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Module Description
Purchase order

Create purchase order from InStore App (RTC-30507)

'Item ordering' from InStore App is processed by Procurement and results in creating purchase order. It creates a draft purchase order with external number 'POSLOG-sequenceNo-supplierGLN'. For each ordered item such order is created, and when there already exists draft order created from InStore, with matching store and supplier - item is imported as new line in such order (one item ordering in InStore can contain items from multiple suppliers and will result in multiple orders in Procurement). Receipt note is saved as order line note. Quantity and net price is imported. Supplier discount is set to 0%. Order line number is generated.
When item (GTIN), supplier (GLN), supplier-item, store (StoreNo) does not exist in Procurement database, order is created with placeholders.
When POSLog was already processed, it is not processed again when sent again.

Purchase order line and manual delivery line

Expand row to show panel with order line details (RTC-32514)

A panel with the following information has been added to each line, under both the 'Purchase orders' tab and the 'Deliveries' tab: ORDER (Order line note, Quantity), STOCK LEVEL (Ordered), PRICE (Wholesale price, Supplier discount) and DELIVERY DATES (Delivery date) only in 'Purchase orders' tab. When a new line is added to the purchase order, the panel is open and the focus is on the quantity field. In the 'Deliveries' tab, the panel does not open when a new line is added. The plus and minus buttons allow to expand or collapse the panel respectively. When the page is refreshed, all panels for all lines are collapsed. The panel can be edited when the order line has statuses: ' Draft', 'Submitted' or 'Edited'. For all other statuses a read-only panel is displayed. Delivery line can be edited when the delivery has draft status. There is no panel for other statuses of delivery. Setting a past date for purchase order line is possible.


Upgrade to LibBackEnd 5.4.0 (RTC-33208)

LibBackEnd updated in order to support notifications and Azure SignalR.
