Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Coming next release

Inventory API

Number of decimals on stock quantity returned from inventory service (RTC-32939)

Inventory service returns the same values on stock quantity as in the Inventory database, but with removed decimal zeros at the end. It works for all available units.

Item transactions

Item transaction grid improvements (RTC-25534)

The following changes were implemented:

  • Grid filtering of date and transaction type was added and it is now supported to mix it with panel filters.
  • Transactions log export to Excel is executed by job.
  • Transaction type is exported to Excel as a text.

Order numbers (RTC-32261)

OrderNo, SupplierOrderNo and ExternalOrderNo from GoodsReceipt transaction are properly saved on ItemTransactionLine level in InventoryService database.

StockGateway API

Cost price and stock value are properly returned in get stock response (RTC-31945)

  • Cost price is equal to:
    • Weighted cost price, if it is present;
    • Net cost, if weighted cost price is not present and net cost is present;
    • 0 in other cases.
  • Stock value = cost price * instock.

User permissions for stocktaking (RTC-31445)

Permissions for stocktaking can be defined for user roles.

Stocktaking beta version (RTC-31493)

Inventory module contains grids for stocktakings and stocktaking result. Please note that this is an early beta version of this feature, and that stocktaking will be ready for acceptance test later in 2023.


Cleanup job (RTC-31439)

InventoryDataCleanup job is included in the InventoryIntegrationPackage.
The job deletes old processed transactions:

  • Using default settings, transactions references older than 3 days are cleaned up once a day.

Main supplier (RTC-31492)

Main supplier is assigned and displayed for every transaction created.
