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Mobile POS v.1.8.






New parameter WebshopUrl was added. When it's set, user will be redirected to this URL after clicking on "More info" in item details. This allows the cashier to open the item in the webshop to look up additional information.


FunctionalityRelease notes

Mobile POS Management

(RTM-6445) Configure on common level

The Mobile POS Management Config UI has been improved. It is possible to configure on common level, as well as setting values to blank.

(RTM-6453) Hiding cashier login

Image Modified New parameter HideLoginType was added. The "HideLoginType" configuration can have three values: None, Email, Cashier. 
None is default value and both login methods will be available. 
Email hides email login method and only cashier will be available.
Cashier hides login method with cashier and only email will be available.
A login type will not be removed until after first login. Only after first login can the app fetch the configuration set, and it will be stored for subsequent logins until app data is cleared.

Sales board

(RTM-6653) Support for duplicate EANs in Sales board

If the Sales board configuration (PLUList or PLUBoard) contains 2 or more of the same EAN, they will be displayed in the sales board. If adding the item to sale, it will be shown for all instances of the item that this item has been added. 

(RTM-6629) PLU Board exclude empty EAN

Fixed problem that caused exceptions in GetPluConfiguration when item without EAN was added to PLU Board.


(RTM-6472) Softpay automatic login double pop-up

When automatic login to Softpay was released it contained 2 pop-ups shown to the user during login to Softpay and the user has to remove both pop-ups to continue. This has been correct and it is now handled as 1 pop-up.

Receipts on hold

(RTM-6631) Remove filter when searching for receipts on hold
Removed 'tags' filtering for receipts on hold to allow Mobile POS to fetch on hold receipts from POS and InStore App.

(RTM-6691Reference dialogue missing when parking receipt from payment view

Readded reference dialogue when receipt was parked from payment view. It was removed by mistake during release of new receipt flow.


(RTM-6321) App crash on item search if item result contained bad data

Corrected an issue with the app crashing when searching for an item which contained empty value.

(RTM-6408) More robust access token handling 


Mobile POS has experienced issues with being logged out automatically while printing receipts or finishing payments due to losing connection with POS API because user has been logged in for a long time. The process of renewing access tokens against POS API has been improved significantly, so that the access is renewed continuously whilst being logged in.

(RTM-6535Improved logging for unauthorized requests

Unauthorized requests are rarely a problem, however because of the issues Mobile POS has had renewing access token to POS API we have added additional logging to better identify if the problem occurs.

Mobile POS v.1.8.10


