Versions Compared


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Fix: Update of suppliers item number (RTC-35398)

Supplier Item No is saved in for StockAdjustment transactions from InStore App or from 3rd party.

Inventory API

Get stock (RTC-32910)

When GetStock request is sent for store-item combination that does not exist in Inventory.Stock database, returned stock values are equal to 0.

Item transactions

Cost price in manual created transactions (RTC-33105)

The cost price of an item is displayed in the new transaction modal and saved for manually created transactions.


Access control (RTC-34732)

  • The data in Count lists grid is displayed based on user's store access.
  • The data in Count groups grid is displayed based on user's store access.
  • The count group item source picking subpage cannot be accessed if a source was already selected.
  • The stocktaking results page cannot be accessed without ViewStocktaking permission.

Cyclic stocktaking (RTC-32826)

The items that will taken to the stocktaking are based on the count group selection during new Cyclic Stocktaking creation process.


Sorting of reason codes (RTC-33901)

When creating new transactions, reason and Action codes are sorted ascending by code.
