Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Area Description

Customer Service Integration (RTC-32580)

Empty lists of "Contacts" and "Adresses" (except for "General Address") are supported during importing customers from CustomerService. 

Customer order

Shipping details (RTC-20057)

Shipping details are available in Order lines tab in customer order details view.
New column "Package no", that is hidden by default, displays Package Tracking Number.
In order line details view are available shipping details like:

  • Package Tracking Number,
  • Shipment Tracking Number,
  • Shipment Provider.

If for Shipment Provider is set up TrackingUrl in CustomerOrderDeliveryMethod system parameter, then the link to the tracking package is available in Shipping Details under "Trace order" label.
Package number in "Package no" column is also available as link when this condition is met.

Fix: Duplicated order lines (RTC-31068)

There is a button in customer order details view called "Regenerate". After clicking, order should be re-fetched (from POSWCF, based on latest related receipt state) and duplicated order lines should be removed. No data will be lost (incl. discounts, online returns) - It will not work for payed and delivered lines,  as it is mainly implemented for active orders. This functionality is available for admin users and the users with new role "Regenerate order" assigned.

Fix: Filter with customer number fails when returning from an order (RTC-31569)

Filtering is working correctly and error does not occur anymore.

Dispatch Orders

DispatchOrderReassign job fails when trying to trigger export of modified picking order (RTC-32233)

DispatchOrderReassign doesn't fail when trying to reassign any dispatch order.

Automatic reassign doesn't delete order lines (RTC-32308)

For selected option 'Allow delete of rejected orders/order lines' rejected orders will be cancelled and deleted if it will not be possible to reassign order from dummy store.

Introduce Log Level for Dispatch Orders (RTC-32437)

It is possible to set log levels for DispatchOrders in Chain Web (BackOffice Services).
The logs contain requests and responses from DispatchService.

Creating new dispatch rule with defined name (RTC-32853)

User receives the right communicate if all required fields will not be filled (all confirmation messages and Central warehouse). Before adding Central warehouse and saving it, it is impossible to edit stores - edit button will be unavailable.

Before adding Central warehouse and saving:

After adding Central warehouse and saving:

Communicate for user if all required fields will not be filled:

Refreshing Screen After Back to Previous Page (RTC-32895)

The Dispatch Orders main grid is active and not faded after returning from the dispatch order details view with an opened pop-up. 

Holidays are not excluded from the delivery time limit (RTC-33632)

Delivery time calculation excludes holidays to ensure that the time limit of picking orders are calculated correctly. 

Dispatch Rules

Content-security-Policy Errors (RTC-22193)

Errors related to Content-Security-Policy are not thrown when entering Dispatch Rule in the Dispatch Rules view. 


Resend EHF (RTC-33534)

Timeouts doesn't occur anymore on "Resend EHF" view.

Import of cashiers to Chain Web

LindbakRetailIntegration (SSIS packages) (RTC-33091)

The email related/ processed column 'AD_username' was renamed to 'Email' in CashierStaging package.

POS Configuration

PLU Board setup (RTP-18732)

Maximum size for image upload in PLU Board setup in POS Configuration is 100kb now.

Export functionality for PLU Boards (RTC-30610)

It is now possible to export PLU Board details to a .csv file.

Hidden parameter value in POS Configuration (RTP-23137)

'CoopayBackupSeed' parameter's value is hidden in POS Configuration view.

Product series

Improvements after acceptance tests of product series are implemented (RTP-23303)

  1. Configuration is changed so the following arguments in ButtonConfig can be configured: Type: Product Series or Model, Number.
  2. Nothing happens after clicking the button on an item without model or product series.
  3. Default value is changed to "All" instead of "In stock" after clicking the button on an item with some product series.
  4. While switching back to "In stock" view if there are no items in selected product series in stock, the item details from "All"-view is no longer shown.
Reporting reports

Sales report with excluded item groups (RTC-30576)

Improved selection in reports containing excluded groups. This to make sure report will not fail when selection does not include excluded groups.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Dispatch Orders

Holidays are not excluded from the delivery time limit (RTC-33632)

Delivery time calculation excludes holidays to ensure that the time limit of picking orders are calculated correctly. 


Chain Web v. 2.10.246

Document status: 




Error when using "Simple Search" in Balances summary (RTC-29049)

"Simple Search" field has been removed from Balances summary view.

Customer groups

Exporting customer groups from Chain Web to POS (RTC-28657)

Export of customer groups from Chain Web to POS was not including brand-discounts. After implementing changes, every type of discounts is exported correctly from Chain Web to POS.

Customer Groups filtering (RTC-30021)

After changes, one can now filter by "store" in Customer group grid and use "Mark all" button, which allows user to mark all lines meeting the filter conditions. If a user has appropriate rights to change selected rows or delete them he can do this. HQ user can modify and delete only common discounts and store users only discounts for their specific store.

Customer order

Locking customer orders (RTC-28319)

Fixes were implemented to eliminate locking order without proper reason with false message "The order cannot be changed since it is edited by another user".


CustomerService Integration with Chain Web On-Premise (RTC-28862 

Chain Web is now fetching data from "CustomerService" in cloud. Updating and making customer data available from Chain Web. This integration applies to business customers and customer groups from "CustomerService" only. 

Dispatch orders

Order reassign fails with database error (RTC-27838)

It is possible to automatic reassign order with split from dummy store to physical stores, were picking order already exists.

Email on split orders (RTC-25645)

Email communication has been extended with new split order and Pay & Collect confirmation messages. New implemented email are:

  • Split order message - User receive email with confirmation of order splitting. The email contains a summary for all stores that the order has been split into
  • Split order shipping confirmation - Confirmation of delivery from a given store where picking order is picked
  • Pay & Collect message - Confirmation of delivery from the store where the Pay & Collect order has been picked

Email send out depends on communication channel defined in POSLog.


Breadcrumbs missing in Chain Web - Favorites (RTC-27740)

Breadcrumbs are displayed correctly in each view.


Invoice improvement of color/size-row background color (RTC-16886)

After changes, color/size-row has the same background color as the corresponding item row.

Add support for invoice payment interest % "Dröjmålränta" (RTC-27449)

Implemented changes added functionality of setting and displaying "Interest with delayed payment", "Dröjmålränta" in the invoice template "Standard V3".

Receipts Journal

"X" is now centered (RTC-27736)

Correction of placement for "X" in the exit icon for XML preview and for other views in Chain Web. Changes to center placement. 


Store Settlement reports (RTC-28749)

To show balance data correctly, new hidden parameters are added to sub report 1010_subSettlement:

  • pGiftCardSoldOn - Use gift card sold amount and quantity as gift card out. Instead of returning only gift cards out, parameter will return gift card sold amount and its quantity,
  • pSkipAmount - Set Balance amount = amount. Balance amount will be the same as amount and difference will be zero,
  • pAbsCredit - Set absolute value of credit note.

Translations to Finnish language (RTP-20121)

Providing the possibility to change user language to Finnish in User Management or during user profile edition. Information and notifications in Chain Web are translated except from invoices, vat formatting, postcodes etc. 


Chain Web v. 2.10.2292

Document status: 



Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Resend EHF (RTC-33534)

Timeouts doesn't occur anymore on "Resend EHF" view.


Chain Web v. 2.10.2291

Document status: 



Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer order

Regenerate order/offer (RTC-31068)

A new functionality for regenerating order/ offers was implemented. There is new button in customer order details view called "Regenerate". After clicking, order should be re-fetched from POSWCF (based on latest related receipt state), duplicated order lines should be removed. No data should be lost (incl. discounts, online returns).
It will not work for payed and delivered lines, it was mainly implemented for active orders.

This functionality is available for admin users and the users with new role "Regenerate order" assigned.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer groups

Item groups (RTP-21923)

Problem with alphanumeric item group searching and adding discounts for alphanumeric item group. Searching for all item groups and adding discounts for all item groups is now working correctly.



POS version
POS Services 7.84.05401
Chain Web Backoffice 2.10.222




Customer groups

Exporting customer groups from Chain Web to POS (RTC-28657)

Export of customer groups from Chain Web to POS was not including brand-discounts. After implementing changes, every type of discounts is exported correctly from Chain Web to POS


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





BasisImport job (RTC-26498)

The logs and processing of Basis was improved, so now more detailed error message - with the related line content will be thrown, if the processing of Basis file will fail and additionally the corrupted file will be moved to failedBasisFiles subfolder. Additional log message was added for CompletedWithNoEffect execution status.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


POS Configuration

Comments on POS Configuration parameters (RTC-26752)

Adding comments on parameters in Chain web works correctly now: the POS Configuration page is refreshed correctly and the "Activate" button on configuration set does not appear.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Adjustments to the invoice layout standard V1 and V2 (RTC-16646)

Adding color and size to the Invoice based on transactions using POS Services/ POSLog processing. If there are both color and size given during Customer order creation, these properties will be displayed on Invoice just below item text. If color or size is given then only one value will be presented on Invoice. If none of the properties are given, then there is no extra line with information about color and size.


titleBreaking changes

Chain Web changes needs to be delivered with Chain Classic changes in (RTC-23050) Stocktaking: Create stocktaking basis for non "stock control" stores. Requires Chain Classic version!


Module Description
Receipt journal

Receipt Journal Log - New data lines (RTC-23833)

New data lines are available in receipt journal log:

  • Cancellation of the receipt;
  • Manually registered deposit;
  • Scanned deposit refund;
  • Currency in payments logs;
  • Article discounts - contains type (percent/amount), reason of the discount and the amount that is subtracted from the price of the item.



Note: The label format dropdown is only available for web orders with carrier option (e.g. home delivery). It will not be available for Pay&Collect or Click&Collect orders.


Credit note

Resend button is removed (RTC-24071)

Resend option is not visible for credit notes, since it is not supported.

Customer management

Post code (RTC-23593)

Correction on data values for post code sent from Chain Web to Chain Classic to avoid issues on customer and customer orders. 
After changes field for post code is given numeric value 0 whenever this field is blank or non numeric.

Customer order

Missing item lines (RTC-24465)

Correction on invoice creation for consolidation invoice where invoices lines would appear missing on the PDF created. 
Issue was found between Customer order and Project where there was blank reference on both order and project. 


Correction on price calculation for invoice from internal transfers (RTC-24095)

VAT is now properly added to the item price while sending internal transfer to credit.

POS Replication

Missing buttons in POS Replication dialog (RTP-17154)

POS Replication dialog for acknowledging activation/deactivation of replication subscriber displays "Cancel" and "Confirm" buttons now.


Subgroup sales (RTC-25043)

A copy of report 0610 is created with new parameters for selecting store and latest EOBD. Selection of latest EOBD makes it possible to set up subscription of report to get latest EOBD.

Sales statistics (RTC-25472)

Changes made in the report for sales statistics (0752) to more efficiently report on stores and totals.
Page 1 of the report is always total for all selected stores, next pages are per store. This is same behavior as in report 0714.
New columns added to Gross profit section: % exc. campaign, campaign and campaign %. This is the same data as shown in report 0714.


Updating PIN for Cashier from Cloud User Management (RTC-25294)

New user that is a cashier has PIN (the same value as CashierNumber). PIN doesn't change when user is updated or cashier is removed from user. If new user is not a cashier, then PIN stays NULL.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


BackOffice Integration Subscriber

Possibility to add and configure POS from JSON (RTC-18494)

POSConfig job and POSConfigProcessor job have been implemented in the BackOffice Integration Subscriber package. These jobs allows to create new POS units and update configuration in the existing ones during POSConfig import from JSON file.

Customer Groups 

Copy function in notifications (RTC-10424)

Providing the possibility to copy the list of items that were not added during Import item list or Import item group list to customer group. This operation is possible by using the copy button on the notification. Copied item list can be pasted into text file.

There is possibility to copy this list from popup about:

  • invalid unit of measure,
  • some items don't have a price for one more stores,
  • some items already have discounts for your store,
  • item groups already have discounts for your store.
Customer Order 

Refund (RTC-24163)

Prices on a customer order lines will be frozen at the time of customer order creation. Order lines will not be affected by any other discount than line, during the refund process. Only line discount will be added on the order after refund process.

Reference ID (RTC-23795)

There is no need to fill field ReferenceId when the user has changed the delivery method on Customer order/ offer to one that has Custom type defined in system parameter CustomerOrderDeliveryMethod. 

Now field ReferenceId isn't mandatory for this setting and customer offer or order is properly created without it. 


Adjustments to the invoice standard V3 (RTC-22650)

Logo has 50px height and the width adapted to its' format. Section with customer details is placed below logo aligned with the invoice details on the right side. Margins are 20px. Reference text and number are moved to top section. When there is no reference text/ number added to the order, this fields are invisible on the invoice. Additionally, color and size are removed from receipt lines. 

Subtotal rounding on Invoice (RTC-19153)

Correction to how amount on receipt line is set to rounded value from POSLog which is adjusted to deal with rounding issues.
Total amount on the invoice has been rounded correctly, regardless of the type of rounding up and down and kind of set discount (% or new amount). Additionally, rounding prices in the summary on Customer order has been fixed.


Count lists (RTC-11439)

When assigning count list fails, detailed exceptions are shown to the user and logged in BackOffice logs.

Order dispatch

Fix: All order lines is picked, but order is not completed, and picking order gets reassigned (RTC-22639)

Automatic reassign of dispatch order (DispatchOrderReassign job) package does not create empty picking orders when no order lines can be reassigned.

Receipt journal

Correction on timeout when filtering by subtotal in Receipt journal (RTC-23506) 

Extension of existing index IX_MainIndex in table dbo.eljournaldetails in Lindbak POS Journal database by including column Amount that should improve searching receipts using filtering by subtotal. 


Subscription options on Report 0457_CampaignStatistics (RTC-24237)

Adding option "Upcoming week" in subscription when report 0457_CampaignStatistics is renamed. Providing support for Custom name on the report .
Now renaming of the report  0457_CampaignStatistics doesn't make option "Upcoming week" unavailable. The report distribution follows defined time intervals and settings during subscriptions.

User management

Correction of bug in saving/editing User Roles (RTC-24343)

Providing proper creation of a new user role and edition of the existing without error message.

Occurrence of this bug is related to new version of web browser.

Web order

DispatchServiceRule parameter (RTP-17551)

New DispatchServiceRule parameter has been implemented with the default value set to "WebOrdersFromPhysicalStores" under the filter CustomerOrder.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Discount (RTC-25643)

Correction on visibility of customer discount when adding discount from Arts XML. After changes, the discount now shows on the customer card in Chain Web. 


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Subscription options on Report 0457_CampaignStatistics (RTC-24237)

Adding option "Upcoming week" in subscription when report 0457_CampaignStatistics is renamed. Providing support for Custom name on the report .
Now renaming of the report  0457_CampaignStatistics doesn't make option "Upcoming week" unavailable. The report distribution follows defined time intervals and settings during subscriptions.

User maintenance

User maintenance of customer (RTC-24540)

Correction on customer creation and edition while changing parameters: "Store Access" or "Customer Type".


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


User management

Correction of bug in saving/editing User Roles (RTC-24343)

Providing proper creation of a new user role and edition of the existing without error message.

Occurrence of this bug is related to new version of web browser.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Correction on price calculation for invoice from internal transfers (RTC-24095)

VAT is now properly added to the item price while sending internal transfer to credit.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer Order

Missing item lines (RTC-24465)

Correction on invoice creation for consolidation invoice where invoices lines would appear missing on the PDF created. 
Issue was found between Customer order and Project where there was blank reference on both order and project. 


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Count list activation (RTC-26413)

The process of count list activation was improved, for Items Not Counted and Cycle stocktaking. Count list processing/ activation process should not be blocked anymore even if it's related to a default count group creation, or if the Items from related count list, already exist in stocktaking result with empty CountingGroupInStocktakingId.

BasisImport job (RTC-26498)

The logs and processing of Basis was improved, so now more detailed error message - with the related line content will be thrown, if the processing of Basis file will fail and additionally the corrupted file will be moved to failedBasisFiles subfolder. Additional log message was added for CompletedWithNoEffect execution status.

Processing of basis files (RTC-27203)

The processing of Basis files was improved, so now it is possible to setup additional scheduled trigger, which is independent of already existing directory content updated trigger. A new trigger should be started even if the standard trigger will be frozen. Additionally, the faulted basis file will be moved to subfolder with the date stamp, so there is no limit of how many files related to the same store could be moved + the retry mechanism was implemented to re-try the processing of not moved file 3 times.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


User management

Correction of bug in saving/editing User Roles (RTC-24343)

Providing proper creation of a new user role and edition of the existing without error message.
Occurrence of this bug is related to new version of web browser.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Receipt journal

Nordic characters in free search (RTC-23858)

Providing the ability to enter characters specific to the Norwegian and Swedish alphabets from the keyboard in search field in Receipt Journal. 
Now there is possible both enter these special characters directly and copy paste them into the search field. User can enter any character in the search field, except for '-' which isn't allowed. Searching for words containing special characters works correctly.


POS Configuration 

SnGUnmannedModeSettings - a list of 6 specified existing parameters. Configured values will have effect in unmanned mode only.

List of specified parameters, with their default values:

ShopAndGoConfirmTotalAmountLowerThan - default '0'

ShopAndGoOnlyAllowDeleteLastLine - default 'False'

SngApproveNegativeSubtotals - default 'False'

SngDeleteItemApproveGroups - default empty

SnGDeleteItemApproveLimit - default '-1' (not in use)

ShopAndGoActivateLindbakControl - default 'False'




POS Configuration

Editing POS Parameters Common (RTP-15880)

If a user does not have access to "edit POS Parameters Common", then "Activate", "Edit", "Search by text" buttons are not visible on the common level in POS Configuration. Moreover, the "Actions" drop-down lists contain limited options for users without common permissions (only "Export" option).


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Balance hangs (RTC-21333)

Fixed problem when Chain Web "froze" when PDF with the balance result was autoprinted.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Access rights for periodic stocktaking (RTC-19666)

User role responsible for access rights for periodic stocktaking has been added. Only users with this role assigned are able to create periodic stocktaking.


Requirement to use this functionality:

Before upgrading Lindbak Retail database execute this script: 


Changes implemented in the database to facilitate sending label print jobs directly to Chain Classic instead of using POSLogs.



Change "Cashier" SE localization in Report Viewer (RTC-18775)

The Swedish translation of "Cashier" in reports has been changed back on "Kassör".


Report details Items not counted

File name


Data source

Lindbak Retail database



Not counted sinceShows items that are not counted since this date. Default same date last month.
Retail storeOnly available for HQ users. Default first available store.
SupplierFilter result on supplier. Default all.
Item groupFilter result on item group. Default all.
BrandFilter result on brand. Default all. 
Show total only

If selected it will only show total, not any items. Default not selected.

Columns (one row per item)

SupplierSupplier name
EANEAN number
Item numberItem number
Item textItem text
Last number in stock Shows quantity from last stocktaking.
Last netcostShows total netcost for item from last stocktaking.




Internal transfer

VAT on internal invoices (RTC-21040)

UseVATOnInternalTransferInvoice system parameter has been added with the default value False.

It defines if VAT will be used in Internal transfer invoices. When value of parameter UseVATOnInternalTransferInvoice is equal to True and both stores in Internal Transfer have the same Organization Number, then VAT is included on invoice.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer order

Fixes related to deleted rows strikethrough (RTC-17596)

This fix provides hiding deleted rows in order as default and fixed amounts of "Ordered" and "Delivered" in customer order dashboard


POS Configuration


This is string list type parameter, that defines the barcodes that can be accepted by MBXP web integration.


"^5711824\d{25}",  32 digits
"^651\d{13}", 16 digits
"^662\d{13}", 16 digits


This is key-value pair list type parameter, that define the configurations for accessing MBXP web sale service.

BaseUrl = ""
LoginId = ""
LoginKey = ""
CountryCode = ""
ConceptId = ""
OwnerId = ""
StoreId = ""

CommitTimeout = ""



Possible to lose price that is set in fixed price projects, making it impossible to invoice project (RTC-18199)

The possibility of editing project fixed price, when project has linked orders or invoice plan, has been blocked.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Deleted items (RTC-17089)

When searching for items, deleted items (in Chain Classic) will not be shown.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Chain Management 

Fix: Team view page shows linked stores (RTC-16495)

All linked stores are displayed properly in Teams, Profiles and Configuration groups views.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Fix for login for windows/AD users (RTC-16336)

It is possible to login to Chain Web using normal and windows domain account.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Shift balances

Missing shift settlement (RTC-18432)

Shift settlements from one cash register did not show in Chain Web when shifts with a Shift-ID that already existed from another cash register in the same store. This is improved. 

Shift ID is no longer unique per store. The same shift ID within the same store can be used, but only once per cash register.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



User Management

Fix for permissions (RTC-15672)

When parameter UsersCanOnlyAssignRolesTheyAreAssignedTo is active and some user is editing the other one, the added/removed are changed only for that user (not for the user that are editing as well).


Report details Sales per item
Data SourceLindbak POS Reporting DW and Lindbak POS Message Service
EOD Date fromDefault last available End of day
EOD Date to

Default last available End of day

Relevant hidden parameters:
pRetailStoreStore, default 1001
pReasonCodesExcludedReasons codes which will be excluded from breakage fields. Default 14 and 15.
Columns - One row per item group
Article Group KeyArticle group key
Article Group nameArticle text
QuantityQuantity sold
VAT ClassShows 4 if VAT% is 8, Shows 3 if VAT% is 15, shows 2 if VAT% is 25, shows 1 on all other values
VAT %VAT percentage
Ex. VATShows sales excluding VAT
VATShows VAT amount
Sales w/VATShows sales including VAT
ButikknrRetail Store
Net CostNet cost
Breakage QuantityQuantity of broken items
Breakage Net AmountNet cost of broken items



Shift balance

Expected values on tenders while doing edit balance operation (RTC-14602)

The proper expected values for tenders are displayed while editing shift balance or new cashier balance registration.
One label "Counted" has been renamed to "To bank" in shift balance creation process in register bag step for a better user experience.


The picking order's ShipmentNumber is updated by Chain Web based on ShipmentTrackingNumber from POSLog provided by AutoStore. That gives the ability for the tracking link to be included in the email sent to the customer.




Customer order

Disable the order locking functionality by default (RTC-11511)

The Customer Order locking feature is disabled by default, the user need to change the value of Chain Web system parameter "CustomerOrderLockingEnabled" to True, to enable it.

Parameter description: 

If set to True Customer Orders will be blocked from being handled in POS and Chain Web at the same time.

Preventing simultaneously changes to a customer order (RTC-908)

When a customer order is being changed from POS, it will be locked for simultaneously changes from both POS and Chain Web to prevent loss of data. Information is shown in the order details view when the order is locked. Any update/change of the order is not allowed when the order is locked. Users that want to edit the order must wait and try again later.

Additional technical information:

Order locking feature will work with versions EG POS or newer.
For more information about changes in POS, please read release notes related to "Don't allow editing the same order in POS and Chain Web".

Order Management

Rejected order lines (RTC-10838)

In order to display number of rejected order lines, Reporting imports this status from Retail database.

This is done by existing package FactOrderRetail.

This package require Retail database version because of new procedures.

Note: There are some limitations to this functionality: To get rejected status we need to fetch changes in Retail db and changes in POSLog. In some cases this can result in incorrect status for Order lines.

  • Case1: We update changes in Retail database in one Rt-job, but not changes from POSLog. Status for order line will be ONLY Rejected. Before we update POSLog we will not have assign status for new store.

  • Case2: We update changes in POSLog in one Rt-job, but not changes from Retail db. In this case Rejected lines will have status "Reassigned" before we update correct status from Retail db.

  • Case3: We create order, reject it in Chain Web. If we update changes from Retail db before all POSLogs, we will only have reassigned status in Reporting.


Upload RIGAL files to Cloud (RTC-849)

DirectoryListnerJob job in FileListener Integration package can upload any files to FileService based on a list of predefined content type or a list of Regex'es. 

The job can be configured to upload Chain/POS files (butikk, vpi, pris and so on), RIGAL files (V, K, M, Varetran and so on) or custom files types based on Regex. 

Detailed documentation on how the job works and how to set it up can be found in the documentation tab in Integration Platform Management App.


When the counting of a count group has not yet started (including when counting was cancelled), the following fields will be blank: counted at, counted by and modified by. This was previously not the case and was confusing for the user. A modified date will be added for the count group with status "Not started", when the counting was cancelled, in order to show the user when it was cancelled.





Translations in Report (RTC-10828)

The Swedish translations of the price channel names in the dropdown list of parameter pPriceChannels (used in reports 0705/0706 and others) are updated with the following Swedish translations:

  • Chain Web

  • Manuell kassa

  • InStore App

  • Självscanning (SU)

  • Mobilsjälvscanning

  • Självbetjäning (SCO)

Additionally, parameter pWorkstationType two values has new translations (“ITAB” is now changed to “ISA” and “SU” is now changed to “SCO”).
Furthermore, pWorkstationType has two new items in the list (Web shop and Other).



Requirements: Enable and configure new job StocktakingEraserJob placed under BackOfficeIntegrationSubscriber





Default price channel should be "None" (RTC-10067)

When creating new user, default price channel is not set by default.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Import of customers with SSN (RTC-11762)

When creating or updating customer by using import of customers in ARTS XML format, Social Security Number is updated properly on customer in Lindbak Retail database.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




POS Configuration

Configuration group - can't find store (RTP-3652)

Stores are properly returned and can be added in the store group configuration section


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Registered balances can be edited (RTP-4041)

It is possible to edit balances after registration when system parameter "NewBalanceRegistrationEnabled" is True.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Don't allow creating new stocktaking if last stocktaking is not updated in Chain Classic (TFS: 189347)

Now the user will not be able to create a new stocktaking in Chain Web (also with the refreshed stock level for the assigned count lists) inside the same store, until the last POSLog related to previous stocktaking (previous stock results) will be processed/ updated in Chain Classic.

Related Chain Classic PBI with the requirements: Product Backlog Item 190077: 2.1.1: Sport1: Stocktaking: New proxy for checking that last stocktaking is finished


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer order

Search for active orders shows both active and cancelled orders (TFS: 186790)

The flag IsCancelled has been added to the response of the GetCustomerOrders3 method in CustomerOrder service. It shows if an order is cancelled or not.


POS Services 7.76.03703
