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Coming next release


Export of daily stock status (RTC-35561)

All changes to stock on a particular day are by default exported to third-party services every night, default by 01:00 AM in UTC time. This can be disabled or changed to another time of day.

Inventory API

Get stock (RTC-32910)

When GetStock request is sent for store-item combination that does not exist in Inventory.Stock database, returned stock values are equal to 0.

Last stocktaking date for item (RTC-35525)

The stock status export includes the date of last stock counting in item data.


Cyclic stocktaking (RTC-32826)

The items that will taken to the stocktaking are based on the count group selection during new Cyclic Stocktaking creation process.

Last stocktaking date for item (RTC-35525)

The date of when the item was last stock counted is tracked and displayed in the stock movements view.
