Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Module Description

Submit manual delivery (RTC-31139)

It is possible to submit delivery which was created manually. The flow is: The user can create a new delivery from the deliveries view (both from the 'Package' and 'Order' tabs) using the 'New delivery' button. After clicking the button, he is taken to a view where he can add items and then click 'Submit'. When leaving goods receipt from manual delivery view without submit, status of delivery stays 'Draft'. Manual delivery can be edited until the user presses submit. Submit modal is added to goods receipt from manual delivery. After submitting delivery, user is redirected to previous view ('Package' tab or 'Order' tab). Purchase order status is set to 'Done', order delivery status is set to 'Done' and package status is set to 'Done'. Submit of manual delivery triggers export of purchase order and goods receipt. When delivery line is added to purchase order created through delivery, remaining is set to 0 and status is set to counted for added delivery line. Submitting package or order delivery from deliveries grid cause update of delivery fields on order lines related to submitted lines: 'delivered', and 'remaining'.

Update of the quantities in the side panel (RTC-31664)

After confirming delivery line from purchase orders or deliveries grid values from side panel are updated properly: received is set to ordered and remaining to 0.


Separators in inputs (RTC-30928)

Inputs in the application have unified decimal separators.

Import of store prices (RTC-25594)

Store prices of an item are imported from Item Service (store/store group, validity period, Sales unit, Net price, Retail price, store currency, VAT rate).
When price is created for new store group (with no stores assigned), placeholder store group is created in Procurement database.
Values are not yet used in Procurement module.

Procurement API

API for all purchase orders for given store (RTC-30321)

There is an endpoint (/api/gateway/PurchaseOrders/ordersPerStore/[storeNo]) in Procurement Service, which returns Active (Submitted, Edited, Confirmed) purchase orders for given store. Store is identified by store number. Response contains orderNumber, supplierName, order lines (line number, mainGTIN, originalQuantity (what was ordered), remainingQuantity (what is remaining after previous confirmed deliveries), deliveryDate (set by user on order line level). Endpoint supports OData filtering (filter by orderNumber, supplierName, top, skip and order parameters). Endpoint is documented in Swagger.

API for all packages for given store (RTC-30618)

There is an endpoint (/api/gateway/PurchaseOrders/packagesPerStore/[storeNo]) in Procurement Service, which returns pending packages for given store (not received and partially received packages and lines which are not 'Received'). Store is identified by store number. Response contains packageNumber, supplierName, order lines (line number, mainGTIN, quantity (number of items in package), deliveryDate (set by user on order line level). Endpoint supports OData filtering (filter by orderNumber, supplierName, top, skip and order parameters). Endpoint is documented in Swagger.

API for purchase orders with given item and given store (RTC-31423)

There is an endpoint (/api/gateway/PurchaseOrders/[storeNo]/orderedItem) in Procurement Service, which returns Active purchase orders for the item for given store. Store is identified by store number, item by SKU or mainGTIN. Response contains orderNo, originalQuantity, lineDeliveryDate, orderStatus, orderType. Endpoint supports OData filtering (filter by each field from response).
When item is added to the purchase order more than once, it is separate lines if delivery dates are different, and are aggregated into one line with sum of quantity if delivery date is same for each order line.
Existing endpoints in Procurement API are renamed so the names are more accurate. API is documented in Swagger.

Purchase orders and deliveries

Decimal quantity (RTC-31022)

Quantity can have 3 decimals and be between 0.001 and 9 999 999 999.999. It is possible to enter, import and export such values. Zeros at the end are not displayed, for example we show 1.1 and not 1.100. Sides panels not in scope.
