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Mobile POS v.1.8.



19 R


Automatic login to Softpay

Handle different receipt scenarios

New parameter SkipSendingReceipts was added. 
Mobile backend database has to be updated with: 

SkipSendingReceipts possible values:

Always- receipt dialogue isn't shown. There is no bottomsheet to print or send receipts. Once payment is complete the sale is finished immediately.

NotMember- show receipt dialogue for transactions where member is not added. If there is a member added, receipt dialogue is not shown at all and finish sale immediately after payment.

Never- always show receipt dialogue

Enhanced Member Information

Improvements have been done in the member information view to give the user easier and better access to important information about the member. This includes changes in user interface to give an overview of the member, as well as extended fields available for editing and easy access to edit member subscriptions. This page will also display if the member has not approved member terms or is missing email & phone number to give cashier easy access to collect good member data.

Image Added

Print receipts using Bluetooth

Pairing with bluetooth printer

Added printer connection wizard for bluetooth printing. 

Option is visible in sidemenu. After clicking on user's avatar, it can be found as "Peripherals". 

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To add printer user has to select "Receipt printer" section and tap "Add new printer" button there.
Choose Bluetooth option.

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You will be asked to go to bluetooth settings. Go there, choose bluetooth printer and pair it.

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Navigate back to the app by clicking "back button" and select the printer in the app.

Mobile POS v.1.8.1



Automatic login to Softpay

It is possible to configure Mobile POS to automatically log in to the Softpay app in the background upon logging in. This feature is implemented to avoid having store personnel logging in to the wrong store in Softpay and to enable a smoother rollout of the solution,

To enable automatic login it requires an extensive setup, where every store in Store Management has to be mapped to the Softpay Unique store ID (TOF number in most cases). To set this up, EG needs to receive an excel file/csv from the customer that consists of 2 columns: EG store ID, Softpay store ID. For the timebeing this must be scripted into the database. A UI will be created for configuring this in a later version. In addition to this, EG needs to receive the log in credentials to the Softpay app. We support maximum 2 different credentials. Our recommended approach is to have 1 set of login credentials to Softpay where all stores are included.


An encryption key is created in Tenant admin which is used to encrypt the credentials for logging in to the Softpay app, to uphold security in the solution.

If configured, upon logging in and selecting a store in Mobile POS, the app will:

  • Ask Softpay whether or not the device is already logged in to a store number that matches the store chosen in Mobile POS. If it does not match: Mobile POS will change the store in the Softpay app to the correct store

This means that we can always ensure that the user is logged in to the correct Softpay store before completing a transaction. This process can take up to 10 seconds and the user will not be able to perform a payment with Softpay until it is ready. Currently, there is notification to the user when the login is successful. This will be added in future version. However, the user can use Mobile POS for all other purposes during this time. When the user has been logged in to Softpay once, the device will remain logged in forever, unless Softpay is uninstalled from the device. Once logged in to Softpay, Mobile POS will always verify that the correct store is chosen upon login and change the store if it is wrong. More details to come...

Support for scanning with Point Mobile Devices
