

The PayableAmountRounding field is saved in EHF files only when there is a rounding amount (different than 0).

Rounding of credit sale (RTC-7089)

In some instances, the rounding of items was wrongly calculated when creating a credit sale, causing a subtotal rounding of 0,01. This issue has been resolved.


Registered balances can be edited (RTP-4041)

It is possible to edit balances after registration when system parameter "NewBalanceRegistrationEnabled" is True.


Export e-mail for cashier to POS (RTP-4001)

Cashier e-mail will be exported to POS when updating cashier info in Chain Web and when mass exporting cashiers from Chain Web.

Customer order

Preventing simultaneous changes to a customer order (RTC-832)

When a customer order is being changed from POS, it will be locked for simultaneous changes from both POS and Chain Web to prevent loss of data. Information is shown in the order details view when the order is locked. Any update/change of the order is not allowed when the order is locked. Users that want to edit the order must wait and try again later.

Slow processing of customer orders (RTC-9676)

Performance when updating customers is much faster after improving code related to handling of communication channels.

Order dispatch

Not possible to delete "last not delivered" item (RTC-7099)

Corrected an issue related to removing last line from "in picking".

Error handling of CompletePickingCriticalExceptions (RTC-10050)

An issue with storing the DeliveryReceiptID caused internal transfers to not be performed correctly for some dispatch orders. This is corrected and values like DeliveryReceiptId and ShipmentNumber are stored correctly in the database.

POS Configuration

Config changes for "Self-service on customer (secondary) screen" (RTP-349)

Function "Start self service"  (START_SELF_SERVICE) has an option to set its argument "Run self-service on customer screen" to True or False when adding a button in ButtonConfig.

After fixes function enabling the argument is called "Start self-service", the function in which we do not choose parameter is called "Start self-service (primary screen)".

Image Modified


  • ButtonConfig, function START_SELF_SERVICE


Changes only in BackOffice. The functionality will be done and tested in the scope of this Product Backlog Item 188595: Self-service on customer (secondary) screen.


Store number and store name in count group view (RTC-791)

Stocktaking results can be filtered on counted/not counted counting groups per store per day.

Splitting count groups which exceed 50 items (RTC-902)

Import of count groups with more than 50 items per department will be split into several count groups so that more store staff can be involved in the stocktaking of a department.

This is configured in the integration job CountingGroupImportProcessor in the parameter splitCountgroupsEnabled (default value False - splitting is disabled) and maxItems (default value 50).


Default region/language for cashiers (RTC-800)

When creating a new cashier the region and language is based on the user who are creating the cashier.
