Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Coming next release


Received date (RTC-33843)

Date of first submitted goods receipt of order or package is properly saved on order and package levels in database. Values are visible in Deliveries grid. Date is not updated after next goods receipts of same package or order. When receiving goods with InStore app, this date is the date when goods receipt was submitted in app.

Procurement API

Order number in 'Packages per store' response RTC-33988

"Packages per store" endpoint is extended with orderNumber value on orderLine level, so it is known which order the line from the package belongs to.

Purchase order

Dates (RTC-27773)

The following dates are visible at order level:

  • Requested time of delivery - defined by store/employee when creating order. This is the same as delivery date. It can be changed using the 'edit date' button in the 'order lines' tab. Editing is not possible in the 'overview' tab.
  • Estimated time of arrival - time when order arrives to the final port (ship, airport, train comes to final destination). Defined by supplier on 'overview' tab.
  • Estimated time of delivery - calculated based on transport time and lead time specified by the supplier. These values are added to the date determining when the order was confirmed. Editing is not possible.
  • Confirmed time of arrival - provided by supplier in 'overview' tab. Time when order arrives to the store.
  • Confirmed time of delivery - defined by supplier in 'overview' tab when order is ready to be sent.
  • Received date - registered when goods receipt is done, not editable.

For draft, submitted and edited statuses, only requested time of delivery/delivery date and estimated time of arrival are displayed. For the other statuses, all dates are visible (if defined).


Database compatibility level (RTC-32039)

Compatibility level on databases is set to 150.

Import of currency rates (RTC-30891)

Currency cost and sales rates are imported from Item Service.

Database maintenance job (RTC-32288)

There is a 'ProcurementServiceJanitor' job in ProcurementServiceintegration package. By default, in runs once every night. If there were any changes in data, it rebuilds index on updated table in database. This results in a reduction of the database size and improves performance.
