Released 19.09.2023
Filter for PosLogToVoyado integration
PosLogToVoyado integration package uses a configurable XPath, which can be used to determine which receipts are sent and which are filtered out before sending to Voyado.
Released 06.09.2023
Update to latest version of .NET
Updated ReceiptService to latest version of .NET, which should improve performance and stability of the service.
Released 19.
ReceiptExportJob from Cosmos database
PosLogToVoyado integration package uses a configurable XPath, which can be used to determine which receipts are sent and which are filtered out before sending to VoyadoWhen exporting receipts from the Cosmos database, the job is no longer faulted.
Released 25.04.2023
Add support for EPI-number/ExternalOrderNumberÂ