Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Coming next release 


External store number (RTC-30648)

Empty value is always saved as null in the database for ExternalNumber instead of empty string.


Release 15.06.2023


Export/Import Ext. store number (POS system) from Excel (RTC-32531)

'Ext. store number (POS system)' column is added to store export to Excel. Value can be updated through Excel import. Existing values can be cleared by importing "NULL" in cell.


Release 21.04.2023


External store number validation and import (RTC-30766)

External store number must be unique across the company (organization number and country). This is validated in user interface and 3rd party import (Excel validation in another story).

When Chain Web on-premise is master of stores:

  • ExternalStoreNumber is imported from Chain Web as ExternalNumber in Store Service instead of ExternalNumberPos.
  • Existing values of ExternalNumberPos in cloud are not removed, but are not imported from Chain Web.
  • In case of duplicates of ExternalStoreNumber in one company, store is imported with Duplicate postfix to make value unique.
