Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Coming next release


Active periodic stocktaking can be finished (RTC-31842)

The counted items (for now only from assigned count lists) are included in Stocktaking Stock Adjustment transactions and their stock value are overridden with counted quantity from stocktaking. The information of this transaction can be found in the stock movements view of updated item.
Items not counted are not included in those transactions, their stocks are not updated when stocktaking is finished.
All count lists assigned to the finished stocktaking are properly closed.

Export stocktaking results to Excel (RTC-33821)

The stocktaking result can be exported to Excel using the Export to Excel button in the stocktaking view.

Export count list lines to Excel (RTC-34173)

The data from the count list details grid can be exported to Excel.

Stocktaking result view (RTC-32780)

Stocktaking result view contains:

  • Additional grid columns:
    • Department
    • Item area
    • Item groups
    • Gross profit
  • All the buttons, but without logic, except:
    • Export to excel
    • Add count list
    • Finish stocktaking 
  • Recount logic (flags)
  • Multi-select

Release 08.09.2023

Item transactions

Return damaged item as Breakage (RTC-34281)

When returning damaged item, breakage with proper reason/action codes is created.

Reason codes

Fix: Sorting by reason code type (RTC-33932)

Sorting by Type column in the reason code grids works properly.


Stocktaking grid (RTC-32778)

  • The grid is store-scoped. It displays data for stocktakings of stores, to which the user has access.
  • The store column is containing the store number and name.
  • Columns for created and modified date
  • The Completed date column is removed.
  • The deviation column is split into positive and negative deviation columns.
  • The deviation is displayed in value instead of item quantity.
  • The status column works correctly and displays proper values.

Improvements to the Count lists grids

  • The performance of the Count lists and Stocktaking > Count lists grids is significantly improved.
  • The created date column works correctly, and can be filtered.
  • The positive deviation column is properly translated to Swedish.

Number display in grids (RTC-33064)

  • All numerical values in grids are formatted with digit group separators.
  • Decimals in grids are displayed with 2 decimal places.

Localization improvements (RTC-33936)

  • The exported Excel file names are properly translated.
  • The reason code type in the Edit modal is properly translated.

Minor improvements to the New transaction modal

  • The user can search for recipient stores by inputting their name or number, while creating internal transfers.

 Fix: Transaction log grid (RTC-33932)

The Owner column is renamed to User, and the translations for this column are updated.


Release 18.08.2023

Item transactions

Item transaction linked to user/cashier (RTC-30632)

"Owner" field contains username of transaction creator for transactions created in Inventory (or Procurement) module. For transactions imported, cashier number is displayed in "Owner" column.


Export old stocktaking results to Excel (RTC-31843)

  • The data from the Stocktaking results export view can be exported to Excel
  • The data from the Stocktaking results details view can be exported to Excel

Minor localization fixes

  • The Excel export modal is properly translated.


Release 31.07.2023

Item transactions

Improvements for inventory grids (RTC-32289)

  • The performance of Stock movements and Stock status grids is greatly improved.
  • The performance of exporting data to Excel in Stock movements and Stock status is greatly improved.
  • Exporting data to Excel in Transaction log no longer wrongly includes Sale and Stock balance import transactions.
  • The item number column in Transaction log works correctly and displays proper data.
Transaction log

Link from transactions log to stock movement (RTC-31604)

The user is able to move from transactions view to the stock movement view by selecting a link from quantity column.


GLN for stores (RTC-30062)

Store GLN is displayed in the Inventory management - "Store GLN" and "To-From Store GLN" columns, depending on the view. Store GLN is also exported to Excel by "FileExporter" job and to JSON file by "Export" job, when there are some changes in the stock occurring (e.g. new transaction).

Improvements to store, color and size pickers' behavior (RTC-32716)

  • User can search for stores by inputting the store name or store number.
  • User can search for colors and sizes by inputting their name.

Minor improvements to the "New stocktaking" view (RTC-32716)

  • The form displays messages for required fields which are not filled.


Release 19.07.2023

Internal transfer

Display To-From Store with store number and store name (RTC-31977)

"To-From Store No." and "To-From Store Name" columns in stock transactions were merged into one, named "To-From Store" displaying store number and name. "To-From Store No." column in transactions log has been changed into "To-From Store" which displays store number and name. All of those changes were applied also for transactions exported to Excel


Add count list to stocktaking (RTC-31826)

Single count list or multiple count lists can be assigned to the active stocktaking.
Count list cannot be assigned to the stocktaking:

  • When there is no active stocktaking in store;
  • When count lists from different stores are selected;
  • When it's already assigned to the stocktaking.

Import of count lists (RTC-31822)

Count list created in POS and InStore App are imported to the Inventory module via POSLog transactions.
PosLogProcessor job reads POSLogs with TransactionType="Inventory" and creates Inventory.CountList.Import blobs, that are published to BatchToProcess. Those events are imported to the InventoryService database via StagingImport job.
Finally StagingMerger job reads Inventory.CountList.Import events from InventoryService database and creates Count List in Inventory Module.

The count list can be directly published to the BatchToProcess via file service as proper Inventory.CountList.Import json files.
Details about Inventory.CountList.Import event can be found in the Inventory Service swagger.

A count list can contain a maximum of 10 000 lines.


Released 04.07.2023

Inventory API

Number of decimals on stock quantity returned from inventory service (RTC-32939)

Inventory service returns the same values on stock quantity as in the Inventory database, but with removed decimal zeros at the end. It works for all available units.

StockGateway API

Cost price and stock value are properly returned in get stock response (RTC-31945)

  • Cost price is equal to:
    • Weighted cost price, if it is present;
    • Net cost, if weighted cost price is not present and net cost is present;
    • 0 in other cases.
  • Stock value = cost price * instock.

User permissions for stocktaking (RTC-31445)

Permissions for stocktaking can be defined for user roles.

Stocktaking beta version (RTC-31493)

Inventory module contains grids for stocktakings and stocktaking result. Please note that this is an early beta version of this feature, and that stocktaking will be ready for acceptance test later in 2023.

Stocktaking - beta version

Stocktaking proof of concept contains  (RTC-31751)

  • Stocktaking's views (not final)
  • Permissions;
  • Links from stocktakings' view, to the results' view;
  • simple wizard to create periodic stocktaking in selected store.


Released 15.06.2023


Export of weighted cost price (RTC-30450)

Weighted cost price (WCP) is exported separately. If there is only change in stock (at least one of these columns: QuantityInStock, QuantityReserved, QuantityOrdered, QuantityPutAway, LocationId) without affecting WCP, then only stock status is exported. If there is only change in WCP, then only WCP is exported. If WCP=0 or it is changed to 0, then WCP is not exported as well.


Released 05.06.2023

Item transactions

Item transaction grid improvements (RTC-25534)

The following changes were implemented:

  • Grid filtering of date and transaction type was added and it is now supported to mix it with panel filters.
  • Transactions log export to Excel is executed by job.
  • Transaction type is exported to Excel as a text.

Order numbers (RTC-32261)

OrderNo, SupplierOrderNo and ExternalOrderNo from GoodsReceipt transaction are properly saved on ItemTransactionLine level in InventoryService database.


Cleanup job (RTC-31439)

InventoryDataCleanup job is included in the InventoryIntegrationPackage.
The job deletes old processed transactions:

Using default settings, transactions references older than 3 days are cleaned up once a day.

Main supplier (RTC-31492)

Main supplier is assigned and displayed for every transaction created.


Released 31.05.2023

Goods receipt
